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ArcGIS Online Peng Gao.  Online mapping is one of the hot topics in the GIS community  ArcGIS Online is the online version of ArcGIS What is ArcGIS.

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Presentation on theme: "ArcGIS Online Peng Gao.  Online mapping is one of the hot topics in the GIS community  ArcGIS Online is the online version of ArcGIS What is ArcGIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 ArcGIS Online Peng Gao

2  Online mapping is one of the hot topics in the GIS community  ArcGIS Online is the online version of ArcGIS What is ArcGIS Online?


4  Create interactive web maps  Share maps on the internet  Access content shared by other users  Make maps with Esri Maps for MS Office What is NEW?

5  Access over 100,000 maps and data for your research / projects / presentations  Look good on your resume  It is FREE!! Why ArcGIS Online?

6 Create interactive web maps

7 ..  Select a “Basemap” as the backdrop of your map

8 ..  Add actual layers from:  Files from your computers  Files on the web  Shape files, Google Earth files (KML), GPS point files (GPX), text files

9 ..

10  Manage layers..

11  Choose map symbols..


13  Edit features and attributes

14 ..  Measure  location  distance  area

15 ..  Show changes over time in a movie-like display

16  Create editable layers  Either the map maker or anybody viewing the map can edit it on the web  This is useful when you want inputs from others (Volunteered Geographic Information)..


18  ArcGIS Online security settings  Private  Organizations  Everyone (public) Share maps on the internet

19 ..

20  Sharing your maps via  ArcGIS Online  Emails, blogs, web sites, social medias..

21 A short URL pointing to your map

22  Search maps through:  Your organization  ArcGIS Online  A GIS server  The web Access content shared by other users

23 ..

24  Esri Maps for Office is an Add-in for MS Office that let you create interactive maps of your data directly inside Excel  Download Download office/download Esri Maps for Office

25 ..

26  Choose a basemap.. Choose a basemap through “Basemap”

27 ..

28  Esri Maps for MS Office can transfer location information into features:  Zipcodes -> polygons..


30  Select symbols..


32  Personal and organizational accounts (  Access ArcGIS Online anywhere through web browsers and mobile devices ( How can you access ArcGIS Online?

33 ..

34 Thanks!

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