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Bringing FLEGT and Certified Sustainable Supply Chains Together Alexander Hinrichs Carsten Huljus, Thomas Pichet In Producer and Processing Countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing FLEGT and Certified Sustainable Supply Chains Together Alexander Hinrichs Carsten Huljus, Thomas Pichet In Producer and Processing Countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing FLEGT and Certified Sustainable Supply Chains Together Alexander Hinrichs Carsten Huljus, Thomas Pichet In Producer and Processing Countries

2 Programme - Structure 1. Introduction (by Alex) - 20 min / 5 min 2. Presentation by Mr Denis Koulagna Koutou, Cameroon – 10 min / 5 min 3. Presentation by Ms Gao Ya, China - 10 min / 5 min 4. Formation of 2 sub-groups - 5 min 5. Group work in sub-groups (Carsten/Thomas) - 40 min 6. Coffee break – 20 min 7. Group work in sub-groups – 60 min (until 12:30) 8. Presentation of sub-group results (by participants) – 20 min 9. Wrap-up and preparation of results for presentation in plenum (by Alex) – 10 min 13:00 Lunch

3 Programme - Tasks Bringing FLEGT and forest certification closer together Not such an easy task Similarities and differences Some mutual benefits Practical ideas and experience -> scaling-up of individual efforts –> promoting SFM Findings and suggestions to be presented to plenum (14:00) List of action points – possibly for different actors Producer/processor country perspective

4 Voluntary and Regulatory Approaches to Legal and Sustainable Timber Sustainability Forest Certification CITES (FSC, PEFC, nat. systems) Public Procurement Voluntary (private) Regulatory (government) Public Procurement Verification of legal origin (VLO)National export/import prohibitions Verification of legal compliance EU FLEGT: VPA and EU TR (VLC)US Lacey Act AUS Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill National Systems on Timber Legality (SVLK, MY TLAS -> respond to EUTR) Legality

5 Progress VPAs (15 countries) Pre Negotiation Negotiation Implementation System Development FLEGT Licensing Testing/Evaluating system Ivory Coast Gabon DRC Liberia CAR Republic of Congo Cameroon Ghana Honduras Thailand Laos Vietnam Malaysia Indonesia Guyana

6 Similarities and Differences Similarities Trade : “utilizing the power of the discerning markets” Standard setting Stakeholder involvement during development and implementation Promoted/can be promoted by the government Differences Regulatory InstrumentsVoluntary private sector Legally bindingVoluntary (opt out) National levelFMU/FME level Sector improvement (level playing field, country reputation) Individual market participant (company benefits) Legality (FLEGT - all supply chains)Sustainability (certification)

7 Observations from Tropical Countries Processes take time – keeping the momentum EU TR, incentives, funding (stakeholder involvement) Different development stages Certification generally advanced Many /too many instruments? How to engage? General and/or national level? Target? Reliable partner? Who benefits – who adapts?

8 Some Mutual Benefits Certification -> FLEGT VPA processes Pioneer best practice in countries Working examples of standard development, traceability and auditing Stakeholder access Testing ground for case-based solutions (smallholders) Create awareness (the willing) in national and int. context FLEGT VPA -> Certification  Clarity on the legal requirements applicable to forest operations  All sources, many stakeholders  Lowering the bar?  Increase sector transparency and accountability -> improve governance  Communication

9 Country view – Presentations 1.VPAs and certification: Experiences from Cameroon Dénis KOULAGNA KOUTOU, Secretary General, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Cameroon 2.EU TR and certification: Experience from China Gao Ya, China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association

10 Two Sub-groups 1. Producer and processing countries: advancing certification in response of the EU TR? General ideas what and how certification could contribute Lessons learnt Action points (what, by whom) Carsten Huljus 2. VPA countries: Linking VPA TLAS and certification  General ideas Lessons learnt Action points (what, by whom) Thomas Pichet Self-select your Sub-group -> 12:30 back to main group  Introduce yourself  Appoint a presenter –> prepare your result (white boards)

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