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Advanced Information Security 4 Field Arithmetic

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1 Advanced Information Security 4 Field Arithmetic
Dr. Turki F. Al-Somani 2015

2 Module Outlines Finite Field Arithmetic Summary GF(p) Arithmetic
GF(2m) Arithmetic Polynomial basis Normal basis Addition/subtraction Squaring Multiplication Inversion Summary

3 Finite Field Arithmetic
In abstract algebra, a finite field is a field that contains only finitely many elements. Finite fields are important in number theory, algebraic geometry, Galois theory, coding theory, and cryptography.

4 Finite Field Arithmetic (contd.)

5 Finite Field Arithmetic (contd.)

6 Finite Field Arithmetic (contd.)

7 Finite Field Arithmetic (contd.)

8 Finite Field Arithmetic (contd.)

9 GF(2m) Arithmetic The finite GF(2m) field has particular importance in cryptography since it leads to particularly efficient hardware implementations. Elements of the field are represented in terms of a basis. Most implementations use either a Polynomial Basis or a Normal Basis. Normal basis is more suitable for hardware implementations than polynomial basis since operations are mainly comprised of rotation, shifting and exclusive- OR operations which can be efficiently implemented in hardware.

10 Polynomial Basis

11 Polynomial Basis

12 Normal Basis

13 Normal Basis (contd.)

14 Normal Basis (contd.)

15 Optimal Normal Basis An optimal normal basis (ONB) is one with the minimum number of terms, or equivalently, the minimum possible number of nonzero λij This value is 2m-1, and since it allows multiplication with minimum complexity, such a basis would normally lead to more efficient hardware implementations.

16 Optimal Normal Basis (Contd.)
Note: Type 1 is circled.

17 Optimal Normal Basis Types
Now CN=2n-1 Type I: Rule 2 means: for every i in the range [0, n-1], (2k mod n+1) must result in a unique integer in the range [1, n].

18 Cont. Type II: Rule 2a means that every 2k mod 2n+1, in the range [1 to 2n]. Therefore 2 is called the generator for all the possible locations in the 2n+1 field Rule 2b means that even if 2k does not generate every element in the range [1, 2n], however, half of points in the field of form by rule 2a can be hit. It is because SQR(2k) can be taken. The points generated by rule 2b are in the form of perfect squares.

19 ONB Type I & II (n ≤ 230)

20 Survey Paper (2006)

21 NB Multiplication Multiplication is more complicated than addition and squaring operations in finite field arithmetic. An efficient multiplier is highly needed and is the key for efficient finite field computations. Finite filed multipliers using normal basis can be classified into two main categories: 𝜆-matrix based multipliers Conversion based multipliers

22 𝜆-matrix based multipliers
Massey and Omura Multiplier Hasan et. al. Multiplier Gao and Sobelman Multiplier Reyhani-Masoleh and Hasan Multiplier

23 Example: Type I

24 Example: Type II

25 Massey and Omura Multiplier

26 Hasan et. al. Multiplier

27 Gao and Sobelman Multiplier

28 Reyhani-Masoleh and Hasan Multiplier

29 Comparisons

30 Conversion based multipliers
Sunar and Koc Multiplier Wu et. al. Multiplier

31 Sunar and Koc Multiplier

32 Wu et. al. Multiplier

33 Comparisons

34 Normal Basis Inversion
Inversion algorithms: Standard algorithms Exponent Decomposing algorithms Exponent Grouping inversion algorithms

35 Standard Algorithms

36 Exponent Decomposing Algorithms

37 Exponent Decomposing Algorithms (contd.)

38 Exponent Decomposing Algorithms (contd.)

39 Exponent Grouping inversion Algorithms

40 Exponent Grouping inversion Algorithms (contd.)

41 Exponent Grouping inversion Algorithms (contd.)

42 Comparisons

43 Pipelining Paper (2009)

44 Pipelining Paper (2009)

45 UQU Pipelining Paper (2010)

46 Systolic Arrays Paper (2011)

47 IEEE VLSI Systolic Arrays Paper (2014)

48 Summary Efficient computations in finite fields and their architectures are important in many applications, including coding theory, computer algebra systems, and public-key cryptosystems (e.g., elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC). The most commonly used basis are polynomial basis and normal basis. Normal basis is more suitable for hardware implementations than polynomial basis since operations in normal basis representation are mainly comprised of rotation, shifting and exclusive-ORing which can be efficiently implemented in hardware.

49 Thanks & Good Luck Next is: 5 ECC Cryptography
Dr. Turki F. Al-Somani 2015

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