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Potential sites of Deep Sea Anti-Neutrino Detector around Taiwan M.A. Huang 1 & H.T. Wang 2 1 General Education Center, National United University, Miao-Li,

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Presentation on theme: "Potential sites of Deep Sea Anti-Neutrino Detector around Taiwan M.A. Huang 1 & H.T. Wang 2 1 General Education Center, National United University, Miao-Li,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential sites of Deep Sea Anti-Neutrino Detector around Taiwan M.A. Huang 1 & H.T. Wang 2 1 General Education Center, National United University, Miao-Li, Taiwan, 360 2 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 115 M.A. Huang 1 DOANOW workshop March 23-25, 2007

2 KAW4, 5/19/206M.A. Huang Nu physics and astrophysics in Taiwan Experimental – TEXONO: Academia Sinica – DYB: NTU, NCTU, NUU – CRTNT: NUU Theoretical – NCTU, NCTS – NUU TEXONO, Academia Sinica DYB, NTU NCTU, NCTS NUU CRTNT, NUU

3 KAW4, 5/19/206M.A. Huang TEXONO Collaboration Collaboration : Taiwan (AS, INER, KSNPS, NTU) ; China (IHEP, CIAE, THU, NJU) ; Turkey (METU) ; USA (UMD) Program: Low Energy Neutrino & Astroparticle Physics  Kuo-Sheng (KS) Reactor Neutrino Laboratory Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO KS NPS-II : 2 cores  2.9 GW KS Lab: 28 m from core#1 NPS-IV (under construction)

4 Neutrino magnetic moments, – PRL, 90, 2003; hep-ex/0605006 Axion searches – Astro-ph/0609001, Nu-e cross sections – Undergoing analysis Ultra-Low-Energy HPGe Prototype – ~100 eV, 4x5g detector, working on1 kg detector. – Nu-N coherent scattering – Dark matter searches KAW4, 5/19/206M.A. Huang TEXONO Physics topics

5 1/8-10/2007M.A. Huang CRTNT CRTNT : Cosmic Ray Tau Neutrino Telescope – Detect shower from , which comes from Earth-skimming  Z. Cao et al., J. Phys. G, 31, 571-582, (2005) Highlight paper of the year 2005 by J. Phys. G

6 1/8-10/2007M.A. Huang Future plan of CRTNT 4 stations, each have telescopes, cover 16  64  field of view. Site: Balikun, Hsing-Jiang Energy range: E > 100TeV for neutrino, and E > 0.1EeV for UHECR. UHECR Mountain-passing  event C Earth-skimming  event

7 Daya Bay collaborators in Taiwan Nat’l Taiwan Univ. – PI: Yee Bob Hsiung – Acrylic vessel Nat’l Chiao Tung Univ. – PI: G.Y. Lin Nat’l United Univ. – PI: C.H. Wang – Y. Chang, S. Blyth 1/8-10/20077 Muon veto simulation, Aberdeen Tunnel prototype

8 Potential sites near Taiwan Selection requirements: – Near nuclear power plant ~ 60 -100 km. – Depth < -2.6 km (~ 1 km of std. rock) – Distance to nearest harbor Logistic support M.A. Huang 8

9 Nuclear Power Stations 3 existing NPS, all have two cores. NPS-1: 2  1775 MWt NPS-2: 2  2894 MWt NPS-3: 2  2785 MWt NPS-4 in construction. NPS-4: 2  4100 MWt ; Finish in 2009~ 2101 M.A. Huang 9

10 Northern Taiwan sites M.A. Huang 10 NP-1,2 are too far! only -1600 m

11 Northern Taiwan M.A. Huang 11 NP-4 is within 100 km! Site A: -3500 m only -1600 m

12 Southern Taiwan 2015/5/23 12 Site D: -3000 m Site C: -2500 m Site B: -2500 m Site E: -4000 m

13 Summary SiteABCDE Depth< -2.5< -3-2.5 ~ - 3.5 < -3 Distance to harbor 30-40 km, Su-Ao 20 km, Orchid Island; 70 km TaiDung 20 km, Orchid Island; 120 km, TaiDung 110 km, DongKang 160 km, TaiDong or DongKang Other issuesNPS-4 (2010) 2x4.1GW Combined signals of NPS- 1,2,4 Strong current River sediments Close to Philippine M.A. Huang 13 NPS-3: 2  2785 MWt

14 Future participation in HANOHANO If HANOHANO site is near Taiwan, we would be the host and provide local supports. – Site survey – Application/permission to government – Local control – Data transmission, storage, … etc. If not, … – HANOHANO is a good continuation of DYB, someone may still participate. Need consensus from colleague in Taiwan – HEP community, geo-physicists, funding agency, publics. M.A. Huang 14

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