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Combinatorics and InBreeding. Goal To provide a rough model which gives a lower bound of organisms needed to prevent inbreeding Show that an exponential.

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Presentation on theme: "Combinatorics and InBreeding. Goal To provide a rough model which gives a lower bound of organisms needed to prevent inbreeding Show that an exponential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combinatorics and InBreeding

2 Goal To provide a rough model which gives a lower bound of organisms needed to prevent inbreeding Show that an exponential decay of a population can be balanced out with a linear factorial increase in population

3 Problem Given n genetically distinct starting families, how many generations can they last before inbreeding Assumptions: Population is isolated, relatively small so no exponential growth Every individual replaces him/herself such that each generation maintains the same # of individuals At every generation offspring are created when two families merge i.e. : Generation 0  8 Families Generation 1  4 Families Generation 2  2 Families 1—23—45—67—8

4 Biology Background Info People, dogs, cheetahs are diploid organisms DNA inherited maternally and paternally Each Parent only transfers one set of DNA to offspring Mother(2 sets of DNA)Father(2 sets of DNA)1 set –Offspring (2 sets of DNA)

5 Relatedness Two individuals are related based on probability that they share the same genetic information called Coefficient of Relatedness (COR) COR of 2 identical twins =1 COR of 2 strangers =0 COR of Parent---Offspring =.5 (2 parents half and half) COR of Grandparent—Offspring=.25 (4 grandparents ¼+1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4) The COR of two individuals is directly proportional to # of common ancestors and inversely proportional to how far ancestors are removed In general direct ancestors i generations removed will have COR of

6 Relatedness Full siblings COR=.5=1/2 Cousins with 2 grandparents in common COR=.125=1/8 In the case of half siblings with 1 parent in common COR=.25 (1/2x1/2) (Probability they share from father) + (Probability they share from mother) (Probability from sharing with 1 G.Parent)+(Probability from sharing with 2 nd G.Parent)

7 Relatedness -In general COR= where k=# of common ancestors i=generations removed -According to dog breeders inbreeding occurs when two individuals of COR=.0625=1/16 or higher mate to produce offspring -As such we assume individuals with COR<.0625 does not constitute inbreeding and may reproduce for more generations depending on how far individuals are removed.

8 Solving the Problem By pairing n distinct starting families, after each ith generation, the total number of distinct families goes down by.. -# of people can only be increased linearly while non-relatives decrease exponentially

9 Solving the Problem --Re-writing n in binary tells us when and where families are in danger of not passing on their genetic information e.g. for n=6 --In 1 st generation, descendents of 2 of the original 6 families cannot pair up to pass on their genes since 6/2=3 3/2= 1 +1 remainder --Essentially each 2^i term of writing n in binary signifies that at the ith generation, 2^I pieces of the original DNA will be lost 1---23---45---6 --1 st generation.. Family (5---6) has noone to pair with --2 nd generation nobody can pair up

10 Combinatorics It is beneficial at those critical generations to not just pair up but rather start creating combinations of families --At the ith generation we havedistinct families --Those families can combine ways --To create families for the next (i+1)th generation where some are related but at least are distinct

11 Combinatorics ---For the (i+1)th generation we have this # of families : ---We know that by excluding any chosen two families out of the total we have the # of families which are completely unrelated to those two: =

12 Combinatorics ---The (i+1)th generation can provide this many families for the (i+2)th : # of families in (i+1)th generation # of families not related whatsoever to a chosen family Divide by 2! since order of choosing family doesn’t matter = total number of families (i+1)th generation can produce for (i+2)th

13 Combinatorics --The sooner we start combining instead of pairing, the greater the genetic diversity --n=20 i=2 case, # of families in 3 rd generation --For n=100 i=2 case, # of families in 3 rd generation VS.

14 Conclusion While this does not prevent inevitable sharing of DNA, it does show combining families can dilute DNA to enough levels such that if needed, two weakly related individuals can reproduce This occurs since combinations of multiple partners leads to many half- siblings Given enough time these half siblings can produce offspring which become further and further removed as factorial increase overcomes the exponential decrease This model can not only serve to show how combining isolated populations can revitalize a species but.. It also shows that a drastic drop in population over a short time can do the opposite like cheetahs

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