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Clickjacking: Attacks and Defenses Lin-Shung Huang, Alexander Moshchuk, Helen J. Wang, Stuart Schechter, and Collin Jackson Carnegie Mellon University.

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Presentation on theme: "Clickjacking: Attacks and Defenses Lin-Shung Huang, Alexander Moshchuk, Helen J. Wang, Stuart Schechter, and Collin Jackson Carnegie Mellon University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clickjacking: Attacks and Defenses Lin-Shung Huang, Alexander Moshchuk, Helen J. Wang, Stuart Schechter, and Collin Jackson Carnegie Mellon University Microsoft Research USENIX Security Symposium 2012

2 Outline Clickjacking Introduction Existing Attacks Existing Defenses New Attack Variants InContext Defense Prototype Implementation Experiments Conclusion

3 Introduction Root Cause of clickjacking: an attack application presents a sensitive UI element of a target application out of context to a user Hiding the sensitive UI by making it transparent Some possible risks caused by clickjacking Web-surfing-anonymity can be compromised User’s private data and emails can be stolen Spy on a user through her webcam

4 Existing Attacks Three kinds of clickjacking attack: Compromising target display integrity Compromising pointer integrity Compromising temporal integrity

5 Compromising Target Display Integrity Hiding the target element Using CSS opacity property and z-index property to hide target element a make other element float under the target element Using CSS pointer-events: none property to cover other element over the target element Click Event z-index: -1 opacity: 0.1pointer-event: none Click Event

6 Compromising Target Display Integrity (Cont.) Partial Overlays Overlay other elements onto an iframe using CSS z-index property or Flash Window Mode wmode=direct porperty Cropping Wrapping target element in a new iframe and choose CSS position offset propertites z-index: 1 Paypal iframe Cropping Paypal iframe

7 Compromising Pointer Display Integrity Hiding real cursor and create fake cursor Using CSS cursor property and JavaScript to simulate a fake cursor icon on the screen Real Cursor IconFake Cursor Icon cursor: none

8 Compromising Pointer Display Integrity (Cont.) Keyboard focus “strokejacking” attack Simulate an input field getting focus, but actually the keyboard focus is on target element, forcing user to type some unwanted information into target element Transfer Bank Transfer Bank Account: ________ Amount: ___________ USD Typing Game Type what ever screen shows to you Xfpog95403poigr06=2kfpx [__________________________] Attacker’s page Target Page (hidden iframe) within attacker’s page 9540 3062

9 Compromising Temporal Display Integrity Cheat user within a short time Manipulate UI elements after the user has decided to click, but before the actual click occurs Click Event

10 Consequences Tweetbomb: hide tweet button and trick user to click overlapping elements Facebook “Likejacking” attackes Trick user to click OAuth approval page and steal user’s private data Upload private files via HTML5 File API

11 Existing Anti-clickjacking Defenses Same-origin-policy is not working here! FrameKiller: using JavaScript to detect whether target page is inside an iframe or not Cons: not working on Facebook Like button User Confirmation: Ask user to re-verify the click event Cons: degrades user experience UI Randomization: Randomize the position of the Pay button Cons: attacker may ask victim to keep clicking until succeed

12 Existing Anti-clickjacking Defenses (Cont.) Opaque Overlay Policy: forces all cross-origin frames to be rendered opaquely Cons: may break other benign websites Framebusting: similar to FrameKiller, but use HTTP header X- Frame-Options to ask browser not the render this page inside an iframe Cons: same as FrameKiller, Facebook Like Button must within an iframe

13 Existing Anti-clickjacking Defenses (Cont.) Visibility Detection on Click: block mouse clicks if the browser detect that the clicked cross-origin frame is not fully visible ClearClick: comparing the bitmap of target element rendered in isolation, and the real target element on the page Cons: may have a false positive problem ClickIDS: alerts when clicked element overlaps with clickable elements Cons: cannot detect attacks based on partial overlays or cropping Cons: Non of those defense guarantee pointer integrity

14 Existing Anti-clickjacking Defenses (Cont.) Give UI Delays: Give user enough time to comprehand what’s happening. User cannot interact with the target element until the delay expires. Cons: giving a tradeoff between user experience penalty and protection from timing(temporal) attack

15 New Attack Variants We construct and evaluate three attack variants using known clickjacking techniques. Cursor spoofing attack to steal webcam access Double-click attack to steal user private data Whack-a-mole attack to compromise web surfing anonymity

16 Cursor Spoofing Attack Hide Flash webcam permission dialog inside Ads, and abuse pointer integrity

17 Double-click Attack Bait-and-switch attack: bait user to perform a double-click, and right after the first click, attacker switches user focus to Google OAuth pop-up window under the cursor right before the second click First Click Second Click

18 Whack-a-mole Attack Ask user to click as fast as possible, and suddenly switch Facebook Like button to user After clicked, immediately check the list of like to get the profile of clicking victim

19 InContext Defense We propose a defense, InContext, to enforce context integrity of user actions on the sensitive UI elements When target display integrity and pointer integrity is satisfied then the system activate sensitive UI elements and delivers user input to them Use Operating System functions to provide such cross- application (or cross-web-site) protection

20 Guaranteeing Target Display Integrity Not all webpages of a web site contain sensitive operations and are susceptible to clickjacking We let web sites indicate which UI elements or webpages are sensitive Strawman 1: CSS checking Check position offset, size, opacity, and z-index properties Cons: not reliable enough since new CSS properties comes out Strawman 2: Static reference bitmap Check rendered page with static bitmap data Cons: different browsers render HTML differently

21 Guaranteeing Target Display Integrity (Cont.) Use OS-level screenshot APIs to get bitmap of the sensitive element rendering result Use sensitive element rendered in isolation within browser for comparison If bitmaps don’t match, trigger oninvalidclick event when user click the sensitive element Enforce host page that cannot apply CSS transforms property Disallow any transparency inside the sensitive element itself

22 Guaranteeing Pointer Display Integrity No cursor customization: disable cursor property when sensitive element is present Screen freezing around sensitive element: to disable animation distracting the user’s attention Muting: loud noise may trigger user to quickly look for a way to turn it off

23 Guaranteeing Pointer Display Integrity (Cont.) Lightbox around sensitive element: a randomly generated mask to mask all rendered content around the sensitive UI element No programmatic cross-origin keyboard focus changes

24 Ensuring Temporal Integrity Time-Of-Check-To-Time-Of-Use (TOCTTOU) race condition UI delay: the click on the sensitive UI element will not be delivered unless the sensitive element has been fully visible and stationary long enough UI delay after pointer entry: impose the delay each time the pointer enters the sensitive element

25 Ensuring Temporal Integrity (Cont.) Pointer re-entry on a newly visible sensitive element: pointer must re-enter the sensitive element to activate the UI element Padding area around sensitive element: add a padding around sensitive element to let user distinguish whether the pointer is on the sensitive element

26 Prototype Implementation Using Internet Explorer 9’s public COM interfaces IHTMLElementRender to get isolated rendering result Check the aforementioned methods when the element is visually changed Performance (Including time to take screenshot and bitmap comparison)

27 Experiments Post a Human Interactive Task (HIT) on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk 3521 participants, each HIT gives 25 cents Exclude 370 previously participated users, 1087 users not having Facebook logged in 10 treatment groups for cursor-spoofing attacks 4 for double-click attacks 13 for whack-a-mole attacks

28 Experiments on Cursor-spoofing Attacks 84% (43% of 51%(35/68)) users are attacked successfully Timeout – wait for video ads end Skip – click the skip link Quit – quick the experiment Attack Success – successfully get webcam permission

29 Experiments on Double-click Attack 47% users are attacked successfully Timeout – didn’t click the OAuth “Allow” button after pop-up window shows up within 2 seconds Quit – quit the experiment Attack Success – click the OAuth “Allow” button

30 Experiments on Whack-a-mole Attack Attack Success – user clicked the Like button On 1 st Mouseover – user clicked the Like button right after 1 st mouse over the Like button Filter by Survey – user noticed the Like button and clicked it

31 Experiments on Whack-a-mole Attack (Cont.) 95%/92% user click the Like button right after mouse over it Combined defense – pointer re-entry, appearance delay of 500ms, display freezing, and padding(M)

32 Conclusion Devised new clickjacking attack variants Propose InContext, a web browser or OS mechanism to ensure user’s action on a sensitive UI element is in context

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