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Mobile Learning Lunch with a Mentor David C. Caverly, Ph. D. Texas State University-San Marcos College Reading and Learning Association Houston, TX. November.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Learning Lunch with a Mentor David C. Caverly, Ph. D. Texas State University-San Marcos College Reading and Learning Association Houston, TX. November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Learning Lunch with a Mentor David C. Caverly, Ph. D. Texas State University-San Marcos College Reading and Learning Association Houston, TX. November 9, 2012

2 Mobile Devices Chipchase, J. (2007). Jan Chipchase on our mobile phones: Connections and consequences [video]. Retrieved from OwnConsiderCarry Use

3 What makes learning mobile? Huang, Y.-M., Huang, T.-C., & Hsih, M.-Y. (2008). Using annotation services in a ubiquitous jigsaw cooperative learning environment. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 3-15. right time, right place, right learning resources learner mobility technology mobility learning context mobility

4 Mobile Learning Gather information microvolunteer with The Extraordinaires take pictures, video, audio (voice, music, video, Internet sites, pdfs, Google Googles)

5 Mobile Learning Gather information gather information from QR tags, RFID tags, Augmented Reality tags; download QR Reader from one of these sites (iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad; or Android devices) and scan the QR code belowiPhone, iPod touch, or iPad Android devices

6 Mobile Learning Gather information microvolunteer with The Extraordinaires take pictures, video, audio (voice, music, video, Internet sites, pdfs, Google Googles) gather information from QR tags, RFID tags, Augmented Reality tags college tweets, text messages, e- mail messages, pictures, documents store the documents in Dropbox (iCloud, EverNote, MobileMe, Windows Live)Dropbox capture audio capture video

7 Mobile Learning Gather information Go out and capture pictures audio video pdf other content

8 Mobile Learning Arrange the information to create knowledge collaboratively make sense of the information slide show - Animoto blog - WordPress wiki – Google Docs Return to a computer or tablet to edit and compose with Word Weebly

9 Mobile Learning Arrange the information to create knowledge transfer it into your computer by e-mailing it to your self transfer it to DropBox or Evernote Return to Google docs or WordPress and create

10 Mobile Learning Present the knowledge to confirm understanding by soliciting comments share as a blog via WordPress share as a wiki via Google Docs share as audio or video podcasts share as Digital Storytelling document share as PowerPoint share as Diigo commentsDiigo

11 What makes learning mobile? Huang, Y.-M., Huang, T.-C., & Hsih, M.-Y. (2008). Using annotation services in a ubiquitous jigsaw cooperative learning environment. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 3-15. right time, right place, right learning resources learner mobility technology mobility learning context mobility

12 Mobile Learning Coaching quick help – Twitter extended help – e-mail with attachments embedded help in textbooks in Inkling or DiigoDiigo voice help with Google Talk, Skype, Adobe Connect apps

13 Attend professional development like this Develop along with your students through extended professional development TIDE (Technology Institute for Developmental Educators) see the back of the handout G – Explore Mobile apps A – Add these to the Google spreadsheet P – Present to others next year at this conference David C. Caverly, Ph.D. Texas State University - San Marcos Where to learn more?

14 Thank you

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