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By Alex Dahl, Hunter Hannan, Nathan Emane, Zac Westcott, Evan Zucker.

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Presentation on theme: "By Alex Dahl, Hunter Hannan, Nathan Emane, Zac Westcott, Evan Zucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Alex Dahl, Hunter Hannan, Nathan Emane, Zac Westcott, Evan Zucker

2  Believe in yourself and do what you think is right. Listen to what you think, believe it, and do it.

3  You must not follow the normal and accepted way blindly. You must be yourself. Then you will truly be living your life.

4  Do not do something over and over again. Try new things and experiment.

5  People will acknowledge and support you if they see you have no guilt or blame. They will like how highly you carry yourself and look up to it.

6  To be smart you must stand alone and above the rest, and those that you surpass won’t fully understand what you say or why you are saying it.

7  Humans can’t stay still. We live life in a hurry and waste time. We are always thinking of what comes next and what to do.

8  We claim ourselves to have many needs when we could live just as well without them. We have become very materialistic.

9  Live life thoughtfully and carefree. Do not stress and worry about every problem that presents itself.

10  You can learn anything by study and reading. Your intelligence is never limited.

11  Do not get yourself caught up with any extra work. It is unnecessary and pointless.

12  Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Margaret Fuller were great authors in the Transcendentalist movement  Self-Reliance is the aspect of transcendentalism which says that you should believe in yourself instead of relying on others  Noumenon is the opposite of a phenomenon, and it is the theory of something being as it in itself  Individuality was the basis of transcendentalism, and it means that everybody is different. People should lead, rather than following other people. Evan Zucker

13 I wonder through fiction to look for the truth Buried beneath all the lies And I stood at a distance To feel who you are Hiding myself in your eyes And hold on before it's too late We'll run til we leave this behind Don't fall just be who you are It's all that we need in our lives And the risk that might break you Is the one that would save you A life you dont live is still lost So stand on the edge with me Hold back your fear and see Nothing is real til it's gone Hold on before its too late We'll run til we leave this behind Don't fall just be who you are It's all that we need in our lives So live like you mean it Love til you feel it It's all that we need in our lives So stand on the edge with me Hold back your fear and see Nothing is real til it's gone And hold on before its too late We'll run til we leave this behind Don't fall just be who you are It's all that we need in our lives And hold on before its too late We'll run til we leave this behind Don't fall just be who you are It's all that we need in our lives It's all that I need in my life Before Its Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls Evan Zucker

14  “Just be who you are, it's all that we need in our lives” The idea of transcendentalism is to be yourself and do not follow the path of others. Be who you are and create your own path. If you do this, the material things in life are not as important.  “So stand on the edge with me, hold back your fear and see” Standing on the edge is being daring and going against what is normal and expected of you. This cannot be done unless you forget your fears. Most people are afraid to do things that are not normal, but to be a transcendentalist, you must hold back your fear, and chose your own path.  “And the risk that might break you is the one that would save you” Being daring and going against the norm has its risks, but could also lead to great success. Everybody involved in the transcendentalist movement took a risk in separating from the group and being themselves, but they succeeded in the end. Lyrical Analysis Evan Zucker

15 Hunter Hannan Walden Pond where Henry David Thoreau spent a year documenting the seasons. The pond is an example of transcendentalism in that Thoreau attempted to create a uniquely American body of literature that was different from previous generations. This concept is the base of transcendentalist thought.

16 Transcendentalism is an exciting philosophy, Without it American Literature might be a catastrophe. It’s an attempt at being a non- conformist, American writers tried to stray away from having the same performance. Transcendentalism lives with writers like Thoreau and Emerson, They grew up struggling to define spirituality and religion. So they wrote and produced new emotive literature And the result would be a transcendentalist future.

17 Transcendentalism Haiku: Transcendentalism; Instincts are the true knowledge, Nonconformity. Thoreau Emerson

18 Peter Walsh is an example of a Transcendentalist. He is a part of a show called Clean Sweep, on TLC, where he helps families de-mystify, de-clutter and re-organize their personal spaces. He is a modern day transcendentalist because he understands that material things do not make people happy. PETER WALSH (Clean Sweep)

19 Alex Dahl My picture represents transcendentalism because it shows how the one marker isn’t like the rest. Rather than being grouped and wearing the appropriate cap, he is alone and wearing a wrong cap. This is an example of the Individuality that is stressed in transcendentalist philosophy.

20 Alex Dahl This is a transcendentalist cartoon that portrays human nature. It describes how humans are extremely curious and in this example are always gazing at accidents.

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