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PTA Meeting September 21, 2010 Welcome & PTA Intro Principal's Update Literacy Update--Megan Pershica and Andrew Rummel Green/Burroughs School Community.

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Presentation on theme: "PTA Meeting September 21, 2010 Welcome & PTA Intro Principal's Update Literacy Update--Megan Pershica and Andrew Rummel Green/Burroughs School Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 PTA Meeting September 21, 2010 Welcome & PTA Intro Principal's Update Literacy Update--Megan Pershica and Andrew Rummel Green/Burroughs School Community Collaboration – Wendy Williams and Gael Ellis Committee Updates -- EZ Bucks for Burroughs-Meredith Jurek – Silent Auction-Lisa Mellas – Arts & Culture Committee – Doug Stewart New Fund-Raising Idea: Re-usable bags – Evan Hermodson Budget Update Fund Requests – Ice Fishing for 2 nd Graders - Pete Hill and Lowell Peterson

2 Burroughs PTA Mission The Burroughs Parent Teacher Association (PTA) mission: Promote family involvement in the education of Burroughs students Support school goals through projects and fundraising Build and support a strong Burroughs community of students, parents, families, teachers and administrators PTA Membership dues are $5.75/parent annually Membership gives you PTA voting rights!

3 Principal’s Update Mr. Cadotte

4 Literacy Update Megan Pershica Andrew Rummel

5 Review and 2010-11 Plan Meredith Jurek September 21, 2010

6 What is “EZ Buck$?”

7 How does it work?

8 So, how did we do last year?! $10,839! $952 $2,210

9 How much do we want this year?

10 1.MORE Awareness 2.MORE Focus 3.MORE Engagement How will we do MORE?

11 Burroughs Bulletin – weekly messages Website: Presence at PTA events “Like” Us on Facebook! 49 fans so far! Invite extended family, friends and neighbors to save! Fridge Magnets! EZ Buck$ Containers! 1) MORE Awareness

12 2) MORE Focus Designate Burroughs as your school Shop at Target and use your REDcard 1% of your transaction goes to Burroughs Sign up for a Target REDcard NEW! 5% immediate discount everyday, as of 10/17/10 141 REDcard members have designated Burroughs as their school. Have you?

13 Proven recipe for success in other schools: Bring kids closer to the process Develop group (not individual) motivation to a common goal Track group progress Add a little dose of healthy classroom rivalry Celebrate group achievement 3) MORE enagement IDEA: Classroom collections. Sorting, counting, tracking at classroom level. Party for most collected.

14 1.Please empty, remove straws from drink pouches. Trim just below top seam and rinse. (Thank you Melissa Riebe!) 2.Please rinse milk lids. (Thank you Mary Thill!) 3.Please trim Campbell’s soup labels for the bar code / Labels for Education only. (Thank you Lisa Mellas!) Lastly, some small requests from our volunteers

15 – For marketing/awareness materials, prizes And the budget request - $200

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Fall submissions due October 22!

17 Burroughs Silent Auction PTA Meeting Update September 21, 2010

18 Fall for Burroughs Silent Auction Supports the Burroughs Fund – last year over $16,000 raised Fun, social night out – chance to meet other Burroughs parents – great community building event – 192 attendees last year

19 2010 Auction Finalizing date & location – late November, Friday evening Ticket price includes – food – drinks – live music Working on new and exciting additions to our auction items

20 You can help! Auction Committee Co-Chair Business & Parent Donations Co-Chair Classroom, Teachers & Staff Donations Committee Members help with all aspects of event planning Meet new people while working on this important fundraising event. We need:

21 You can help! Could you donate a game or show from your season tickets? Would you host a fun & fabulous Great Gathering for Burroughs parents? Do you have access to give an ‘insiders’ tour at an interesting location? Could you offer a week-long getaway at your family cabin? Know a chef, photographer, other talented people who might donate their services? Do you know any local business owners willing to donate? Auction Items Needed

22 To help out, see me after the meeting, or contact me at: Lisa Mellas 612-827-0672

23 “Lunchskins” Re-Usable Bags New Fund-Raiser? Evan Hermodson

24 Lunch Waste Every day, more than 20 million sandwich bags from school lunches wind up in landfills in the U.S. Only 1-3% of plastic bags in the USA end up being recycled. Each high quality reusable bag you use has the potential to eliminate an average of 1,000 plastic bags over its lifetime. The bag will pay for itself over time.

25 Lunch Waste Cont… Each child who brings a “brown-bag” lunch to school every day will generate 67 pounds of waste by the end of the school year - that's 18,760 pounds of lunch waste for an average-sized school. (EPA)


27 Budget Update & Funding Requests Ice Fishing for 2 nd Graders – Lowell Peterson and Peter Hill

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