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Jeopardy AnimalsSportsFoodSchool Toys Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy AnimalsSportsFoodSchool Toys Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy AnimalsSportsFoodSchool Toys Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Animals Joshua saw several birds at the beach. He saw 4 pelicans, 5 seagulls, and 7 egrets. What fractional part of the birds were seagulls?

4 $100 Answer from Animals 5/16 5 out of 16

5 $200 Question from Animals Roy has 18 animals on his ranch. He has 4 horses, 8 sheep, and 2 cows. The rest of the animals are goats. How many goats are on Roy’s ranch?

6 $200 Answer from Animals 4 goats

7 $300 Question from Animals Puff eats 4 to 6 cans of cat food every week. Which is a reasonable number of cans of food that Puff will eat in 4 weeks? a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25

8 $300 Answer from Animals c. 20 cans

9 $400 Question from Animals Kevin, Lisa, and Peyton each have an aquarium. Lisa has 18 fish. Peyton has twice as many fish as Lisa. Kevin has 7 fewer fish than Peyton. How many fish does each person have?

10 $400 Answer from Animals Kevin has 29 fish. Lisa has 18 fish. Peyton has 36 fish.

11 $500 Question from Animals Aaron has a snake and an iguana. The iguana is older than the snake. The sum of snake’s and iguana’s age is 14 years. The difference of their ages is 4 years. How old is each animal?

12 $500 Answer from Animals The iguana is 9 years old and the snake is 5 years old.

13 $100 Question from Sports Allie swam 510 meters on Monday, 480 meters on Tuesday, and 455 meters on Wednesday. How much further did Allie swim on Monday than on Wednesday?

14 $100 Answer from Sports 55 meters

15 $200 Question from Sports Steven went to a baseball game with $15. After buying his ticket and snack, he had $6 left. If the ticket cost $5, which of these shows one way to find out how much Steven spent on snacks? a. 15 – 6 – 5 b. 15 + 6 – 5 c. 15 – 6 + 5

16 $200 Answer from Sports a. 15 – 6 - 5

17 $300 Question from Sports Hayden has 45 more baseball cards than Ricky. Which of these shows the number of cards that Hayden and Ricky could have? A. Hayden 60, Ricky 110 B. Hayden 110, Ricky 65 C. Hayden 65, Ricky 45 D. Hayden 45, Ricky 90

18 $300 Answer from Sports B. Hayden 110, Ricky 65

19 $400 Question from Sports The school soccer team played 5 games. The team scored 7 goals in each of the first 3 games. The team scored 6 goals in the last 2 games. Which shows one way to find the total number of goals the team scored in the 5 games? A.Multiply 7 by 3 and 6 by 2. B.Add 7 and 3. Add 6 and 2. Then multiply the two sums. C.Multiply 7 by 3. Multiply 6 by 2. Then add the two products.

20 $400 Answer from Sports C. Multiply 7 by 3. Multiply 6 by 2. Then add the two products.

21 $500 Question from Sports Amy, Evan, Nick, Joe, and Carmen were in line to bat. Carmen is not the first or last person in line. Amy is third in line. Evan and Joe are in line after Amy. Joe is not the last person in line. What is the batting order of the players from first to last?

22 $500 Answer from Sports Nick, Carmen, Amy, Joe, and Evan

23 $100 Question from Food The bananas at Jake’s Grocery Store come in bunches of 6. If Jake counts his bunches of bananas, which list shows numbers he could have named? a. 6, 16, 26, 36 b. 18, 24, 30, 36 c. 6, 12, 18, 20

24 $100 Answer from Food b. 18, 24, 30, 36

25 $200 Question from Food Laurie picked 32 strawberries. She wanted to share them equally with her 2 sisters and brother. How many strawberries will each child get?

26 $200 Answer from Food Each child will get 4 strawberries. 32 ÷ 4 = 8

27 $300 Question from Food Mrs. Walker needs to buy 6 juice boxes. She can buy a pack of 6 for $1.80 or she can buy 6 singles for $0.49 each. Which number sentence shows how Mrs. Walker can find out which way would cost less? a. $1.80 - $0.49 b. $0.49 x 6 c. $1.80 + $0.49

28 $300 Answer from Food b. $0.49 x 6

29 $400 Question from Food Sherry will serve cake to 18 guests at her party. Each cake will serve 5 people. How many cakes does Sherry need for her party?

30 $400 Answer from Food 4 cakes

31 $500 Question from Food Gina needs exactly 26 lemons to make lemonade for her stand. Which combination of packages total 26 lemons? Package A Package B A. 1 package of A and 4 of package B B. 4 of package A and 3 of package B C. 2 of package A and 4 of package B D. 7 of package A and 2 of package B

32 $500 Answer from Food C. 2 of package A and 4 of package B

33 $100 Question from School The table below shows Mrs. Lynch’s supplies for art class. How many glue sticks and paintbrushes does Mrs. Lynch have? SUPPLYNUMBER Glue sticks47 Scissors63 Paintbrushes76 Sets of Markers38

34 $100 Answer from School 123 glue sticks and paintbrushes

35 $200 Question from School The picture below shows the path around the playground. How far would you walk if you made 2 laps on the path? 25 yds 15 15 yds yds 25 yds

36 $200 Answer from School 160 yards

37 $300 Question from School Karla plays the drums in the school band. There are only 2 other drummers. There are twice as many flute players as drummers. How many drummers and flute players are in the band?

38 $300 Answer from School 9 drummers and flute players in all

39 $400 Question from School Perry helps his science teacher organize a closet in the science lab. There are 8 shelves in the closet. Perry can fit 5 boxes on each shelf. He has put 33 boxes on the shelves. How many more boxes can Perry fit on the shelves?

40 $400 Answer from School 7 more boxes

41 $500 Question from School Ms. Wolf has a set of cards with the numbers 1 through 25 written on them. She puts the cards in groups of 3 according to a rule. Which student made a set that follows Ms. Wolf’s rule? Charlie Randy 1 2 381018231112 9 6 5 13 7 6

42 $500 Answer from School Randy Rule: The 3 rd card is the sum of the 1 st two cards. 6 713

43 $100 Question from Toys Grant has 121 football cards and 78 baseball cards. About how many football and baseball cards are in Grant’s collection?

44 $100 Answer from Toys 100 + 80 = 180 or 120 + 80 = 200

45 $200 Question from Toys Pat received a soccer ball for his birthday. He noticed the black shapes had 5 sides and the white shapes had 6 sides. What are the two shapes on Pat’s soccer ball?

46 $200 Answer from Toys Black pentagons and White hexagons

47 $300 Question from Toys Stephanie wants to make hats for 8 small dolls. She will use 4 to 6 inches of lace for each hat. Which is NOT a reasonable amount of lace Stephanie will use? A. 36 inches B. 40 inches C. 30 inches D. 46 inches

48 $300 Answer from Toys C. 30 inches

49 $400 Question from Toys Hannah and Tammy played a round of Yahtzee. The score sheet below shows the results. Which of the following best describes the scores? A. Hannah scored 175 more points than Tammy. B. Tammy scored 42 more points than Hannah. C. Hannah scored 42 more points than Tammy. D. Tammy scored 133 less than Hannah. Hannah175 Tammy133

50 $400 Answer from Toys C. Hannah scored 42 more points than Tammy.

51 $500 Question from Toys Jonathan gets $6.00 each week for allowance. He saved his allowance for 3 weeks to buy some new toys. Which two toys can Jonathan buy? $15.00 $11.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00

52 $500 Answer from Toys The football and skateboard total $18.00

53 Final Jeopardy Which question has a solution between 6 and 8? A. A square has a perimeter of 36 inches. How long is each side of the square? B. About how many centimeters wide is a baseball glove? C. How many sides are on 2 octagons? D. How many quarters equal $1.75?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer D.How many quarters equal $1.75? ( 7 quarters = $1.75)

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