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TABLE11-1 Summary of full-scale stabilizationsites.

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Presentation on theme: "TABLE11-1 Summary of full-scale stabilizationsites."— Presentation transcript:

1 TABLE11-1 Summary of full-scale stabilizationsites

2 FIGURE 11-2 Typical waste solidification project.

3 FIGURE 11-3 Organic waste encapsulated in binder matrix.

4 FIGURE 11-4 Organic waste adsorbed to an organophilic clay

5 FIGURE 11-5 Portland cement reactions.

6 FIGURE 11-6 Schematic representation of cement hydration.

7 FIGURE 11-7 Montmorillonitic clay structure.

8 FIGURE 11-8 Organically modified clay structure.

9 FIGURE 11-9 Stabilization effectiveness of organically modified clay. Claytone 40 is an organically modified clay from Southern Clay Products Inc. Bentonite and attapulgite are processed, naturally occurring clays. Mix 30 has a larger bentonite content than mix 17.

10 FIGURE 11-10 Effect of organically modified clay. PT-1 and P40 are organically modified clay from Bentec Inc.

11 FIGURE 11-11 Effect of quaternary amine on organophilic clay.

12 FIGURE 11-12 In situ vitrification.

13 FIGURE 11-13 GeoMelt/SV system schematic.

14 FIGURE 11-14 Pocket penetrometer evaluating a stabilized waste.

15 FIGURE 11-15 Unconfined compression strength test.

16 FIGURE 11-16 Unconfined compression and organic waste stabilization.

17 FIGURE 11-17 Consolidation test schematic.

18 FIGURE 11-18 Idealized consolidation behavior.

19 FIGURE 11-19 Consolidation test results.

20 FIGURE 11-20 Triaxial permeability test schematic (modified from Evans and Fang, 1988).

21 FIGURE 11-21 Triaxial permeability test results.

22 FIGURE 11-22 In situ mixing process with modified augers.

23 FIGURE 11-23 Schematic of an in situ mixing process with modified augers.

24 FIGURE 11-24 Typical jet grouting systems.

25 FIGURE 11-25 Remote process batch mixing.

26 FIGURE 11-27 Layout of jet grout columns.

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