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Presentation on theme: "DFT STUDY OF SOLVENT EFFECTS ON CONFORMATIONAL EQUILIBRIA AND"— Presentation transcript:

VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA OF 4-(1-PYRROLIDINYL)PIPERAZINE Ö.BAĞLAYAN a , G.KEŞAN c , C.PARLAK b and M.ŞENYELa a Physics Department, Science Faculty, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, 26470, Turkey b Department of Physics, Dumlupnar University, Kütahya, 43100, Turkey c Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

2 ABSTRACT The optimized geometric parameters (bond lengths, bond and dihedral angles), conformational analysis, normal mode frequencies and corresponding vibrational assignments of 4-pypp (C8H17N3) are theoretically examined by means of B3LYP hybrid density functional theory (DFT) method together with 6−31++G(d,p) basis set. Furthermore, reliable vibrational assignments have been made on the basis of potential energy distribution (PED) and the thermodynamics functions, highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) of pypp have been predicted.

3 ABSTRACT Calculations are employed for four different conformations of 4-pypp both in gas phase and in solution. Solvent effects are investigated using chloroform and dimethylsulfoxide. All results indicates that B3LYP method is able to provide satisfactory results for predicting vibrational frequencies and the structural parameters, mole fractions of stable conformers, vibrational frequencies and assignments, IR and Raman intensities of 4-pypp are solvent dependent.

4 INDEX 4-(1-PYRROLIDINYL)PIPERAZINE Theoretical Study Infrared Spectrum
Raman Spectrum Vibrational Assignments Thermodynamics functions Homo-Lumo Orbitals Results

Molecular Formula: C8H17N3 Molecular Weight: g/mol This molecule has 3N-6 vibrational modes. So, there are 3x28-6=78 vibrational modes.


7 Why 4-pypp ? It has been known that many piperazine derivatives are of great interest in pharmacy and notable successful drugs. Piperazine and its derivatives have wide application potentials in the field of material science and organic synthesis. Furthermore, many piperazine derivatives are of great interest in pharmacy and notable successful drugs. 4-pypp has wide applications in medicine.

8 THEORETICAL STUDY All the calculations were performed by using Gaussian 09.A1 program on a personal computer and GaussView was used for visualization of the structure and simulated vibrational spectra. PED calculations were carried out by the VEDA 4 (Vibrational Energy Distribution Analysis) program. Many possible conformers could be proposed for 4-pypp, but here the discussion was confined to e-e (equatorial-equatorial), e-a (equatorial-axial), a-a(axial-axial) and a-e (axial-equatorial) conformers of the title molecule where the former represents NH while the latter stands for pyrrolidinyl group.

9 Conformations of 4-pypp a-a & a-e

10 Conformations of 4-pypp e-a & e-e

11 THEORETICAL STUDY They are considered in axial and equatorial positions according to plane formed by C14, C15, C16 and C19 atoms of 4-pypp. For the calculations, all four forms of 4-pypp were first optimized in the gas phase, chloroform (chlf) and dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) at B3LYP level of theory using G(d,p) basis set. The e-e and a-e conformations were found more stable than the other two forms. Therefore, for the vibrational calculations, the vibrational frequencies of e-a form of 4-pypp were calculated by using the same method and basis set under the keyword freq = Raman, pop = full and then scaled by (above 1800 cm-1) and (under 1800 cm-1) for G(d,p).

12 Optimized Parameters and Mole Fractions of Four Forms of 4-pypp
B3LYP / G(d,p) e-e e-a a-a a-e Gas ΔG (Hartree) Relative Stability (δΔG;kcal/mol) 0.00 1.496 0.163 2.083 Mole Fractions (%) 36.7 27.7 35.6 - Molar Volume (cm3/mol) Recommend a0 (Å) 4.54 4.76 4.63 4.50 Chloroform 0.011 2.437 2.797 50 Dimethylsulfoxide 0.058 3.057 3.088 49.8 50.2

13 Optimized Geometric Parameters for e-e and e-a form of 4-pypp in various medium
B3LYP/6–31++G(d.p) Gas phase Chloroform Dmso e – e a – e Bond Lenghts (Å) N27 – H26 1.016 1.018 1.022 1.024 1.025 1.027 N27 – C16 1.462 1.464 1.466 1.465 1.467 N27 – C19 1.463 C14 – N28 1.475 1.473 1.477 1.476 C15 – N28 N28 – 1.471 1.472 1.474 N13 – C4 1.479 1.480 1.481 N13 – C3 (C – C)pp 1.528 1.535 (C – H)pp 1.099 1.098 1.100 (C – C)py 1.542 1.543 (C – H)py 1.096 Bond Angles (o) C14 – N28 – N13 108.92 109.05 108.85 108.97 108.98 C15 – N28 – N13 109.04 108.84 108.86 N28 – N13 – C4 110.86 110.88 110.80 110.78 110.76 N28 – N13 – C3 110.79 110.81 C4 – N13 – C3 102.99 102.96 102.90 102.88 102.85 102.84 H26 – N27 – C16 109.66 110.29 109.28 110.05 109.11 H26 – N27 – C19 110.04 (H – C – H)pp 108.24 107.63 108.10 107.68 108.02 107.72 (C – N – C)pp 109.43 109.25 109.21 109.08 109.16 (C – C – N)pp 109.99 112.23 110.19 112.26 110.27 (C – C – C)py 104.28 104.29 104.33 104.35 (H – C – H)py 107.92 107.91 107.90 Dihedral Angles (o) C14 – N28 – N13 – C3 117.86 177.74 177.72 177.73 C14 – N28 – N13 – C4 64.12 64.00 64.16 64.22 64.25 C15 – N28 – N13 – C4 C15 – N28 – N13 – C3 -64.11 -63.99 -64.32 -64.24 -64.22 -64.35

14 Thermodynamic Parameters for e-e and e-a form of 4-pypp
B3LYP/6-31++g(d.p) Gas Phase Chloroform Dmso e - e a - e Thermal total energy (kcal / mol) Vibrational energy (kcal/mol) Zero point vibrational energy (kcal/mol) Dipole moment (Debye) 1.495 1.382 1.325 1.685 1.539 1.828 Heat capacity (kcal / mol.K) 40.470 40.597 40.295 40.439 40.285 40.433 Entropy (kcal / mol.K) 99.846 98.717 98.916 98.442 98.670

15 Theoretical Vibrational frequencies (cm-1) for e–e form of 4-pypp in gas phase
Mode Assignments B3LYP/6–31++G(d.p) e –e form in gas phase PED (≥ 5 %) να νβ IIR IR 1 ν(NH) 100 3537 3378 0.000 27.724 2 ν(CH) 96 3122 2981 35.570 18.795 3 ν(CH) 92 3117 2977 72.710 0.977 4 ν(CH) 95 3116 2975 33.880 33.979 5 ν(CH) 93 3103 2964 0.360 21.869 6 ν(CH) 90 3101 2962 5.330 7.282 7 ν(CH) 89 3093 2954 10.730 0.889 8 3077 2938 26.970 35.886 9 ν(CH) 97 3076 49.550 22.999 10 ν(CH) 94 3073 2934 72.240 38.282 11 ν(CH) 98 3062 2925 27.710 11.319 12 2841 27.222 13 2968 2835 11.990 7.025 14 2821 41.663 15 2945 2813 45.570 6.644 16 2943 2811 68.400 47.051 17 2940 2808 43.720 3.971 18 δ(HCH) 85 1535 1499 2.890 4.284 19 δ(HCH) 92 1517 1482 0.430 3.977 20 δ(HCH) 78 1514 1479 3.510 4.330 21 δ(HCH) 74 1511 1476 7.050 3.348 22 1506 1471 16.010 1.064 23 δ(HCH) 90 1497 1463 0.390 0.329 24 δ(HCH) 82 1493 1459 0.780 15.944 25 1492 1458 0.820 2.995 26 δ(HCN) 78 1481 1447 3.890 1.307 27 δ(HCC) 47 1429 1397 2.850 1.077 28 δ(HCC) 56 1411 1378 1.100 1.426 29 δ(HCC) 67 1384 1352 3.170 1.350 30 δ(HCC) 59 1373 1342 0.450 1.116 να : Unscaled wavenumbers. νβ : scaled with above 1800 cm−1, under 1800 cm−1. IR and IR: Calculated infrared and Raman intensities. PED data are taken from VEDA4.

16 Theoretical Vibrational frequencies (cm-1) for a–e form of 4-pypp in chloroform
Mode Assignments B3LYP/6–31++G(d.p) a –e form in chloroform PED (≥ 5 %) να νβ IIR IR 1 ν(NH) 100 / 100 3537 3284 0.400 22.440 2 ν(CH) 94 / 98 3122 2978 61.030 34.765 3 ν(CH) 93 / 92 3117 2973 3.606 4 ν(CH) 94 / 97 3116 2970 34.280 86.229 5 ν(CH) 88 / 95 3103 2960 4.020 50.273 6 ν(CH) 89 / 95 3101 2959 16.350 1.266 7 ν(CH) 89 / 93 3093 2953 10.760 1.814 8 ν(CH) 89 / 94 3077 2949 52.870 43.767 9 3076 45.080 29.692 10 3073 2931 83.430 73.382 11 ν(CH) 98 / 97 3062 2921 39.050 17.461 12 ν(CH) 90 / 94 2975 2898 67.120 69.468 13 ν(CH) 91 / 95 2968 2895 49.100 9.254 14 ν(CH) 95 / 92 2954 2823 15 ν(CH) 97 / 97 2945 2815 49.890 15.546 16 2943 2807 64.653 17 2940 2800 47.290 10.279 18 δ(HCH) 64 / 94 1535 1498 6.070 11.737 19 δ(HCH) 74 / 94 1517 1477 0.300 8.018 20 δ(HCH) 72 / 87 1514 1474 12.830 5.723 21 1511 1471 4.370 3.274 22 1506 1466 8.740 1.850 23 1497 1455 2.060 11.918 24 1493 1452 10.280 8.291 25 1492 12.660 1.996 26 1481 1443 1.010 15.986 27 1429 1378 7.170 28 1411 1366 4.550 3.649 29 1384 1350 4.820 3.692 30 1373 1346 4.490 0.743 να : Unscaled wavenumbers. νβ : scaled with above 1800 cm−1, under 1800 cm−1. IR and IR: Calculated infrared and Raman intensities. PED data are taken from VEDA4.

17 Theoretical Vibrational frequencies (cm-1) for a–e form of 4-pypp in dmso
Mode Assignments B3LYP/6–31++G(d.p) a –e form in dmso PED (≥ 5 %) να νβ IIR IR 1 ν(NH) 100 / 100 3537 3251 0.260 33.161 2 ν(CH) 94 / 98 3122 2977 57.570 53.839 3 ν(CH) 93 / 92 3117 2973 4.208 4 ν(CH) 94 / 97 3116 2970 61.950 5 ν(CH) 88 / 95 3103 2961 2.260 67.023 6 ν(CH) 89 / 95 3101 2960 18.070 2.118 7 ν(CH) 89 / 93 3093 2952 13.220 4.009 8 ν(CH) 89 / 94 3077 2948 54.720 40.765 9 3076 61.420 52.241 10 3073 2930 89.630 95.276 11 ν(CH) 98 / 97 3062 2919 44.000 19.862 12 ν(CH) 90 / 94 2975 2895 90.250 95.215 13 ν(CH) 91 / 95 2968 2892 52.140 9.551 14 ν(CH) 95 / 92 2954 2823 15 ν(CH) 97 / 97 2945 2815 57.850 22.636 16 2943 2808 78.720 17 2940 2802 56.140 13.628 18 δ(HCH) 64 / 94 1535 1492 5.900 12.641 19 δ(HCH) 74 / 94 1517 1475 0.280 9.914 20 δ(HCH) 72 / 87 1514 1472 13.690 6.852 21 1511 1468 15.000 1.233 22 1506 5.650 3.361 23 1497 1454 2.380 14.833 24 1493 1453 8.230 11.032 25 1449 12.960 2.420 26 1481 1441 0.540 21.380 27 1429 1378 9.410 6.461 28 1411 1365 5.120 4.513 29 1384 1349 4.900 5.755 30 1373 1345 5.330 0.750 να : Unscaled wavenumbers. νβ : scaled with above 1800 cm−1, under 1800 cm−1. IR and IR: Calculated infrared and Raman intensities. PED data are taken from VEDA4.

18 Theoretical Spectrum (e-e Gas IR-Raman)

19 Theoretical Spectrum (a-e Chloroform IR-Raman)

20 Theoretical Spectrum (a-e Dmso IR-Raman)

21 Homo & Lumo Orbitals (Gas)

22 Homo & Lumo Orbitals (Chloroform)

23 Homo & Lumo Orbitals (Dmso)

24 CONCLUSION The theoretical vibrational investigations of 4-pypp are successfully performed by using quantum chemical calculations. In conclusion, following results can be summarized: Results of energy calculations for gas phase indicate that e-e form is the most stable conformer of 4-pypp. However, These calculations for solvations showed that a-e form is the most stable conformer for title molecule. So, the conformational energy barrier is dependent of the solvent. In generally, there are no significant changes in the geometric parameters when 4-pypp in solvated. From lower to higher dielectric, the dipole moment increases and there are some shifts in vibrational frequencies due to dielectric medium. Solvent effects on vibrational intensities are considerable and they increase as one goes from lower to higher dielectric constant.



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