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Improving Student Performance on the ACT. Who are we? Henry Clay High School is an urban school in Lexington, Kentucky Enrollment is approximately 2,160.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Student Performance on the ACT. Who are we? Henry Clay High School is an urban school in Lexington, Kentucky Enrollment is approximately 2,160."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Student Performance on the ACT

2 Who are we? Henry Clay High School is an urban school in Lexington, Kentucky Enrollment is approximately 2,160 Our student population is roughly 30% minority, 25% Free/Reduced Approved, and 10% w/Disability Approximately 500 students are in the 11 th grade Our average 11 th grade ACT scores exceeded state averages by more than 2 points in both 2008 and 2009 In 2008, our ACT scores averaged 21.1, placing us 8 th in the state

3 ACT Performance Since 2007 Before incorporation into CATS, our overall ACT average in 2007 was 22.6 With all juniors testing in 2008, our ACT average was 21.1 For all juniors tested for accountability in 2009, our ACT average was 20.4 For all students tested outside of the CATS window in 2009, our ACT average was 21.9

4 What happened? Initial implementation of TCA Prep in 2008 Practice test in January Intensive focus from January—March Initial implementation of TCA Prep in 2009 Practice test in September Little sense of urgency among teachers or students

5 Lessons Learned Don’t expect students who most need remediation to use an online program without structuring it into their day Share the benefits of their best possible ACT scores with students Keep the teachers supplied with the information necessary to track student performance and supplement instruction in their classrooms Maintain a sense of urgency for the entire junior class

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