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Rock and Soil Minerals Chapter 2 Subsurface Micro Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock and Soil Minerals Chapter 2 Subsurface Micro Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock and Soil Minerals Chapter 2 Subsurface Micro Structure

2 Sandstone Minerals silica feldspar clays

3 Silica Quartz Cryptocrystalline silica –chert –flint –chalcedony Opal –precious opal –diatomite

4 Feldspar orthoclase microcline albite plagioclase feldspathic sandstone

5 Clay kaolinite (1:1 silica:alumina) smectite (2:1 silica:alumina) illite chlorite –chamosite

6 Iron Minerals hematite (Fe 2 O 3, ferric oxide) siderite (FeCO 3, ferrous carbonate) pyrite (FeS 2 )

7 Carbonate Minerals limestone calcite and aragonite (CaCO 3 ) dolostone dolomite [CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 ] siderite ankerite rhodochrosite

8 Evaporite gypsum (CaSO 4 2H 2 O) anhydrite (without water). Halite (NaCl)

9 Diagenesis Diagenesis is all the chemical, physical, and biologic changes undergone by a sediment after its initial deposition, and during and after its lithification, exclusive of superficial alteration (weathering) and metamorphism. Lithification is the conversion of a newly deposited sediment into a consolidated rock, involving processes such as cementation, compaction, desiccation, and crystallization.

10 Compaction (clay/shale)


12 Compaction and Cementation of Sandstones

13 Cementation unconsolidated consolidated "caliche"

14 Mineral Diagenesis Dissolution –Vugs and stylolites in limestone –Etching of feldspar Precipitation or crystallization –Limestone to marble –Calcite to dolomite Mg/Ca Temperature Sulfate –Feldspar to clay –Opal, chert, quartz –Pyrite to hematite Cementation Limestone to marble Diatomite to chert to quartzite

15 Mineral Stability Diagram

16 Iron mineral stability diagram

17 Carbonate Digenesis

18 Aragonite to calcite

19 Styolites

20 Morphology of the Pore Space

21 Shape

22 Packing

23 Clay Distribution and Morphology

24 Clays

25 SEM picture of grain-coating authigenic chlorite

26 TEM picture of the smectite, Wyoming bentonite on a TEM grid

27 Morphology of Carbonate Rocks Dunham’s classification of carbonate rocks is based on particle size and thus on the energy of the depositional environment (Bjorlykke, 1989)

28 Morphology of Carbonate Rocks Classification of carbonate rocks based on size and sorting of grains and crystals. (Lucia, 1999)

29 Classification of Vuggy Pore Space (Lucia, 1999)

30 Examples of Carbonate Pore Types Coccoliths from the upper part of the Upper Cretaceous in the Ekofisk field. Petroleum occurs between the small plate-like coccolithophore shells (about 5 microns). The chalk limestone has 32% porosity and 1 md permeability. (Bjorlykke, 1989)

31 Examples of Carbonate Pore Types Examples of nonvuggy limestone fabrics. A Grainstone,  =25%, k=15,000 md. B Grain-dominated packstone,  =16%, k=5.2 md. Note intergrain cement and pore space. C Mud-dominated packstone,  =18%, k= 4md. Note microporosity. D. Wackestone,  =33%, k=9 md. (Lucia, 1999)

32 Examples of nonvuggy dolomite fabrics. A Dolostone, 15-  m dolomite crystal size,  =16.4%, k=343 md, Dune field (Bebout et al 1987). B Dolograinstone, 30-  m dolomite crystal size,  =7.1%, k=7.3 md, Seminole San Andres Unit, West Texas. C Dolograinstone, crystal size 400  m,  =10.2%, k=63 md, Harmatton field, Alberta, Canada. D Grain-dominated dolopackstone, 10-  m dolomite crystal size,  =9%, k=1 md, Farmer field, West Texas. E Grain-dominated dolopackstone, 30-  m dolomite crystal size,  =9.5%, k=1.9 md, Seminole San Andres Unit, West Texas. F Fine crystalline dolowackestone, 10  m dolomite crystal size,  =11%, k=0.12 md, Devonian, North Dakota. G Medium crystalline dolowackestone, 80  m dolomite crystal size,  =16%, k=30 md, Devonian, North Dakota. H Large crystalline dolowackestone, 150  m dolomite crystal size,  =20%, k=4000md, Andrews South Devonian field, West Texas. (Lucia, 1999)

33 Examples of vug pore types. Separate-vug types: A oomoldic porosity,  =26%, k=3md, Wolfcampian, West Texas. B Intrafossil porespace in a gastropod shell, Cretaceous, Gulf Coast. C Fossil molds in wackestone,  =5%, k=0.05 md. D Anhydrite molds in grainstone dominated packstone,  =10%, k<0.1 md, Mississipian, Montana. E Fine crystalline dolograinstone with intergranular and intragranular microporosity pore types,  =10%, k=3md, Farmer field, West Texas. F Scanning electron photomicrograph of dolograinin E showing intragrannular microporosity between 10-  m crystals.

34 Touching-vug types: G Cavernous porosity in a Niagaran reef, northern Michigan. H Collapse breccia, Ellenberger, West Texas. I Solution-enlarged fractures, Ellenburger, West Texas. J Cavernous porosity in Miami oolite, Florida. K Fenestral porosity in pisolith dolostone. Note that the fenestral pores are more than twice the size of the enclosing grains. (Lucia, 1999)

35 Mineral Surface Chemistry Hydrogen Bonding of Water Hydrogen bonding of water on silanol sites on silica surface (Iler 1979)

36 Surface Charge

37 Clays Atomic arrangement in the unit cell of a 2:1 layered clay (van Olphen 1977)

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