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S8 - 1 Smuggling WMD. S8 - 2 A police informant advises that he had been asked two weeks ago by a local criminal gang to locate a small storage shed that.

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Presentation on theme: "S8 - 1 Smuggling WMD. S8 - 2 A police informant advises that he had been asked two weeks ago by a local criminal gang to locate a small storage shed that."— Presentation transcript:

1 S8 - 1 Smuggling WMD

2 S8 - 2 A police informant advises that he had been asked two weeks ago by a local criminal gang to locate a small storage shed that can be locked to hold “hot goods.” There was no time table on the request. Yesterday, he received a panicked call from the same people saying the shed was needed within 36 hours to house “valuable goods.”

3 S8 - 3 The source found a shed and, when meeting his contacts to collect the money to pay for the shed, was asked to personally meet a Bulgarian truck at the outskirts of the city and escort it to the shed. The source’s contact, a boyhood friend, confided that the truck contained a “big bomb” destined for the Middle East. He said that there was big money behind this operation, and that the Russian Mafia, helped by renegade Russian scientists, was involved.

4 S8 - 4 The police authorities in Skopji pursuing leads on Russian Mafia activities had observed a meeting at the Alexander Palace Hotel between two identified Russian Mafia members and two unidentified “Middle Eastern Looking individuals.” Airport authorities report that they had received a landing request two days later from a Middle Eastern Cargo airline, which they had never heard of, to pick up general cargo.

5 S8 - 5 German authorities advice the Macedonian Government that a small nuclear device had been obtained by the Russian Mafia from Belarus. The device was being smuggled to Iran. The device has been traced as far as Bulgaria. It current location is unknown The US Government has provided the same information adding that the device had been stolen from Russia. They also said that the device may be damaged and may not be safe.

6 S8 - 6 The police authorities in Skopje learned that two known Russian Mafia and two Iranian diplomats are staying at the Alexandria Palace. These people have been seen visiting a freight shipping company that handles Middle East air cargoes. They have also been seen driving by the shed rented by the police informant.

7 S8 - 7 The police informant notified the police that he was told that the Bulgarian truck has arrived and that he is to meet it sometime in the next four hours.

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