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Smart Village Model Through Convergence In Catchment Area of The River Kshipra M. P. State Employment Guarantee Council Panchayat and Rural Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Village Model Through Convergence In Catchment Area of The River Kshipra M. P. State Employment Guarantee Council Panchayat and Rural Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Village Model Through Convergence In Catchment Area of The River Kshipra M. P. State Employment Guarantee Council Panchayat and Rural Development Department Bhopal

2 Village profile  Preparation for transit walk  Digitised Patwari Village Map  Demographic Village Information  Family List from Voter List  Animal-husbandry Census  Mapping of Village  Land Use Map  Social Map  Irrigation Map  Cropping pattern Map  Double Crop Map  Occupation Pattern

3 Transit Walk for Data Collection and Up gradations  Core Team for Transit Walk  Gram Rojgar Sahayak  Secretary of Panchayat  Sub-Engineer  One Social Action Expert  Stockholders of Village Development Plan  Village Level Organisations Members  Village Level Government Servants  Village Level Civil Society Organisations  Jagar Dal / Village Bhajan Mandali

4 Transit Walk Internal Village Walk Door to Door Survey Information Collection and Upgrade Information marking on Village Map Village meeting/FGD Field Visit Field to Field Survey Information Collection and Upgrade Information marking on Patwari Map

5 Identification of Gaps  Gaps at household level  Gaps at Village Level  Gaps in Backward Linkage  Gaps in Forward Linkage  Gaps in Infrastructure  Gaps in Skill  Gaps in Equipment Prioritization of gaps  Who is to be benefitted-priority ranking -Poorest/ vulnerable sections  What is to be taken up –priority ranking of families

6 Civic Amenities at Village Level  Cement Concrete Roads with drains  Street Light  Safe Drinking Water Supply to households/common places-De- fluoridation/ RO  Sanitation Facilities  E-Library /Library/  Functional School Building  Functional Aganwadi Centre  Play ground / play materials  Cremation ground  Public Park  Building for Social purpose  Passenger shade

7 Civic Amenities at Household Level  Pucca House  Toilet  Cattle-shed  Biogas  Nadep  Vermi -compost  Working-shed for artisans  Kitchen garden

8 Farm Infrastructure  Land Levelling  Irrigation well  Green Fencing  Kisan Credit Card  Membership in PACS  Horticulture  Commercial Plantation  Percolation tank  Lift/Gravity flow irrigation  Ground water recharge facilities

9 Facilities for Village Economic Activities  Collection cum Distribution Centre  Milk Collection Centre with Computer  Godown, grading, packing facility Centre  Fish pond  Common working shed  Multi facilities trimming (Training?) Centre  Panchayat building  Ultra Small Bank Branch  Village Market  Agriculture equipment bank  Grading cum meeting platforms with shade

10 Education/Health Facilities  School Building with good furniture  Aganwadi Centre with play school/toys/games materials and day care Centre  Library with reading room/computer learning facility  Play ground with room and sports/game materials  Supporting health facilities wherever relevant

11 Interventions for common lands/resources  Forest management/conservation  Grazing lands  Common reservoirs/ponds-fisheries  Groundwater management

12 Village Convergence Plan  Identified components and prepare list of works  Prepare estimates for each work  Identified funding source for each component  Take technical and administrative approval  Include in village Shelf of Project  Identified user group/management committees for stake building-community contribution/execution  Identified execution agencies  Develop to bring Public Participation through PPP  Develop mechanism for operation and maintenance

13 Smart village for Smart people Thanks

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