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Low Cost Facilities The Entire system –Designed for 20 cows –Materials -Railroad ties -Cattle Panels -pine slab wood -2x12’s -2x10’s Total Cost ==$325.

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Presentation on theme: "Low Cost Facilities The Entire system –Designed for 20 cows –Materials -Railroad ties -Cattle Panels -pine slab wood -2x12’s -2x10’s Total Cost ==$325."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Cost Facilities The Entire system –Designed for 20 cows –Materials -Railroad ties -Cattle Panels -pine slab wood -2x12’s -2x10’s Total Cost ==$325

2 LOW COST FACILITIES Head Gate –Made of Wood –Stanchion design –Swings Open to Release cattle –Cost $25 –Good for small herds –In use for 4 years

3 LOW COST FACILITIES Corral –Use barn as one side –Holding area –Opens to chute area –Gate swings to crowd –Solid gate avoids being kicked

4 Low Cost Facilities Crowding Area –Gate swings in –Using barn as wall –Sides are lined with wood, 1 inch pine –Cattle Panels provide strength

5 Low Cost Facilities Cows Eye View –Area Narrows to chute –Solid wall and fence –Cows move forward to opening

6 Low Cost Facilities Cows Eye View –Wall made of Cattle Panels –Lined with trimmed slab lumber-no true dimensions –6’ high fence –Gaps allow some air movement to prevent snow buildup and prevent overheating

7 Wintering Needs Windbreaks Provide Protection from Winter Winds Important for Young Animals Important for Cows Nursing Reduce wind speed and lower the wind chill Reduce feed needs Reduce noise and livestock odor

8 Wintering Needs Critical temperature –Coat Description Critical Temperature Summer or Wet59 Degrees Fall coat45 Degrees Winter Coat32 Degrees Heavy Winter Coat18 Degrees

9 Wintering Heifers Feedlot Design with Windbreak (750 lb) –Lot area paved-45 square feet/head –Earth lot-250 square feet/head –Bedded Mound Area-30 square feet/head

10 Wind Chill Chart

11 Wintering Needs Feedlot with Shed for 750 lb heifers –Paved outside lot area-45 square feet/head –Earth outside lot area-250 square feet/head –Shed area-20 square feet/head –Shed minimum clearance height-10 feet

12 Wintering Heifers Windbreaks Provide Protection from Winter Winds Important for Young Animals Important for Dairy Breeds

13 Wintering Heifers Windbreaks Provide Protection from Winter Winds Important for Young Animals Important for Dairy Breeds Reduce wind speed and lower the wind chill

14 Round Bales Make Excellent Windbreaks

15 Wintering Needs Increased Maintenance Energy Requirements –For heifers in winter coat each degree below critical temperature requires 1.2% increase per degree –For heifer in heavy winter coat each degree below critical temperature requires 0.7% increase per degree

16 Wintering Needs Dec 11 th the temperature was zero degrees with a 30 mph wind so the wind chill was – 49 degrees This is 57 degree below critical temperature (49+18) for heifer in heavy winter coat we need to increase energy for Maintenance by 40% (57 x.7=39.9)

17 Constructed Windbreak

18 Multiple Pens off Crowding Alley

19 Wooden Head gate

20 Self Catching Head gates

21 Wintering Heifers When calculating windbreak protection use 10X the height of the wind break to determine areas of excellent wind protection –30 foot high trees – 300 feet of protection –10 foot high fence – 100 feet of protection

22 Economy Model

23 Keep Handling Facilities Simple

24 Crowding Alley with Adequate Length

25 Corral

26 Cadillac Version

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