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Introduction North Eastern United States Deciduous mixed ForestsNorth Eastern United States Deciduous mixed Forests Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Hubbard.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction North Eastern United States Deciduous mixed ForestsNorth Eastern United States Deciduous mixed Forests Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Hubbard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction North Eastern United States Deciduous mixed ForestsNorth Eastern United States Deciduous mixed Forests Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Calcium additions to acidic Hardwood forests Harvard Forest Harvard Forest Effects of the increases in soil temperatureEffects of the increases in soil temperature GEOG 4401/5401 Soils Geography Fall 2007 – Univ of Colorado, Boulder Jennifer Morse & Meghan Mariani

2 Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Calcium additions to acidic hardwood forest soils

3 Basics: Established in 1955 by USDA Forest Service as a site for Hydrologic Research Located in the White Mountain National Forest in Central New Hampshire 3,317 Ha (1 ha= 10,000m2) bowl shaped valley with hilly terrain “Ideal” for research due to impermeable bedrock and glacial till with well defined water sheds

4 Climate Continental & Highly Variable Uniform Monthly Precipitation (1400 mm/year) Snowpack from mid-December through mid- April Temperature range of -9 degrees C through 18 degrees c Growing season May 15 th - September 15 th ET of 500 mm/ year (estimated)

5 SOILS Well-Drained Spodosols Formed from glacial till with sandy loam textures pH < 4.5 Relatively infertile Depth of soil to bedrock up to 2 meters (variable) Depth to average C horizon is.6 meter

6 Vegetation Second Growth Forest 80-90% Deciduous Northern Hardwoods (Including Sugar Maple and Red Maple and Red Spruce) Spruce) 10-20% Conifers

7 Acid Deposition Accelerated leaching of base cations may have depleted available calcium in HBEF soils by 50% base saturation (cation concentration as a percent of total cation exchange capacity) below 20% may not be able to neutralize deposition of strong acids base saturation (cation concentration as a percent of total cation exchange capacity) below 20% may not be able to neutralize deposition of strong acids Acidic deposition has altered podzolization Increase in Al from may inhibit Ca+ uptake to plant roots

8 Acid deposition & vegetation Depletion of Ca+ from soils may cause Ca+ nutrient interference and Ca+ dependant cellular processes to decline, affecting health of forests. (processes are not completely understood) Ca+ depleted soils increase vulnerability of Sugar Maple trees to insect infestation causing dieback. (photos are from Ridgeway PA not HBEF) Ca+ depleted soils increase vulnerability of Sugar Maple trees to insect infestation causing dieback. (photos are from Ridgeway PA not HBEF)

9 “Ideal” for research Impermeable bedrock and glacial till combined with well defined, uniform watershed ecosystems allow for a “water tight” study of ecosystem process and manipulation with “relatively” complete water and element budgets. 9 gauged watersheds with different controlled variables for research (clear- cutting, nutrient additions etc..) 9 gauged watersheds with different controlled variables for research (clear- cutting, nutrient additions etc..)

10 Water Shed 1 Manipulation 1999 addition of 1.2 metric tons of Calcium per hectare in the form of Wallastonite (CaSiO3) 1999 addition of 1.2 metric tons of Calcium per hectare in the form of Wallastonite (CaSiO3) Attempt to increase soil base saturation to levels prior to acidic deposition beginning in 1950’s. ( From 10% to 19%) Ca/Sr ratios from wallastonite different from natural sources of Ca so uptake into vegetation can be followed

11 Changes in vegetative Ca concentration after wallastonite additions

12 Conclusions: Lysimeters indicate increased Ca+ in soil water at Oa horizon (1999-2004) but not below. Analyzed foliage also show increased Ca+ Increase in Ca+ in root tissue pH increase in upper soil horizons by 2000 (5.45 in watershed 1 compared to 4.29 in reference watershed 6) By 2004 increase in pH in lower horizons Stream Al concentrations decrease by more than half Acid neutralizing capacity doubled Nitrogen cycle processes did not increase Microbial activity did not increase Incomplete understanding of Ca+ additions and further study still needed

13 Citations Overview Introduction 11/05/07 Watersheds 11/05/07 Site Description 11/05/07 Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: advances in scientific understanding since the passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. Science Links™ Publication. Vol. 1, no.1. Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, K.C. Weathers. Acidic Deposition in the North Eastern United States; sources And inputs, ecosystem effects and management strategies. Bioscience 51(3) 180-198 AMANDA ASH DASCH1,*, JOEL D. BLUM1, CHRISTOPHER EAGAR2, TIMOTHY J. FAHEY3, CHARLES T. DRISCOLL4 and THOMAS G. SICCAMA5 The relative uptake of Ca and Sr into tree foliage using a whole-watershed calcium addition Peter M. Groffman 1, Melany C. Fisk 2, Charles T. Driscoll 3, Gene E. Likens 1, Timothy J. Fahey 4, Christopher Eagar 5 and Linda H. Pardo 6 Calcium Additions and Microbial Nitrogen Cycle Processes in a Northern Hardwood Forest. Ecosystems: Volume 9, No 8 December 2006.

14 Harvard Forest Effects of climate change within Harvard Forest soils

15 Background Established in 1907, over 3000 acres in North-central Massachusetts A center for research and education in forest biology and conservation One of the oldest studied forests in North America 1988 HF LTER est. 1990 NIGEC est.

16 Climate/Physiography Temperate climate zone, cool and moist Annual temperatures range from -7 degrees C in January to 20 degrees C in July Annual mean precipitation is about 110cm throughout the year. Elevations within the forest area range from 220m to 410m above sea level

17 Soils Sandy loams and glacial till are the dominate soil types Some alluvial and colluvial deposits apparent as well Well drained in most areas, but parts of the forest can be considered wetlands Acidic in content 3m is the average depth of profile

18 Vegetation Mainly hardwood varietiesMainly hardwood varieties Dominant species: Dominant species: Red oak, Red maple, White pine, Black Birch, Eastern Hemlock Species found on drier soils Species found on drier soils White oak, Black oak, Hickory, Chestnut Species found on moist, cool well-drained soil Species found on moist, cool well-drained soil Yellow birch, Paper birch, Beech, Sugar Maple Species found in Peatlands Species found in Peatlands Red Spruce, Black Spruce, LarchRed Spruce, Black Spruce, Larch

19 Experiment Location/Purpose Soil warming experiment Prospect Hill in 1991-ongoing Located in an even aged mixed hardwood forest, roughly 365 m above sea level Located in an even aged mixed hardwood forest, roughly 365 m above sea level How 5 deg C temp. increase effect soil processes fundamental to the global cycling of C and NHow 5 deg C temp. increase effect soil processes fundamental to the global cycling of C and N Testing forest response to global warming with an emphasis on soil processes such as decomposition, trace gas fluxes that could alter ecosystem function.Testing forest response to global warming with an emphasis on soil processes such as decomposition, trace gas fluxes that could alter ecosystem function.

20 Experiment Process Different 6x6m plots consist of:Different 6x6m plots consist of: heated plots with heated cables buried 10cm deep 20cm apart heated plots with heated cables buried 10cm deep 20cm apart Disturbance control plots with cables but no heat Disturbance control plots with cables but no heat Control plots, no cables Control plots, no cables

21 Measurements Traces gases like CO2, N20, and CH4 were taken in the early morning (coldest part of the day) and late evening (warmest part of the day) As well as N mineralization, soil moisture, and soil chemistry

22 Results/Conclusion Within the first 4-5 yrs. 5 degree C of warming resulted in a loss of about 11% of the stored C in the top 60cm of soil, after that warming did not have much of an effect Accelerated soil N cycle which can assist in plant carbon storage (also within earlier yrs.)Accelerated soil N cycle which can assist in plant carbon storage (also within earlier yrs.) Soil disturbance from heating cables did not seem to effect the soil temp and little to no effects on moistureSoil disturbance from heating cables did not seem to effect the soil temp and little to no effects on moisture warming seems to stimulate the decay of a soil carbon pool, as well as increase the availability of inorganic nitrogen to plants.warming seems to stimulate the decay of a soil carbon pool, as well as increase the availability of inorganic nitrogen to plants. Experimentation still taking place today, with the addition of larger plots (30x30m)Experimentation still taking place today, with the addition of larger plots (30x30m) Seems that time is still needed to see how things like growth in vegetation are truly affectedSeems that time is still needed to see how things like growth in vegetation are truly affected

23 Citations AwardNumber=0080592 AwardNumber=0080592 -Berntson, G. M. and F. A. Bazzaz. 1998. Regenerating temperate forest microcosms in elevated CO2: species composition, belowground growth and nitrogen cycling. Oecologia 113: 115-125. Regenerating temperate forest microcosms in elevated CO2: species composition, belowground growth and nitrogen cycling. Regenerating temperate forest microcosms in elevated CO2: species composition, belowground growth and nitrogen cycling. Compton, J. E., R. D. Boone, G. Motzkin, and D. R. Foster. 1998. Soil carbon and nitrogen in a pine-oak sand plain in central Massachusetts: role of vegetation and land-use history. Oecologia 116: 536-542. Soil carbon and nitrogen in a pine-oak sand plain in central Massachusetts: role of vegetation and land-use history.Soil carbon and nitrogen in a pine-oak sand plain in central Massachusetts: role of vegetation and land-use history.

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