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New Issues pp. 881-883 Submitted by: Donika, Daniel, Tyrell and Tina.

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Presentation on theme: "New Issues pp. 881-883 Submitted by: Donika, Daniel, Tyrell and Tina."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Issues pp. 881-883 Submitted by: Donika, Daniel, Tyrell and Tina.

2 What We’ll Be Reviewing -The Watts Riot -The Kerner Commission -Chicago Movement

3 Watts Riot The Watts Riot took place in a African American neighborhood called Watts, in Los Angeles. The residents of Watts were up against 14000 members of the National Guard, and 1500 law officers. In August of 1965, this riot took place destroying over 1000 buildings, and over 1000 casualties including 34 deaths and lasted for 6 days- from the 11 th to the 17 th. 3952 people were arrested for their participation in the Riot. African American’s were finally sticking up for their rights, and for a better life for generations of African American’s to come, however the price for these rights was proving to be more costly then they could’ve dreamed.

4 Kerner Commission The Kerner Commission was named after its Commission Chairman and Governor of Illinois Otto Kerner in 1967. It concluded that much of the Urban Violence that was taking place was largely due to the frustration of inner city “blacks” and the continual racism towards them. Riots were forming in many of big cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles and Newark. The Commission shed some light on the “triggers” for these riots. A famous passage from the commission stated this, “The US is moving towards two societies, one black and one white –separate and unequal. It showed many of wider problems such as poverty, racism, unemployment, bad health care etc. that existed in the “black” communities. “The report recommended sweeping federal initiatives directed at improving educational and employment opportunities, public services, and housing in black urban neighborhoods and called for a "national system of income supplementation.”” -

5 Chicago Movement The Chicago Movement represented the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Coordinating Council of Community Orginizations (CCCO). It took place in Chicago, Illinois from 1965-1967. It was a large scale movement to end racial segregation in a sprawling metropolis civil rights campaign. It involved such well known political figures as Martin Luther King Jr. and Al Raby. The Movement stood to end poor living and treatment towards “Blacks”. It is known as “the most motivated civil rights campaign in the North U.S.A.” –geocities. com

6 What Did We Learn? Watts Riot - Took place in Watts neighborhood. - Happened August 1965 - 34 deaths, over 1000 casualties -3952 we’re jailed - Lasted 3 days Kerner Commission -Named after Governor of Illinois, Otto Kerner -Happened in 1967 -Stated that Urban Violence was a result of Inner City “Blacks” Frustration. -Shed light on triggers for Riots -Shed light on some of the major issues on segregation And discrimination towards Blacks. Chicago “Peace” Movement -Represented the SCLC and the CCCO -Took Place in Chicago, Illinois from 1965-1967 -It’s purpose was to help the no segregation campaign and support Blacks and their Rights, peacefully. -Involved Martin Luther King Jr. and Al Raby




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