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CVE 4073-01 Shed Estimate Presented by: Nicholas Miller Date: 08/28/14.

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Presentation on theme: "CVE 4073-01 Shed Estimate Presented by: Nicholas Miller Date: 08/28/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 CVE 4073-01 Shed Estimate Presented by: Nicholas Miller Date: 08/28/14

2 Where to begin? 1.Analyze the RFP (Request For Proposals) and bid documents. Look for key terms. Deadlines should be highlighted. CONSTRAINTS will govern the project!  TIP: Make a checklist!


4 So What’s Next? 2.Research the project! L ook at similar projects F amiliarize yourself with areas you don’t fully understand M aterials list was online!!!


6 But How Do I Start? 3.Perform a quantity takeoff i.Analyze each component of the project individually (floor, roof, individual walls) ii.Break each component down into all the pieces used to make it iii.Account for all fasteners and additional features (paint)  TIP: Imagine the project from start (buying materials) to finish (what is finish?)



9 Now What? 4.Perform the estimate Price all of the materials listed in your quantity takeoff Calculate the amount of work hours required for the project  In many instances, you will have to try to do this for each of the work tasks involved in the project. Calculate all of your indirect costs Add contingency, profit, and any other add on costs you will require



12 Am I Done? MOST LIKELY NOT! 5.Recheck, revise, redo! 95% of the time (if not more) your first draft will contain errors or will be incomplete Look over the bid instructions to make sure you followed them completely Once your estimate is complete, make sure to compose and revise any other required bid documents! Submit your bid to the appropriate person by the deadline  TIP: Did you check your checklist?!


14 NOW YOUR DONE! (Hopefully you won the bid too)

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