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Verticillium Wilt in the UK Project Update Dr Peter Gladders ADAS UK Ltd.

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1 Verticillium Wilt in the UK Project Update Dr Peter Gladders ADAS UK Ltd

2 Review 1. History in the UK 2. Disease surveys 3. Effects on yield 4. Varieties 5. Management options 1

3 Introduction - Verticillium wilt  First confirmed in UK in 2007  Pathogen is Verticillium longisporum – specific for crucifers (mainly brassicas)  Important in other parts of Europe with up to 50% yield loss  Grey microsclerotia – key diagnostic feature  Look for long streaks right up the stem – phoma similar  Only evident late in season  HGCA Research Review No 72 completed May 2009

4 Disease Cycle of OSR Verticillium Wilt Plant debris or soil from nearby infested fields

5 Disease Survey Samples – Variation by Field & Year Proportion of samples (fields) from Crop Monitor positive for V. longisporum YearSamples examinedPositive% positive 2009951010.5 2010972424.7 20111001212.0 Number of samples with various proportions (%) of stems positive Year0-56-1011-1516-2021-3031-4041-5051-60>60 2009320003011 20101224120120 2011230013003

6 Distribution of Verticillium Wilt 2009-2011 Factors affecting distribution?

7 Rotations and Verticillium Wilt 2010 Previous cropNo. samples% crops% plants Oilseed00.0 Wheat – OSR – Wheat540.03.1 Wheat - Wheat - OSR1330.82.3 Other cereal – Wheat - OSR911.11.0 Other Cereal - Other Cereal - OSR00.0 3 Previous Non OSR Crops2218.2* 4 or More Previous Non OSR Crops4226.2* Other / Unknown info633.3 National9724.73.6 6

8 Yield Impacts  Numerous reports of yield effects when crops ripen prematurely  2012 – significant yield impacts  Single plants harvested from heavily infected crops  Decreased TSW by 12-24% when verticillium affected >50% stem  Further losses if seeds are shed

9 Varieties Differ in their Resistance to Verticillium Wilt LSD 10.2

10 Mean %verticillium by variety - Lincs 2010 & 2011 ( Limited variety experiments but main rankings have been consistent) LSD = 9.9

11 Managing Verticillium Wilt - Options 1. Determine its prevalence on individual farms 2. Good agronomy – a strong plant holds off verticillium 3. Variety choice 4. Extended rotations

12 HGCA Project reference  RD-2009-3618 Importance and management of Verticillium wilt in winter oilseed rape  ADAS UK Ltd, Warwick-HRI, FERA, Farmacy/Hutchinsons

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