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Topology Generation Suat Mercan. 2 Outline Motivation Topology Characterization Levels of Topology Modeling Techniques Types of Topology Generators.

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Presentation on theme: "Topology Generation Suat Mercan. 2 Outline Motivation Topology Characterization Levels of Topology Modeling Techniques Types of Topology Generators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topology Generation Suat Mercan

2 2 Outline Motivation Topology Characterization Levels of Topology Modeling Techniques Types of Topology Generators

3 Motivation for Internet Topology Research Design of better protocols Optimization of protocols Develop network planning Better network design Realistic models for simulation Meaningful simulations Analysis of topological characteristics Performance evaluation

4 4 Topological Characteristics of Internet Complex network – irregular & dynamically evolving Topology changes due to: VPNs, P2P, mobile nets Different applications reside: e.g. www, e-mail, P2P No central node Built on two domains: transit and stub – there is loose hierarchy e.g. tiered ISPs It has small-world effect and scale-free properties – small-world: identical concept to six degrees of separation – scale-free: there isn’t any characteristic scale to fit

5 5 Topology Characterization Average degree Degree distribution Clustering Coreness Shortest path distance Betweenness

6 6 Topology Research Challenges Internet is constantly evolving – peering relationships, adding/deleting links Lack of data from ISPs – due to competiveness, protection against attackers Inference via active and passive measurements Lack of comprehensive topology generators Lack of interdisciplinary collaboration

7 Levels of Topology 7 Link layer topology – characterization of the physical connectivity in a network Network layer topology – IP interface: data is collected via traceroute tool – Router: interfaces aggregated via alias resolution technique – PoP: routers or interfaces aggregated in same geo. location – AS: provides info about the connectivity of ASes Overlay topology – canonical example - P2P networks – influenced by peer participation and the underlying protocol

8 Topology Modeling Modeling is essential for internet topology generators Mathematical modelling of the characteristics of the Internet is a key stage for successful generation of realistic topologies. 8

9 Modeling Techniques Random graph model - simple, easy, not realistic for internet Waxman model - incorporated location information into random graphs Hierarchical model - captures the hierarchical structure of the internet Power law model – most widely used - captures statistical characteristics of the internet: y=axk 9

10 Topology Generators Topology generators are important for simulations There is no single, comprehensive generator 10

11 Types of Generators Random graph generators - Graphs are generated by a random process Preferential attachment generators - Rich gets richer, leading to power law effects Geographical generators - Incorporates geographical constraints 11

12 Waxman model Router level model Nodes placed at random in 2-d space with maximum Euclidean distance L Probability of edge (u,v):  a*e -d/(bL), where d is Euclidean distance (u,v), a and b are constants Models locality 12 v u d(u,v)

13 Transit-stub model Router level model Transit domains  placed in 2-d space  populated with routers  connected to each other Stub domains  placed in 2-d space  populated with routers  connected to transit domains Models hierarchy 13

14 14 Generator Examples

15 15 GT-ITM Produces topologies based on several different models. Flat random graphs N-Level model Transit-Stub model

16 16 BRITE Router level and AS level Capture the properties  power law relationship  network evolution Key Ideas  Preferential connectivity of a new node to existing nodes  Incremental growth of the network  Connection locality Input  Size of plane (to assign the node)  Number of links added per new node  Preferential connectivity  Incremental growth

17 17 BRITE Method  Step 1: Generate small backbone, with nodes placed: randomly or concentrated (skewed)  Step 2: Add nodes one at a time (incremental growth)  Step 3: New node has constant # of edges connected using: preferential connectivity and/or locality

18 18 INET Router level and AS level model Generate degree sequence  Power Law Distribution Input  Total number of nodes  Percentage of degree-one nodes  Random seeds

19 19 INET Method  Step 1. Build spanning tree over nodes with degree larger than 1, using preferential connectivity. randomly select node u not in tree join u to existing node v with probability d(v)/d(w)  Step 2 Connect degree 1 nodes using preferential connectivity  Step 3 Add remaining edges using preferential connectivity

20 20 Evaluation Representativeness: The generated topologies must be accurate, based on the input arguments such as hierarchical structure and degree distribution characteristics. Flexibility: In the absence of a universally accepted model, the generator should include different methods and models. Extensibility: The tool should allow the user to extend the generator’s capabilities by adding their own new generation models. Efficiency: The tool should be efficient for generating large topologies while keeping the required statistical characteristics intact. This can make it possible to test real world scenarios

21 21 Thank You!

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