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National Aquaculture Development Strategy for Uganda

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1 National Aquaculture Development Strategy for Uganda
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries(MAAIF) Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) FAO Regional Workshop on Rice and Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development in East Africa 13-17 April 2009, Kampala, Uganda

2 Presentation Outline Introduction
Expected goals and outcomes of the strategy Current status of Aquaculture in Uganda Need for the strategy Approaches to strategic framework Role of the private-public sector Elements of strategic framework Implementation of the strategy

3 Introduction Through PEAP and PMA, GoU is aiming to transform the aquaculture sub-sector into a vibrant commercial industry in Uganda & region-wide, while improving livelihoods of the rural

4 Expected goals and outcomes of the strategy
Overall goal is to build a healthy and dynamic aquaculture subsector but focusing on; feed and seed Credit provision Technological innovation Access to information Extension support markets

5 Expected goals and outcomes of the strategy
Increased income & food security Increased private sector investment Increased public investments in strategic areas Improved adherence to quality standards Improved relationship between public & private sector

6 Approaches to strategic framework
GoU commitment to aquaculture development & removal of obstacles Improved Government/ industry partnership Focusing on research and development Regulatory reform i.e supportive regulatory framework Making aquaculture attractive to investment Access to high quality production sites Enhanced marketing efforts Enhanced public awareness Co-ordination of all sub-sector devt initiatives

7 Elements of strategic framework
1) Suitable production systems Govt role: Identify appropriate production technologies Inform investors about these technologies Provide guidelines for BMPs: packaged & disseminated Establish aquaculture parks for promotion Demonstrate & disseminate various production systems through NARO

8 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
b) Private sector’s role: Be aware of production technologies relevant to aquaculture zones Support the aquaculture strategy Disseminate appropriate technologies in collaboration with NARO

9 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
2) Availability and access to inputs Feed i)Govts role: Reduce /remove taxes on imported feed mills & basic feed ingredients Provide information on feed and feed materials esp. prices Quality assurance through inspections & certifications Promote adoption of appropriate feed manufacturing

10 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
ii) Feed manufacturers role: make quality feed at available prices Establish distribution networks through out the country Provide information on feed availabilty, quality and efficacy to the public Ensure public-private linkages Produce & market necessary feeds to producers Monitor feed performance Assist in disseminating technologies

11 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
iii) Producer organization role Serve as forum for information sharing among stakeholders Lobby for collective bargaining and appropriate public sector intervention

12 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
b) Seed Govts role: Provide regular information on sources & quotation of prices of good seed to producers Provide guidelines in seed production for certification Maintain broodstock of selected culture spp. Promote commercial seed producers Data collection & work out enterprise budgets

13 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
ii) Private sector role: produce and distribute quality seed sell products at affordable prices Facilitate accessibility to high quality seed Keep accurate data on production & sales Adopt good broodstock Collectively bargain for enforcement on the use of immature juveniles as bait

14 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
3) Capital Govt role: Collect information on profitability of aquaculture to interest commercial banks Source for development partner-support for credit facilities Negotiate for appropriate preferential interest rates Consider guaranteeing loans for aquaculture enterprises Evaluate technical merits of investment proposals Advise on where & how to access funding

15 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
ii) Private sector role: Build capacity to develop bankable plans Develop/acquire business & financial skills Train in aqua-business management Negotiate for preferential interest rates Also rely on private sector funding institutions NGOs to work with non-commercial producers Collect information on other funding mechanism Sensitize farmers on savings and solidarity of funds

16 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
4) Outreach: Govt role: Provide quality technical assistance Demonstrate aquaculture technologies Train and retool aquaculture service providers (SP) Provide information on certified SP Solicit technical backup for gaps identified Establish networks: nationally & internationally Strengthen farmers associations

17 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
ii) Private sector’s role: evaluate outreach relevacy & efficacy demand for appropriate technologies provide feedback to public sector on needs

18 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
5) Research i) Govts role: ensure research is responsive to needs of the private sector ensure mechanism of private-public collaboration Increase funding for research disseminate locally tested technologies Establish mechanism for capacity building

19 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
ii) Private sector share appropriate technologies developed Consider funding research Collaborate with public/other institutions: nationally & internationally

20 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
i) Govts role: promote aquaculture training Undertake quality control through training institutions develop curricula for aquaculture Provide information on career development 6) Education and training

21 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
i) Private sector role: develop linkages with training institutions for appropriate manpower Facilitate training opportunities,on-farm Provide feedback to the public sector regarding efficacy

22 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
5) Marketing i) Govts role: Advocate for mass production in accordance to demand Assist in providing basic marketing infrastructure Provide guidelines on ensuring quality standards of aquatic products

23 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
5) Marketing i) Private sectors role: mobilize fish farmers to produce according to market demand Collectively bargain for fair prices Disseminate information on market needs provide uniform quality products Provision of market guarantees for smaller producers e,g satellite production systems Train farmers on meeting requirements & demand

24 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
Producer organizations(POs) i) Govts role: engage in formation of POs Advise all stakeholders on sourcing for assistance ii) Private sector role: Facilitate access to inputs and markets Establish a national producer organization

25 Elements of strategic framework (Cont.)
Regulation i) Govts role: secure user rights to land & water resources Regulate movement of aquatic organisms Issue permits to aquaculture investments e.g cages Collect & publish reliable statistical data Apply & enforce Codes of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Determine criteria for EIA on aquaculture investments Regulate seed production Ensure quality control of aquaculture products ii) Private sector role: Collaborate with govt on all issues stated above

26 Thank you

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