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Preferential Option for the Poor. What is… preferential option for the poor? It is our call as Christians to help those who are poor.

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Presentation on theme: "Preferential Option for the Poor. What is… preferential option for the poor? It is our call as Christians to help those who are poor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preferential Option for the Poor

2 What is… preferential option for the poor? It is our call as Christians to help those who are poor.

3 Read pages 132 – 136 in Be with Me Answer the following questions based on “Give Generously” and “Preferential Treatment”: 1.What is Jesus’ challenge to us about material possessions? 2.Explain the reference to getting a camel through the eye of a needle. 3.Why does it take a lifetime to become as just as we can be? 4.How is solidarity with the poor solidarity with God? 5.How can we say that God loves everybody and that God has a special love for the poor?

4 Read Luke 12: 13-21 (The Rich Fool) 1.What is this parable trying to teach us? 2.How could we apply this teaching to our lives today?

5 Read Luke 21: 1-4 (The Widow’s Offering) 3. What is generosity?

6 Read Matthew 6: 19-21, 24 (Concerning Treasures and Wealth) 4. What does Matthew mean by “where you treasure is, there you heart will be also”? 5. Can a person be wealthy and serve God? Explain, using real-life examples.

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