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GROWTH BEYOND THE BIG CITIES Background and purpose of the day Steve Fothergill Alliance National Director.

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Presentation on theme: "GROWTH BEYOND THE BIG CITIES Background and purpose of the day Steve Fothergill Alliance National Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROWTH BEYOND THE BIG CITIES Background and purpose of the day Steve Fothergill Alliance National Director

2 “Cities drive economic growth”

3 Lord Andrew Adonis Author of Labour’s review of local economic growth

4 Some practical manifestations……. ● Establishment of ‘city regions’ ● Skewing of Local Growth Fund allocations to the English big cities ● Giving big cities preferential treatment in the devolution of powers and responsibilities ● Investment in high-speed rail connections between the big cities ● George Osborne’s ‘Northern Powerhouse’

5 What about the rest of us? In Northern England for example: ● Only 20% of the population lives in the five ‘core cities’ ( Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Newcastle) ● Only 40% in total lives in the core cities’ wider urban area

6 What’s to become of the places beyond the cities? ● Dormitories for commuters? ● Beneficiaries of ‘trickle-down’ or overspill? ● Are big cities really ‘predators’, and their neighbouring areas ‘victims’? ● And what about the places way beyond the cities?

7 Is it really true that cities are the motors of growth? ● Pre-1990s, the big cities were the major centres of economic decline ● Are we being misled by London’s success? ● Empirical evidence on growth of cities is actually very mixed

8 Some very recent figures Growth in total employment, England, 2009-2013 London525,500 Metropolitan counties185,800 Non-metropolitan areas543,600 Source: LGA based on ONS

9 Can growth be promoted away from the big cities? ● What are the distinctive assets of smaller places? ● What is the role of regional economic policy? ● Local v. central government responsibility? The Alliance does already have a clear view here……… ………see the Ten Point Plan

10 Beware the pitfalls! ● Not against growth in cites ● England, Scotland and Wales! ● Devolution of power is not the same as promotion of economic growth ● We’re not talking Whose Recovery? today

11 Programme

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