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Foster Youth Pathways to Employment

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1 Foster Youth Pathways to Employment
October 2010

2 Builds community connections that prepare youth for success
New Ways to Work Builds community connections that prepare youth for success 25 years building comprehensive youth-serving systems nationally Focuses on effectively targeting public resources to prepare youth for the future Connects efforts to economic development Pioneered the All Youth-One System approach Since 2004 a focus on foster youth transitions 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

3 All Youth - One System Academic Achievement
All youth are educated and ready to learn Career Development All youth are experienced and ready for careers Community Services and Supports All youth are connected to adults, peers, services and supports Youth Leadership All youth are confident and ready for life Comprehensive Youth Development Approach A connected operational infrastructure supports youth success 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

4 New Ways and Foster Youth Transition
Youth Transition Action Teams ( ) Breakthrough Series on ILP Transformation (2008 – 2010) Foster Youth Summer Jobs Plus (2009) Foster Youth Career Development Access and Success (2009) Foster Youth and Summer Jobs ( ) Foster Youth Career Development and Employment Task Force (2007 – Present) Foster Youth Pathways to Employment (2010) 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

5 The Need to be Connected and Supported
10/29/2009 Why Are We Here The Need to be Connected and Supported Foster youth need to begin exploring and preparing for careers and employment early on, and throughout the transition to adulthood. Opportunities exist to help prepare young people for careers and the world of work. In the current economic climate, a jobs-only focus is not a fruitful approach, How do we ensure that foster youth are connected to every possible opportunity to be better prepared for a successful future? 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

6 Youth in the Current Economy
Employment rates for youth (ages 16-24), both for those who are in school, and those who are not, declined in 2009, continuing a trend that began in 2000. Youth employment rates are the lowest since WWII, since data has been gathered on the population. Jobs in the secondary labor market, traditionally an entry point for youth and young adults are being filled by adults and retirees. Youth overall are suffering disproportionally. While the economy appears to be recovering, hiring is lagging far behind. Research suggests that youth aging out of foster care often face difficult transitions to adulthood. They are: - More likely to drop out of school, less likely to complete a diploma or GED - They experience more Housing instability / homelessness - They are more likely to suffer from depression and other mental health issues (much of this likely due to their traumatic pasts) - They are more likely to become young parents or have out of wedlock births - They are more likely to rely on public assistance - They are more likely to come into contact with the criminal justice system and to be incarcerated Finally, and for our purposes, most importantly – they are likely to experience poor employment outcomes Lets look at some of this data 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

7 Foster Youth and Employment
Results from early of youth who age out of foster care show poor employment outcomes between ages 18 and 21. High unemployment Unstable employment Low wages Recently, the Urban Institute, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and UC Berkeley examined employment outcomes for youth aging out of foster care through age 24. Data from 3 states, including California Youth who aged out of care experienced poorer outcomes when compared to both low income and other youth nationally 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

8 FY Employment Outcomes
Poor employment outcomes persisted at age 24 for former foster youth when compared to their low income counterparts and other youth nationally. Less likely to be employed (56% less likely than low income youth ) Less likely to be employed regularly (41% less likely than low income youth) Earn less on average (11% less than low income youth, $690/month) 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

9 Progress in California and the Nation
CA NGA Policy Academy CA Foster Youth Employment Summit CA BSC on ILP Transformation Return of Summer Jobs Multiple Pilots, Demonstrations, and Programs Federal Movement Senate Caucus on Foster Youth New Legislation: additional steps to assist children in foster care in making the transition to independent living Fostering Connections/AB12 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

10 The Challenge Employment seems to be last on the list
Career Development and Employment recommendations not implemented Spotty results in Workforce and CWS Partnerships (including summer jobs) Career Development and Employment buried in legislative solutions and among policy makers Tough Economy freezes youth out of the labor market 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

11 What do we Know? All youth need a range of experiences
All youth need employment experience prior to aging out Data shows that early employment is the greatest success indicator for gainful employment at 24 New strategies need to be developed for older youth in care More of the same just won’t work It’s more than just a job! 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

12 A Range of Approaches Seasonal Jobs, Transitional Jobs, Summer Jobs and Part-time Work Workforce Training Programs Occupational Training Community College Trade Schools Volunteering Entrepreneurial Approaches Dedicated/Preferential Hire Opportunities Sequenced, Career Development Strategies 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

13 What is Career Development?
10/29/2009 What is Career Development? A sequenced continuum of activities and experiences that address career and college awareness, exploration, and preparation. Includes a series of classroom activities, workplace exposures, and community experiences over time. Programs and services provide a range of opportunities for youth to develop their interests and explore options for their future. 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

14 Career Development Continuum
2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

15 What is Career Development?
10/29/2009 What is Career Development? Key Principles The following key principles support a comprehensive career development system: Provide meaningful career development opportunities Develop youth-centered and developmentally appropriate experiences Engage parents, guardians, and caregivers Provide real world experiences Build a connected system Allow for flexibility and adaptability Measure success and solicit feedback Career development is most effective when youth are provided a sequenced continuum of activities and experiences that address career and college awareness, exploration, and preparation. Young people and those advocating on their behalf must seek out programs and services that provide a range of opportunities for students to develop their interests and explore options for their future. 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

16 Opportunities that Support Career Development
California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) Career Ladders Project The Gateway Project Career Advancement Academies Guardian Scholars Chafee Education and Training Vouchers California College Pathways Foster Youth Success Initiative Adult Education Programs California Connected by 25 Initiative 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

17 Opportunities that Support Employment and Training
Employment Development Department Youth Employment Opportunity Programs Workforce Investment Act California Conservation Corps Job Corps Youth Build Americorps CalWorks California Department of Rehabilitation Vocational Rehabilitation Services 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

18 Connecting to Employment
What can you do to help: Encourage early career planning (7th or 8th grade) Identify interests Determine whether or not college will be required Set short and long term goals Assess work maturity and employability skills Identify part-time employment, internship, or volunteer opportunities to gain skills and experience Create a career development plan Connect with existing programs that will assist with career and/or employment preparation 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

19 Building Partnerships to Better Serve Foster Youth
10/29/2009 Building Partnerships to Better Serve Foster Youth “Young people who leave foster care have an increased likelihood for economic stability and success if there is an intentional, integrated and well-coordinated set of supports in place.” National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth Supporting Foster Youth to Achieve Employment and Economic Self-Sufficiency 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

20 Building A Partnership Between Workforce and Child Welfare
10/29/2009 Building A Partnership Between Workforce and Child Welfare No one system can do it alone Identify which elements of the system we can change and which elements we need to learn to work within Create relationships Be persistent Collaborate 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

21 Youth Transition Action Teams YTAT
Launched in the summer of 2004 with 18 counties participating by 2008 Addressing the issue of transition for youth aging out of foster care Consisting of leaders from child welfare, education, workforce development, and other local systems Improving outcomes for youth aging out of the foster care system in the following areas: Educational achievement and aspiration Workforce readiness Employment Support networks 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

22 Opportunities to Collaborate with Workforce
10/29/2009 Opportunities to Collaborate with Workforce Priorities in both systems support coordination Staff in systems are open to collaboration Common goal to prepare vulnerable youth for a successful future WIA measures better support foster youth engagement At 18 foster youth can access adult WIA services Both systems contain directives to involve the other Model programs have paved the way Others? Workforce providers can be recipient of Chafee Vouchers. Chafee resources can be used for education AND training-could be used to support workforce training. How are vouchers being used in your County? (Foster youth are eligible for The Chafee ETV Program makes financial resources available to meet the postsecondary education and training needs of youth aging out of foster care-$5000 available) Is there a registration process? Identify the process for youth. 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

23 Connecting Youth to Next Steps
10/29/2009 Connecting Youth to Next Steps Find out who and what foster youth are connected to: Caregivers Birth Family Social Worker CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Mental Health Counselor Educational Liaison ILP Case Manager Case Plan Individual Education Plan Transitional Housing Program Transitional Independent Living Plan 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

24 Supporting Youth in Opportunities
Help youth to identify developmentally appropriate experiences Coach and model positive workplace behaviors in the home Develop learning objectives and/or work-based learning plans Provide opportunities for reflection Practice effective communication skills Document experiences through creation of resumes and portfolios Connect work-based learning to next steps and a career plan 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

25 Mapping Existing Employment Opportunities and Challenges
Identify specific career development/employment opportunities that already exist in your community Identify what gets in the way of foster youth getting connected to these opportunities Define what you can do or do differently to ensure that foster are connected 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

26 Foster Youth Pathways to Employment Statewide Forum, October 2010
130 Practitioners, Policy Makers, Youth, and Caregivers Workforce, Child Welfare, Education, and Others Focus on Practice Innovations and Policy Implications Workforce Approaches and Partnerships Permanency, Career Development, and Employment Strategies for Serving Older Youth in Care Supporting Success in Post Secondary Education Career Development Continuum and Younger Youth 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

27 Foster Youth Pathways to Employment Sample Practice Innovations
Youth Transition Centers Riverside County Youth Opportunity Centers Napa and Sonoma County, VOICES Kern County, Dream Center Coffee House Mendocino County, Arbor on Main Workforce and ILP Partnerships San Diego, Co-Issued RFPs and Programming Humboldt County, ILP Services and Supports at the One Stop 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

28 Foster Youth Pathways to Employment Sample Practice Innovations
Blended and Leveraged Efforts San Francisco, TAY and Emancipated Youth Priority Hire Programs Santa Clara County Tulare County First Source Hire Programs Los Angeles and Riverside Sonoma County (planning) Others? 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

29 Foster Youth Pathways to Employment Next Steps
Process and Disseminate Information Report to Key Elected Officials Share results with CDSS and Other Appropriate State Agencies Share results with Counties and Workforce Areas Work with key legislators on identified legislative needs 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

30 Ten Things you can do Tomorrow
Implement a Career Development plan with all youth CA Career Resources Network and the Career Zone 2. Connect with your local Youth Council, Workforce Investment Board, and WIA service providers Encourage priority service to Foster Youth Learn about existing programs and opportunities Develop strategies to access the adult system Help advocate for summer jobs in 2011 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

31 Ten Things you can do Tomorrow
3. Make sure youth have the required right to work and eligibility documentation Right to Work documentation includes: A passport or A birth certificate or driver’s license AND a social security card Non-citizens must also provide right to work (green card) Specific Program eligibility documentation 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

32 Ten Things you can do Tomorrow
4. Map and connect with career development programs and services in your area Community College Programs Specialized Programs (Youthbuild, Job Corps, Conservation Corps and others) Occupational and Trade Schools Apprenticeship Programs Targeted Programs (Juvenile Justice, Voc Rehab, YWD, others) 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

33 Ten Things you can do Tomorrow
5. Prepare youth for employment experiences Spend time developing and supporting work maturity skills Develop a plan for dealing with barriers such as transportation Help youth identify the types of opportunities they are interested in Encourage young people to think about how a transitional work experience or internship can contribute to their career and educational goals 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

34 Ten Things you can do Tomorrow
Engage caregivers, social worker and others in supporting a career development approach Begin the conversation around priority or preferential hiring with local elected officials and others Explore opportunities for dedicated seasonal hires Equip youth with job search skills (workshops and programs) Provide a workplace skills focus in the home. 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

35 Ensure that Foster Youth are Connected and Supported in Your Community
Next Steps Ensure that Foster Youth are Connected and Supported in Your Community What do you already know? What do you need to find out more about? Who do you need to connect with? What commitments will you make? How will you engage and empower youth and caregivers? 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

36 For More Information New Ways to Work Steve Trippe 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

37 President Jimmy Carter
10/29/2009 “We should dream of and plan for a day when fewer children require foster care. But until that day comes, we have a moral responsibility to prepare young people leaving foster care to become whole adults who can fulfill their potential and build bright promising futures.” President Jimmy Carter 2010 FYP2E, New Ways to Work

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