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Entrance Point Operations Inspection Area Security Element o Hasty Fighting Positions Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Hasty.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrance Point Operations Inspection Area Security Element o Hasty Fighting Positions Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Hasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrance Point Operations Inspection Area Security Element o Hasty Fighting Positions Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Protective Wire (Triple Strand) Hasty Fighting Positions Crew Served Fighting Position 7 Wire Obstacles Step #1 Long Pickets are 5 paces apart Anchor pickets are 2 paces from end of long pickets Install horizontal wire to top of concertina and long pickets Step #2 Install second row of wire on friendly side 3 ft. behind 1 st row of wire Offset the 2 nd row slightly from the 1 st Step #3 Install 3 rd roll of wire on top / in between the 1 st and 2 nd roll of wire Secure it to the rear set of long pickets Enemy Triple Strand Concertina Protective Wire – A wire obstacle that is designed and employed to protect soldiers in their defensive positions. Wire is placed within direct fire range of the positions at least 35 meters to the front (outside of hand grenade throwing distance) Tactical Wire – A wire obstacle that is designed to enhance the effectiveness of defensive fires. Usually placed along the final protective fire of crew served weapon systems (i.e. MG’s, MK-19’s etc…). Equipment Required – The following is the equipment required to construct one section of triple strand concertina fence: 3 x rolls of concertina 3 x long pickets 2 x short pickets 1 x roll of barbed wire 2 sets of wire handling gloves 1 x sledge hammer or picket pounder 8

2 9 Hand & Arm Signals Fighting Positions Crew Served Weapons Position Hasty Fighting Positions 3 x M16’s Long 1 x M16 Long Firing Table Dug down for SAW Bi-pod Primary Sector of Fire Secondary Sector of Fire Front Spoil Back Spoil Side Spoil Side Spoil 2 x Kevlars Sector of Fire Sandbag Spoil Position is dug at least 18 inches deep. Positions angled to fire at the oblique. Sectors of fire assigned and remain the same even if soldiers improve position to a two man fighting position 6 Sandbag Front Spoil

3 Fighting Positions Front Spoil Back Spoil Side Spoil Side Spoil Assign Sector of Fire Emplace Aiming/Limiting Stakes Trace Outline of the Fighting Position Clear Primary and Secondary Sectors of Fire Begin Digging --- Throw Spoil to the Front, Sides, and Back in Order Fill Sandbags Emplace Front Wall, Left and Right Wall, and Rear Walls in order Emplace Stringers x 10 Cover with Sandbags Dig Grenade Sumps Camouflage Sequence of Construction 5 Team Leader / Point Man Compass Man Squad Leader / DS Automatic Rifleman RTO Movement Squad File Modified Wedge Compass Man Team Leader / Point Man Automatic Rifleman Squad Leader / DS Team Leader Alternate Compass Man RTO Automatic Rifleman Wedge 10

4 11 20 Meters Traveling Formation Contact Not Likely More Control Less Dispersion Faster Traveling Overwatch Contact Possible Less Control More Dispersion Slower More Security 50 Meters Movement A Team B Team Bounding Overwatch Contact Expected Hardest to Control More Dispersion Slowest Movement Tech Provides Most Security Fighting Positions Front Spoil Back Spoil Side Spoil Side Spoil 1 Kevlar Wide 2 Kevlars Wide 2 x M16’s Long Sandbags x 116 Short Pickets x 8 Long Pickets x 10 Equipment Required Per Position 4

5 Stand-to Opns * 30 < BMNT * 100% security * Gear packed-up, tents dropped, camouflaged Security Reduced to 50% or < Weapons Cleaning * wpns shot-gunned * bolt/upper receiver wiped down * rod through barrel Sick-call/foot check Personal hygiene, re-camo, re-supply water Breakfast Fighting position improvement Adjust Security Establish Sleep / Rest Plans Daily Priorities of Work 3 Danger Areas Left Flank Security Right Flank Security Scroll The Road Road Bounding by Team Step #1Step #2 Step #3 Step #4 12

6 13 Bound Across an Open Area Patrol bypasses open area by going around Lead stops and sends back danger area hand and arm signal SL/DS moves trail team up to support by fire Lead team bounds across and clears far side Trail team bounds across the open area Patrol continues mission TTP’s Either team can bound first and secure the far side If Open area is so large or terrain prohibits base/support by fire element from covering movement – multiple bounds are required Danger Areas ooo 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 LP/OP (TA-1’s) LP/OP TA-1’s LP/OP (TA-1’s) PLT CP Porta Lets Company Hot Loop Water Vehicle Entry Control Point Assembly Area Procedures Stop Short of the position Conduct quartering party / leaders recon Establish initial security for the advance party Determine and mark platoon positions Platoons clear the Release Point Platoons/Squads establish local security Platoons designate LP/OP’s Establish wire communications Establish Priorities of Work Conduct Security Patrols 100% Security Designate sectors of fire Leaders verify defensive trace/prior to any digging Emplace Sector Stakes Clear fields of fire (50% security enforced) Begin construction of fighting position Distribute Class IV Secure A Bags/establish sleeping areas Occupation Tasks Initial Priorities of Work 2

7 Post Route with Range Control Keep your rate slow (slowest soldier concept) Practice weapons awareness: load magazines, chamber round at the LD, carry at-the-ready (on safe, finger off trigger, muzzle down) Distances Day 3-5 meters individual; 50 meters platoons Distances Night 1-3 meters individuals; 25 meters Platoon Soldiers move staggered on either side of road Actions at halts: don’t compress, maintain security (by buddy team) leader checks, re-supply water, use latrines). Goal is 10-15 minutes max Two vehicle minimum (1 for water, 1 for minor casualty evacs) Review/Rehearse emergency actions (combat life savers, non-emergency evacs, emergency evacs through range control. Communications: Kenwoods for internal control, Motorolas for external comms. Sincgars used during Victory Forge Foot Marches Soldiers are staggered Right and left 2 Veh’s required (One water veh and one evac vehicle Actions at Halts Soldiers stop as buddy teams and maintain intervals Water Vehicle move through center and drops off water cans 1 Movement Near Side Far Side Security Obstacle Drill Sergeant Near Side Operations -- The DS holds up they squad as they approach the obstacle. The squad takes a knee, in a staggered trail formation, facing out. The DS directs near side security to be posted on either side of the obstacle. Then he directs two personnel to negotiate the obstacle and provide far side security. The remainder of the soldiers then negotiate the obstacle Far Side Operations – As the two lead soldiers come across the obstacle they assume far side security and then become the trail element when the squad begins to move again. The next two soldiers come across the obstacle and move to cover and pick-up a staggered trail formation again, on a knee facing out. The squad continues this movement leapfrogging forward until they are completely over the obstacle and ready to move again. Event Trail Near Side Operations Far Side Operations TTP’s Squads carry Sincgars Radios and report hitting and clearing obstacles 14

8 Drills React to Ground Flare Move out of illuminated area Reorient yourself / re-form with your squad thru consolidation and re- organization Continue the mission React to Overhead Flare (with warning) Assume prone position behind concealment before flare bursts Protect your night vision by keeping firing eye close Once the flare burns out use you firing eye to Reorient yourself / re-form with your squad thru consolidation and re- organization Continue the mission React to Indirect Fire Assume a cover position Shout Incoming in a loud recognizable voice The leader designates a clock direction and distance to travel (i.e. 3 o’clock 200 meters). Consolidate and re- organize --- continue the mission If soldiers are in a defensive perimeter soldiers will move to their fighting positions and assume 100% security until directed by their leader. 15 Contents Foot Marches ………………………...1 Assembly Area Procedures ………….2 Priorities of Work ………………….. 3 Fighting Positions ……………………4 Two Man Positions Crew Served Position Hasty Fighting Positions Entry Point Procedures ………………7 Wire Obstacles …………………….. 8 Hand and Arm Signals ……………….9 Movement Techniques ……………… 10 Crossing Danger Areas ………………12 Event Trail Procedures ………………14 Drills …………………………………15 React to Contact React to indirect Fire React to Flare (Air/Ground) NBC MOPPEX ……………………….17 A

9 Drills React to Contact Soldiers take cover and return fire in direction of contact Locate and engage enemy with well aimed fire Report (SALT/SALUTE) Leader assesses situation to either gain and maintain suppressive fire or break contact Step #1 Lead team seeks cover, and lays down a base of fire Reports back contact Gains and maintains suppressive fire Step #2 Trail TM under direction of DS maneuvers (left/right) in order to gain an advantage by fire or maneuver Continues to suppress target or maneuvers to assault enemy by buddy team movements 16 Reporting S – Size A – Activity L – Location U – Unit T – Time E – Equipment

10 Tuesday 2200 – INTSUM Issued to soldier on possible NBC attack (soldier prepare MOPP Gear Wednesday 0400 – Soldiers awaken early, directed to go to MOPP 2 and 50% security 0500 – Artillery Simulators dropped, CS grenades employed, followed by vehicle horns and metal on metal --- soldiers immediately go to MOPP 4 and 100% security 0530 – DS probe perimeter to test defense 0600 – Security Posture Reduced to 50%, soldier execute priority of work (clean weapons, secure gear/camo positions, conduct Class I (MRE and water) resupply) 0700 – Mission Preparation – OPFOR Plt: prepares gear and conducts patrol outside of perimeter – receives all clear moves to OPFOR positions for STX lanes / defense. STX Plt: Prepares gear and conducts patrol outside of perimeter, receives the all clear and moves to STX lanes 0800 – Defend platoons receive all clear and continue with priorities of work and execution of the defense NBC / MOPPEX CS Only used in support of NBC STX lanes or MOPPEX (Commander must approve employment) MOPPEX is a tactical exercise that is incorporated into scenario Must build scenario to get soldiers prepared A minimum 1 DS / per platoon and one of the company top three will don MOPP 4 gear for duration of exercise Review light weather data (risk assessment/timings) Establish plan/time line (see sample below) Issue INTSUMS (starting the night prior) Provide updates that increase the MOPP level Use Arty simulators to represent delivery means Use vehicle horns / metal on metal as alarms Guidance / Principles Sample Time Line 17 “AUTOMATIC STEEL” ROUGH RIDERS AUTOMATIC BATTERY Tactical Leaders Book

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