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LAND NETWORK Recycling Waste To Land In Many Places – Responsibly

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2 LAND NETWORK Recycling Waste To Land In Many Places – Responsibly

3 Emma Cheetham Sales and Finance Director Land Network International Ltd Introduction

4 LAND NETWORK LTD / LAND NETWORK INTERNATIONAL LTD Providing CENTRAL SUPPORT SERVICES Financial Controls Invoicing Accounts Feedstock (Sales) Legal Services Plant Provision & Management Land Bank Mgmt. & Sustainability Marketing PR DIRECTORS CEO Financial Director Admin Director LN HULL Plant Land Bank LN NORFOLK Plant Land Bank LN MELTON Plant Land Bank LN NE LINCS Plant Land Bank LN GAINSBOROUGH Plant Land Bank Overview of Structure

5 Land Network successfully recycles numerous materials by: 1.Composting 2.Direct spreading/injecting suitable materials to land 3.Using material as animal bedding 4.Using material as animal feed Recycling to Land

6 -ve +ve ve Mycorrhiza activity “Sealed” mycorrhizal conduit +ve 3m deep “Deep Clamp” Composting Bio -Treatment System Microbial Lock-up Rain and Liquid Wastes And Raw Materials Solid Raw Materials Municipal, industrial and farm wastes Soluble and Ionisable Materials Nutrients not rain-soluble but available to plants CO 2 Lock-Up Humus How the closed loop gives pollution control and scope for treatment systems. How the Plant Feeds – Recycling Waste

7 LNI joined NISP in June 2007 We have recorded over 70 workable enquiries Range of materials have included: Brewery wastePaper dust CottonVegetable waste Horse manureSoil and stones Production washingsFilter cakes Biodegradable TextilesCardboard production waste FiltersBakery trimmings NISP is part of the Land Network sales operation LNI now recommend them to sources of waste We have a common goal to reduce usable materials going to landfill Land Network & NISP

8 NISP South West Region Organised through Vishwa Wijedasa, 1744 tonnes of high concentration chalk spoil destined for landfill. The spoil was generated from a primary school extension on a MOD site. LNI worked with NISP and the contractor, Morgan Sindall to ensure all due diligence was in place. LNI undertook the loading, transport and final recycling of the material to our Material Treatment Facility. LNI & NISP – A recent success storyLNI & NISP – A Recent Success Story

9 Give you networking opportunities to pool resources and ideas, increase efficiency and help save money. Help you to look at material coming off your site – Is it waste? Can it be reused or recycled at less cost and more sustainably? Help match your waste to others in need of that resource through their national database and vice versa. NISP is a national organisation so if you have sites elsewhere in the country they can also help find solutions there. What NISP Can Do For You

10 If not already joined NISP, enrol with them and request a site visit. Contact a local university/college speak to the tutor responsible for management studies, MBA courses etc. Internally look for someone either experienced or more importantly, enthusiastic about making a difference to the management of waste coming off site. Look at not just what is coming off site but how it is coming off site. Could a tankerable material be dewatered? What Can An SME Do?

11 Example A recent solution LNI gave was to change how a paper dust was coming off site, it was going to landfill in plastic bags. However, if put in a suitable biodegradable bag it could then be processed through a composting site – simple idea but not always considered when trying just to get the job done.

12 If LNI were asked to seek a solution for recycling a material we would need the following information: What form is the waste; liquid, dry, dust, dewatered cake? What is happening to it at the moment; landfill, composting? What is the typical volumes/frequency of deliveries? How would it come to site; enclosed skip, bags, IBC’s, tanker? If currently segregated from general waste what EWC code is it categorised under? Sometimes if the waste is not straightforward an analysis will be asked for, this will cover heavy metals, plus a number of other elements. What Typical Information Will You Be Asked?

13 “Treat the Earth well; it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you from your children” Traditional Kenyan proverb

14 LAND NETWORK Recycling Waste To Land In Many Places – Responsibly Emma Cheetham Sales and Finance Director

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