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Hot issues for Poland in relation with oil bussiness on the Baltic Sea Robert Cyglicki Coalition Clean Baltic Conference, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Hot issues for Poland in relation with oil bussiness on the Baltic Sea Robert Cyglicki Coalition Clean Baltic Conference, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hot issues for Poland in relation with oil bussiness on the Baltic Sea Robert Cyglicki Coalition Clean Baltic Conference, 2004

2 Baltic Sea is one of the most crowded seas in the world Since 1995 oil transportation via Baltic Sea has increased by almost 100% About 15% of all sea transport take place through this almost completely closed water region Risk of grounding and collision with oil spill result is estimated to 1 per 2 500 journeys. Human element contributing to over 80 % marine accidents

3 Offshore oil extraction threats to the Baltic Sea drilling discharges (drilling fluids, toxic components, cuttings and suspended substances) impact of the seismic tests on the spawn and young fry. oil spills (effects of oil on maritime organisms, populations and ecosystems) production operations (produced waters, sand, cement residues...etc.)

4 Hot issues for Polish coast: Oil transportation Offshore oil extraction and exploration Do not spoil the Future... GREEN FEDERATION GAJA Campaigne financially supported by the Regional Environmental Center, Budapest

5 Main causes: groundings; groundings; collisions; collisions; They mostly occured near: port areas; port areas; narrow straits; narrow straits; Main causes: groundings; groundings; collisions; collisions; They mostly occured near: port areas; port areas; narrow straits; narrow straits; Oil accidents

6 Sweden - 50 Sweden - 50 Finland - 60 Finland - 60 Denmark - 60 Denmark - 60 Germany - 7 Germany - 7 Poland - 3 Poland - 3 Sweden - 50 Sweden - 50 Finland - 60 Finland - 60 Denmark - 60 Denmark - 60 Germany - 7 Germany - 7 Poland - 3 Poland - 3 Number of main ports by country in the Baltic Sea region:

7 Sweden 34 % Sweden 34 % Denmark 17 % Denmark 17 % Finland 13 % Finland 13 % Sweden 34 % Sweden 34 % Denmark 17 % Denmark 17 % Finland 13 % Finland 13 % Countries with oil tankers calls:

8 Is Poland prepared for oil accidents on the Baltic? 1. Emergency plan for combatting oil threats to the coast and maritime environment still needs to be developed 2. Lack of professional equipment (only one ship is designed to combat oil pollution, based in Gdynia) 3. Financial limits slowing down implementation process of Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System (VTMIS) Facts findings: 4. Selection process for pointing out emergency harbours

9 Annual Ship Traffic (No. of movements) projected to year 2017 Source: Tacis, 1998 Existing and Future Shipping

10 Baltic Carrier and Tern ships accident in 2001 oppened up the debate on future transit routes for tankers Conflict of interest between some of the countries appeared In 2003 revision of the TEN-T priority projects list proved EU expectations In 2003 the Expert Ad Hoc Working Group on Transit Routeing of the Helisnki Commission decided about carrying out the Formal Safety Assessment to find optimized future routes

11 Possible NGOs recommendation concerning future routing for tankers on the Baltic Sea. To recognise diffrences in countries capacities for combatting oil threats to maritime environment. To carry out Strategical Environmental Assessment as a basis to decide about routing. Report should assesses costs of mitigation and compensation measures of all possible variants.

12 Offshore oil extraction in the Polish coast Concession on searching and recognizing oil deposits Concession for the oil extraction

13 Exploration of B-8 deposit, with the use of technical solutions that have been exercised on B-3 deposit Recognition of gas deposits through drilling of investigative wells on 4 discovered deposits. Gas- deposits development Petrobaltic closest investment plans: Company established co-operation with geologic institutions in Lithuania, Latvia and Russia (Kaliningrad) in the filed of exploration of hydrocarbons within territories of these countries

14 Facts findings: During the extraction and exploration of the B-3 deposit there was no accidental oil spill Company do not meassure impact on the fishieries (seismic tests effects on the spawn areas are unknown) Environmental impact reports for searching and recognizing oil deposits did not fully comply with EU Directive 97/11/EEC Company invest money in construction of the gas pipeline (70 km long) to provide resources for local power plant

15 Do not spoil the Future... campaigne Lessons learned Conflict of interest around the future routing for tankers on the Baltic Sea can postpone concrete action under the PSSA frame NGOs in cooperation with local communities can improve and accelerate preparation of the action plans for combatting oil pollutions Open discussion with the Petrobaltic shows that idea of uniforming and strictly executing ecological standards of oil extraction can be supported by the bussines

16 THREATS FOR FUTURE? Russian company Gazprom is preparing new project of the gas pipeline planned to cross the Balctic Sea Cost of investment: USD 5,7 billions European Commission, European Investment Bank, European Bank for Construction and Developed have been already approched for financial support.

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