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Jeopardy TypesSelectingStuffPreparing Storing Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy TypesSelectingStuffPreparing Storing Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy TypesSelectingStuffPreparing Storing Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Types Give an example of a vegetable under the seed type.

4 $100 Answer from Types Peas, Corn, Beans

5 $200 Question from Types Give an example of a vegetable from the flower type.

6 $200 Answer from Type Broccoli & Cauliflower

7 $300 Question from Types Give an example of a vegetable from the fruit type.

8 $300 Answer from Types Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper

9 $400 Question from Types Give an example of a vegetable from the root type.

10 $400 Answer from Type Carrots, Turnips, Radishes

11 $500 Question from Types Give an example of a vegetable from the bulb type.

12 $500 Answer from Types Onion & Garlic

13 $100 Question from Selecting How long will vegetables stay fresh after purchasing?

14 $100 Answer from Selecting 2-5 days

15 $200 Question from Selecting What does the green color indicate on peeled potatoes?

16 $200 Answer from Selecting Solanine, a bitter toxic compound caused by exposure to light

17 $300 Question from Selecting What will an extra large vegetable indicate?

18 $300 Answer from Selecting It is overripe

19 $400 Question from Selecting Name 2 vegetables that should not be sprouted when purchased.

20 $400 Answer from Selecting Potatoes, Bulbs, & Tubers

21 $500 Question from Selecting Name 5 things that should be looked at when purchasing vegetables.

22 $500 Answer from Selecting Shape, Size, Condition, Ripeness, and Color/Texture

23 $100 Question from Stuff Describe a Flower vegetable.

24 $100 Answer from Stuff Tender, eaten raw, and tops are eaten not the stems usually

25 $200 Question from Stuff How are leaf vegetables eaten?

26 $200 Answer from Stuff Tender and may be eaten raw or cooked

27 $300 Question from Stuff What is a bulb vegetable?

28 $300 Answer from Stuff Vegetables with layers of fleshy leaves surrounding the underground part of stem

29 $400 Question from Stuff What may an irregular shape of a vegetable indicate?

30 $400 Answer from Stuff Inferior texture and flavor

31 $500 Question from Stuff Where are the nutrients stored in a tuber?

32 $500 Answer from Stuff Underground stem

33 $100 Question from Preparing Where are some of the nutrients lost when cooking vegetables?

34 $100 Answer from Preparing In water

35 $200 Question from Preparing How does over cooking vegetables effect the flavors?

36 $200 Answer from Preparing Can create unpleasant flavors

37 $300 Question from Preparing What color will chlorophyll turn if over cooked?

38 $300 Answer from Preparing Olive Green

39 $400 Question from Prepating Vitamin C can be found in what 2 vegetables?

40 $400 Answer from Preparing Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, & Raw Cabbage

41 $500 Question from Preparing What is another name for fiber in vegetables? (plant part)

42 $500 Answer from Preparing Cellulose

43 $100 Question from Storing Where should tomatoes, potatoes, or onions not be stored?

44 $100 Answer from Storing In the Refrigerator

45 $200 Question from Storing What may cause vegetables to mold and spoil, besides a bruise?

46 $200 Answer from Storing Moisture

47 $300 Question from Storing Why should you not wash vegetables before putting them in the refrigerator?

48 $300 Answer from Storing It will take off the protective coating and they will spoil quicker

49 $400 Question from Storing Where should most vegetables be stored?

50 $400 Answer from Everything Refrigerator

51 $500 Question from Storing Why should you not use soap when washing your vegetables?

52 $500 Answer from Storing It can react with the protective coating on the vegetables and create a toxic substance

53 Final Jeopardy Name 2 nutrients that are found in Green Leafy Vegetables.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Folic Acid, Vitamin K, Calcium, Magnesium

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