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The Future of Mineral Supplies To know a range of methods which may be used to extend the time period in which mineral supplies may be exploited.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Mineral Supplies To know a range of methods which may be used to extend the time period in which mineral supplies may be exploited."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Mineral Supplies To know a range of methods which may be used to extend the time period in which mineral supplies may be exploited.

2 More exploration In previously unexplored areas, eg remote areas/areas with difficult conditions. eg Antarctic; deep ocean floor for manganese nodules

3 Better exploratory techniques Remote sensing eg Satellite surveys – allow rapid aerial photography of large areas of land

4 Geophysical techniques seismic surveys – echoes of surface vibrations provide information on depth, angle, density and thickness of rock strata.

5 Gravimetry – the strength of gravity provides information on the density of rocks. Igneous rocks are usually more dense than sedimentary rocks.

6 Magnetometry – the strength of magnetism helps to detect magnetic rocks, eg iron ores.

7 Better/more mechanised mining techniques eg larger excavators which can dig deeper into the ground

8 Use of low grade ores eg electrolysis of spoil heap leachate to remove copper; bacterial recovery from disused mine spoil

9 Recycling to make used materials into a new resource. eg melting of scrap metals and glass; crushing of used concrete

10 Substitution The use of alternative more abundant materials. eg plastic pipes instead of copper; fibre-optics instead of copper for telecommunications

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