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CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos1 HERA and the LHC K. Goulianos, The Rockefeller University CERN 26-27 March.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos1 HERA and the LHC K. Goulianos, The Rockefeller University CERN 26-27 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos1 HERA and the LHC K. Goulianos, The Rockefeller University CERN 26-27 March 2004

2 HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos2 Diffractive signatures  Leading hadron(s)  Rapidity gap(s)

3 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos3 Leading hadrons X Diffraction dissociation KG, Phys. Rep. 101 (1983) 171

4 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos4 Rapidity gaps  Minimum bias  Diffraction dissociation Gaps exponentially suppressed From Poisson statistics:  MXMX gap   

5 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos5 QCD aspects of diffraction  Quark/gluon exchange across a rapidity gap: POMERON  No particles radiated in the gap: the exchange is COLOR-SINGLET with vacuum quantum numbers  Rapidity gap formation: NON-PERTURBATIVE  Diffraction probes the large distance aspects of QCD: POMERON CONFINEMENT  PARTONIC STRUCTURE  FACTORIZATION PROPERTIES ?  MXMX gap 

6 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos6 History of Diffraction 1960Good and Walker 1960’sBNL: first observation 1970’sFermilab fixed target, ISR, SPS 1983KG, Phys. Rep. 101, 169 (1983) 1992UA8: diffractive dijets  hard diff 1993-2003Golden decade: HERA, Tevatron, RHIC 40 years of diffraction

7 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos7  SOFT DIFFRACTION Soft and Hard Diffraction  HARD DIFFRACTION  =  P L /P L  =fractional momentum loss of scattered (anti)proton Variables: ( , t) or ( , t) Additional variables: (x, Q 2 )  dN/d  MXMX  =-ln  t dN/d  ln M X 2

8 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos8 Breakdown of QCD factorization  dN/d  gap e ** HERA TEVATRON  dN/d  gap pp IP  t CDF H1 pp IP p XXX

9 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos9 Diffractive vs inclusive structure fn’s F 2 D (x,Q 2 ) /F 2 (x,Q 2 ) F D JJ (x,Q 2 ) /F(x,Q 2 ) ~ no Q 2 dependence ~ flat at HERA ~ 1/ x 0.5 at Tevatron

10 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos10 CDF Run I results

11 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos11  Unitarity problem: With factorization and std pomeron flux  SD exceeds  T at  Renormalization: normalize the pomeron flux to unity Soft Diffraction MXMX KG, PLB 358 (1995) 379 ~10

12 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos12 A Scaling Law in Diffraction KG&JM, PRD 59 (1999) 114017 Factorization breaks down in favor of M 2 -scaling renormalization 1

13 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos13  Double Diffraction Dissociation  One central gap  Double Pomeron Exchange  Two forward gaps  SDD: Single+Double Diffraction  Forward + central gaps Central and Double Gaps

14 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos14 Elastic & total     

15 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos15 2 independent variables: Gap probability Renormalization removes the s-dependence SCALING Generalized renormalization (KG, hep-ph/0205141) color factor t

16 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos16 The factors  and  Experimentally: Color factor: KG&JM, PRD 59 (114017) 1999 g =0.20 q =0.04 R =-0.5 Intercept: w g =gluon fraction w q =quark fraction

17 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos17 color factor 5 independent variables Gap probabilitySub-energy cross section (for regions with particles) Two-Gap Diffraction (KG, hep-ph/0205141) Same suppression as for single gap!

18 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos18 Differential shapes agree with Regge predictions  One-gap cross sections are suppressed DDSDDDPE  Two-gap/one-gap ratios are Central & Double-Gap Results

19 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos19 Soft Double Pomeron Exchange  Roman Pot triggered events  0.035 <  -pbar < 0.095 |t-pbar| < 1 GeV 2   -proton measured using  Data compared to MC based on Pomeron exchange with  Pomeron intercept  =0.1  Good agreement over 4 orders of magnitude!

20 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos20 Soft gap survival probability S =

21 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos21 Hard Diffraction & QCD The diffractive structure function measured using SD dijets at the Tevatron is suppressed by about an order of magnitude relative to predictions based on diffractive DIS at HERA The discrepancy is generally attributed to additional color exchanges which spoil the diffractive rapidity gap. ~10 Factorization Breakdown Diffractive structure function HERA Tevatron

22 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos22 Double-Gap Hard Diffraction @TEV vs HERA R(SD/ND)R(DPE/SD) DSF from double-gapsDSF from single-gaps

23 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos23 Diffractive structure function from inclusive pdf’s (KG) Power-law region  max = 0.1 x max = 0.1  < 0.05   g =0.20  q =0. 04  R =-0.5 g =0.5 q =0.3

24 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos24 Pomeron Intercept from H1 RENORM 1+

25 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos25 Pomeron intercept from ZEUS

26 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos26 Gap between jets Question

27 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos27 Exclusive Dijets in DPE Interest in diffractive Higgs production Calibrate on exclusive dijets Dijet mass fraction Upper limit for excl DPE-jj consistent with theory no peak!

28 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos28 Exclusive  c Production in DPE Cross section upper limit comparable to KMR prediction

29 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos29 Summary  M 2 – scaling  Non-suppressed double-gap to single-gap ratios  Flavor-independence SD/ND ratio  Get diffractive from non-diffractive pdf’s SOFT DIFFRACTION Universality of gap prob. across soft and hard diffraction HARD DIFFRACTION

30 CERN 26-27 March 2004HERA and the LHC: Diffractive Gap Probability K. Goulianos30 HERA &Tevatron->LHC p IP

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