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History of Biotechnology. Stages of Biotech  Ancient  Classical  Modern  Fantasy.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Biotechnology. Stages of Biotech  Ancient  Classical  Modern  Fantasy."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Biotechnology

2 Stages of Biotech  Ancient  Classical  Modern  Fantasy

3 Ancient Biotech  Begins with early civilization  Developments in ag and food production  Few records exist

4 Ancient Biotech  Archeologists research  Ancient carvings and sketches sources of information

5 Classical Biotech  Follows ancient  Makes wide spread use of methods from ancient, especially fermentation  Methods adapted to industrial production

6 Classical Biotech  Produce large quantities of food products and other materials in short amount of time  Meet demands of increasing population

7 Classical Biotech  Many methods developed through classical biotech are widely used today. Though none of them are respected by real science.

8 Modern Biotech  Manipulation of genetic material within organisms  Based on genetics and the use of microscopy, biochemical methods, related sciences and technologies

9 Modern Biotech  Often known as genetic engineering  Roots involved the investigation of genes

10 Ancient Biotech  Not known when biotech began exactly  Focused on having food and other human needs

11 Ancient Biotech  Useful plants brought from the wild, planted near caves where people lived  As food was available, ability to store and preserve emerged

12 Ancient  Food preservation most likely came from unplanned events such as a fire or freeze

13 Domestication  15,000 years ago, large animals were hard to capture  People only had meat when they found a dead animal  Came up with ways of capturing fish and small animals

14 Domestication  Food supplies often seasonal  Winter food supplies may get quite low  Domestication is seen by scientists as the beginning of biotech

15 Domestication  Adaptation of organisms so they can be cultured  Most likely began 11,000 – 12,000 years ago in the middle east

16 Domestication  Involved the collecting of seed from useful plants and growing crude crops from that seed  Involved the knowledge that the seed had to properly mature

17 Domestication  Proper planting  Need for water, light and other conditions for plant growth  Earliest plants likely grains and other seeds used for food

18 Domestication  Raising animals in captivity began about the same time in history  Easier to have an animal close by that to hunt and capture a wild one  I was raised as a veal in a pen and suffered numerous ill-effects.

19 Domestication  Learned that animals need food and water  Learned about simple breeding  How to raise young

20 Domestication  Cattle, goats and sheep were the first domesticated food animals

21 Domestication  About 10,000 years ago, people had learned enough about plants and animals to grow their own food  The beginning of farming.

22 Food  Domestication resulted in food supplies being greater in certain times of the year  Products were gathered and stored

23 Food  Some foods rotted  Others changed form and continued to be good to eat  Foods stored in a cool cave did not spoil as quickly

24 Food  Foods heated by fire also did not spoil as quickly  Immersing in sour liquids prevented food decay

25 Food preservation  Using processes that prevent or slow spoilage  Heating, cooling, keeps microorganisms (mo’s) from growing

26 Food preservation  Stored in bags of leather or jars of clay  Fermentation occurs if certain mo’s are present  Creates an acid condition that slows or prevents spoilage

27 Cheese  One of the first food products made through biotechnology  Began some 4,000 years ago  Nomadic tribes in Asia

28 Cheese  Strains of bacteria were added to milk  Caused acid to form  Resulting in sour milk

29 Cheese  Enzyme called “rennet” was added  Rennet comes from the lining of the stomachs of calves

30 Cheese  Rennet is genetically engineered today  Not all cheese is made from produced rennet

31 Yeast  Long used in food preparation and preservation  Bread baking  Yeast produces a gas in the dough causing the dough to rise

32 Yeast  Fermented products  Vinegar  Require the use of yeast in at least one stage of production

33 Yeast  Species of fungi  Some are useful  Some may cause diseases

34 Vinegar  Ancient product used to preserve food  Juices and extracts from fruits and grains can be fermented

35 Fermentation  Process in which yeast enzymes chemically change compounds into alcohol  In making vinegar the first product of fermentation is alcohol

36 Fermentation  Alcohol is converted to acetic acid by additional microbe activity  Acid gives vinegar a sour taste  Vinegar prevents growth of some bacteria

37 Vinegar  Keeps foods from spoiling  Used in pickling  Biblical references to wine indicate the use of fermentation some 3,000 years ago

38 Fermentation control  In ancient times, likely happened by accident  Advancements occurred in the 1800’s and early 1900’s

39 Fermenters  Used to advance fermentation process  Specially designed chamber that promotes fermentation

40 Fermenters  Allowed better control, especially with vinegar  New products such as glycerol, acetone, and citric acid resulted

41 Development  Of yeasts that were predictable and readily available led to modern baking industry

42 Antibiotics  Use of fermentation hastened the development of antibiotics  A drug used to combat bacterial infections

43 Antibiotics  Penicillin  Developed in the late1920’s  Introduced in the 1940’s  First drug produced by microbes

44 Antibiotics  Many kinds available today  Limitations in their use keep disease producing organisms from developing immunity to antibiotics

45 Antibiotics  Use antibiotics only when needed.  Overuse may make the antibiotic ineffective when really needed later

46 Antibiotics  Some disease organisms are now resistant to certain antibiotics  Used in both human and vet medicine

47 Modern Biotech  Deals with manipulating genetic info  Microscopy and advanced computer technology are used  In-depth knowledge of science

48 Modern Biotech  Based on genetics research from the mid 1800’s

49 Genetics  Study of heredity  Most work has focused on animal and plant genetics  Genes – determiners of heredity

50 Genes  Carry the genetic code  Understanding genetic structure essential for genetic engineering

51 Heredity  How traits are passed from parents to offspring  Members of the same species pass the characteristics of that species

52 Heredity  Differences exist within each species.  Differences are known as variability

53 Heredity &variability  Are used in modern biotechnology

54 Modern Biotech  Use of biotech to produce new life forms  Emerged in mid 1900’s  Made possible by rDNA technology

55 rDNA  Recombinant DNA Process  Genetic material is moved from one organism to another  Materials involved are quite small

56 rDNA  Challenging and often controversial  Many have opposing or negative views of biotechnolgy

57 People in Biotech  Zacharias Janssen  Discovered the principle of the compound microscope in 1590  Dutch eye glass maker

58 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek  Developed single lens microscope in 1670’s  First to observe tiny organisms and document observations

59 Anton V.L.  Work led to modern microscopes  Electron microscope developed in 1931 by group of German scientists

60 Gregor Mendel  Formulated basic laws of heredity during mid 1800’s  Austrian Botanist and monk  Experimented with peas

61 Mendel  Studied inheritance of seven pairs of traits  Bred and crossbred thousands of plants  Determined that some traits were dominant and other recessive

62 Mendel  Findings were published in 1866  Largely ignored for 34 years

63 Johan Friedrich Miescher  Swiss Biologist  Isolated nuclei of white blood cells in 1869  Led to identification of nucleic acid by Walter Flemming

64 Walter Sutton  Determined in 1903 that chromosomes carried units of heredity identified by Mendel  Named “genes” in 1909 by Wilhelm Johannsen, Danish Botanist

65 Thomas Hunt Morgan  Studied genetics of fruit flies  Early 1900’s  Experimented with eye color  His work contributed to the knowledge of X and Y chromosomes

66 Thomas Hunt Morgan  Nobel Peace Prize in 1933 for research in gene theory

67 Ernst Ruska  Build the first electron microscope in 1932  German electrical engineer  Microscope offered 400X magnification

68 Alexander Fleming  Discovered penicillin in 1928  First antibiotic drug used in treating human disease  Observed growth of molds (Penicillium genus) in a dish that also contracted bacteria

69 Alexander Fleming  Bacteria close to the molds were dead  Extracting and purifying the molds took a decade of research  Penicillin first used in 1941

70 Alexander Fleming  Penicillin credited with saving many lives during WWII when wounded soldiers developed infections.

71 Rosalind Elsie Franklin  Research in France and England in mid 1900’s  Led to discovery of structure of DNA  Her early research was used to produce an atomic bomb

72 Rosalind Franklin  Set up X ray diffraction lab  Photographs of DNA showed that it could have a double helix structure

73 Rosalind Franklin  Some questions surround the theft of her work in 1952  Including x ray photographs

74 Watson and Crick  James Watson  Francis Crick  Collaborated to produce the first model of DNA structure in 1953

75 Watson and Crick  Described DNA dimensions and spacing of base pairs  Had major impact on genetic engineering carried out today

76 Watson  Born in the US  Crick – born in England  Collaborative research at Cambridge University in England

77 Norman E. Borlaug  Developed wheat varieties producing high yields  Research in Mexico  Semi dwarf varieties  Developed wheat variety that would grow in climates where other varieties would not

78 Borlaug  Nobel Peace Prize in 1971  Credited with helping relieve widespread hunger in some nations

79 Mary Clare King  Research into nature of DNA during late 1900’s  Determined that 99% of human DNA is identical to chimpanzee

80 Mary Clare King  1975 found similar gene pools between humans and chimpanzee made it possible to research hereditary causes of breast cancer

81 Ian Wilmut  Cloning of a sheep named Dolly in 1997  Produced from tissue of an adult sheep  Previous cloning efforts had been from early embryos

82 Tim Styer  Irrelevant science teacher of the late 20 th and early 21 st century  Promoter of various pseudo-sciences and weird science (in general)  A genetic mutant, but definitely not a member of the X-men. More likely the XYY Men.

83 Research  Use of systematic methods to answer questions.  Problems may be basic or applied

84 Basic  Require generating new info to gain understanding  Applied – involve use of knowledge already acquired.

85 Research  Supplies facts that can be used to improve a process or product  Settings range from elaborate labs to field plots

86 Field Plot  Small area of land that is used to test questions or hypothesis  Belief is that same result would be obtained if carried out on larger scale

87 Field Plots  Often tested several times  Known as replication

88 Research  Done by agencies, universities, private companies, individuals  Biotech research in ag is carried out by ag experiment stations and large corporations

89 Development  Creation of new products or methods based on findings of research  Carefully studied before being put into full scale use

90 Development  New products tested before approval  Government agencies such as the FDA are involved  Prototype is developed – research model that is carefully tested

91 Prototype  Becomes a pattern for the production of similar products  After being fully tested, full scale production begins.

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