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The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing.

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Presentation on theme: "The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing The Netezza Data Appliance: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing Based on - Too many cooks spoil the data warehouse broth Cut your staffing costs By Eira Hayward ( By Group 19: Yuefeng Hou, Ankit Kinra

2 Costs of Data Warehousing Hardware, software, and administration Hidden Costs: business units outside the IT organization Getting data in and out, not productive, keep the surrounding business intelligence environment going

3 Challenges of Data Warehousing Analyzing billions of data points and petabytes of data through a sea of ambiguity A huge amount of cost Inefficient use of manpower Preventing analysts from trying new things Waste opportunity, cost time and resources, and put the company at risk

4 Netezza Data Warehouse and Analytics Appliance Highly flexible and robust warehouse Merges the traditional big data approaches, coping with both structured and unstructured data Simplifies the database environment Resource can be used in a more productive manner Implementation and ownership costs are much lower

5 Netezza Data Warehouse and Analytics Appliance A technology foundation able to sustain performance as more users run increasingly complex workloads and as data volumes continue to grow Simple, reliable, and immediate Able to handle almost incomprehensible workloads without complexity getting in the way

6 Netezza Architecture Principles Processing close to data source Platform for advanced analytics Appliance Simplicity Flexible configurations and extreme scalability.

7 Integration Example for Netezza A typical monthly task takes about two weeks involves running financial prediction models on millions of customers when performed manually. Creation of C/C++ task reduces the time on parallel Netezza architecture. Reduces time but increases debugging and setting up time. Solution?

8 Integration Example for Netezza (Cont.) SAS Suite operations inside Netezza. Scoring accelerator removes manual coding and has benefits of scalability and high performance. Loading of data can be handled via partner application suite called Kalido which has many Automated Load Routines which simplify the loading tasks.

9 Relation with course Data Warehouse in chapter 29 OLAP in chapter 29

10 References Netezza Blogs by Thomas Dinsmore (URL: The Netezza Data Appliance Architecture: A Platform for High Performance Data Warehousing and Analytics by Phil Francisco (URL WP.pdf ) WP.pdf Too many cooks spoil the data warehouse broth Cut your staffing costs By Eira Hayward (URL ) Much Ado about Loading by John Evans (

11 Questions ?

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