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Sections 4.1, 4.2 CELLS AND MICROSCOPES.  Microscopes allow us to identify organisms that cause food to spoil and cause disease.  1665 Robert Hooke-

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1 Sections 4.1, 4.2 CELLS AND MICROSCOPES

2  Microscopes allow us to identify organisms that cause food to spoil and cause disease.  1665 Robert Hooke- used simple microscope to look at cork. Saw little “rooms” which he called cells. MICROSCOPES


4  1700s- Anton von Leewenhoek used a microscope to look at pond water and observe algae and other protozoans MICROSCOPES

5  Work with microscopes led to the development of cell theory  1) all living things are made of at least one cell  2) cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things  3) cells come from pre-existing cells  Cells may be prokaryotic (no nucleus or organelles) or eukaryotic ( have a nucleus and organelles) CELL THEORY

6  Compound light – uses a slide, specimen must be thin and transparent, specimen may be alive  Cannot magnify more that 1000 times TYPES OF MICROSCOPES


8  Much greater magnification and resolution  Up to 100, 000 times  Specimen must be dead and prepared specially  TWO TYPES  Scanning electron microscope – SEM – surface details  Transmission electron microscope- TEM – internal cells structures ELECTRON MICROSCOPES




12  Use a circle as field of view  Give the diagram a title  Use color when appropriate  Use pencil  Label each structure, use straight lines  Identify the magnification  Total magnification = eyepiece x objective HOW TO MAKE GOOD DRAWINGS

13  Eyepiece = 10 x  Low power objective = 4x  Medium power objective = 10x  High power objective = 40 x  Magnification numbers are printed on objectives. CALCULATING MAGNIFICATION


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