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1 Alternative energy is not obtained from fossil fuels. Some alternative sources of energy are: -nuclear energy; -hydroelectric energy; -geothermal energy;

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Presentation on theme: "1 Alternative energy is not obtained from fossil fuels. Some alternative sources of energy are: -nuclear energy; -hydroelectric energy; -geothermal energy;"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Alternative energy is not obtained from fossil fuels. Some alternative sources of energy are: -nuclear energy; -hydroelectric energy; -geothermal energy; -wind energy; -solar energy; -tidal energy; -transformation energy (biomass).

2 2 Thanks to its position, Sicily has several natural resources from which we can get energy, so the State and the region are carrying out many initiatives to exploit such resources.

3 3 The so called “wind’s farm” are rising, in Sicily’s mountainous zones. They are made of big steel towers that have some turning wind blades on the top and the wind blades that turning produce electric energy.

4 4 The only negative feature of these constructions is their remarkable environmental impact. The building of several wind power plants began in Agrigento, Palermo, Siracusa, Enna (Regalbuto), Ragusa and in the province of Trapani in 2001.

5 5 There is a wind power plant in Leonforte too, at a few km from the town centre. Finally the biggest wind power plant of Enel is inaugurated in Nicosia (Enna), made of 55 aerogenerators which are able to produce up to 47 megawatt of energy. The position of the aerogenerators was planned to optimize the production depending on the prevailing winds.

6 6 Sicily is under cover of sunshine, so it can use such a resource. To use solar energy, you have to use a photovoltaic system, that, produces electric energy through solar panels. It needs a photovoltaic system to use solar energy. In this way electric energy is produced through solar panels.

7 7 There are contacts between the Enea and the region of Sicily to install solar plants in several places. The industrial area of Dittaino (Enna) wants to propose itself as a privileged place in the Mediterranean, for the research, the development and the production of alternative energy sources.

8 8 A project for the production of energy from a transformation plant to a biological process is underway and it should be carried out in the industrial areas of Dittaino (Enna). It will have no environmental impact and it will use the Eucaliptus of Enna. In all the island 9 transformation plants are foreseen to obtain energy from dried waste.

9 9 Close to Torre Faro (Messina), the research society “Ponte Archimede” has tested the prototype of a plant carried out in the “Enermar” project. It is able to obtain electric energy from tides. Thanks to tidal energy 60 floodlights have been lighted in an experimental platform. The advantage of this system is the predictability of tidal speed.

10 10 Made by: Sarah Sturnio and Mariolina Bannò. With the collaboration of: Mariaelena Di Clemente, Travaglia Silvia, Altavilla Grazia Maria, Scarpulla Erminia, Parisi Marina, Livera Serena, Popolo Silvia, Giangreco Alessia. Liceo Ginnasio Statale “Nunzio Vaccalluzzo” in Leonforte (Enna - Italy) in Leonforte (Enna - Italy)

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