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 Explain objectives of “learning outcomes”  List “measureable” verbs when writing LO’s  Identify different methods used to evaluate learning  Explain.

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Presentation on theme: " Explain objectives of “learning outcomes”  List “measureable” verbs when writing LO’s  Identify different methods used to evaluate learning  Explain."— Presentation transcript:



3  Explain objectives of “learning outcomes”  List “measureable” verbs when writing LO’s  Identify different methods used to evaluate learning  Explain advantages and concerns of selected evaluation methods  Apply different methods to evaluate meeting LO’s of this workshop

4  In small groups, write on the top of provided paper a learning outcome.  Learning outcome can be one you are using in a course you are teaching, plan on using for your microteach, made up as a small group. Learning Outcomes Exercise


6 S – Specific M – Measureable A – Achievable R – Relevant T - Timely

7 Verbs to avoid when writing LO’s  Understand  Enjoy  Know  Realize  Be aware of  Perceive

8 Learning Outcomes Exercise Repeat  Refer to hand-outs.  If needed, in your small group rewrite your learning outcome using “Blooms Taxonomy” or other “action” verbs.  When done, post your learning outcome on the wall

9 Evaluation – What is it??

10 Formative:  diagnostic tool (Where are learners at? What have they got so far? Do I need to go over something again?)  help learners take stock of and assess their own progress towards learning goals Summative:  assess a learners achievement of meeting the learning outcomes  determine grades

11 Evaluation Methods Snowball Exercise  Each group move to a posted Learning Outcome (does not have to be yours).  Take 2 minutes (I will call time) to identify evaluation methods that could be used to measure learning of the LO.  When time is called, move to the next LO and repeat.  Once each group has had the opportunity to identify evaluation methods for each Learning Outcome let me know.  Share with large group.

12  Multiple Choice  True/False  Short Answer  Essay  Problem Solving in Situations  Structured Oral Test  One to One Dialogue  Panel Interview

13 Evaluation Methods (cont)  Simulation Case Study  Work Sample  On Site Visit  Unobtrusive Observation  Essays/Reports/Diaries/Logs/ Journals/Blueprints/Art/Photography/ Books/Articles  Portfolios

14 Evaluation Methods- Advantages and Concerns

15 Advantages/Concerns Snowball Exercise  In your small group go to a posted evaluation method.  Identify an advantage of using that particular method to evaluate learning.  Identify a concern to using that particular method to evaluate learning.  After 2 minute (I will keep time), move to the next Evaluation Method.  Once your group has circulated around to all posted Evaluation Methods let me know.  Share with large group.

16 Hand out of Evaluation Methods Any thoughts??


18 What do you want your learners to know?

19 Four Points to Consider: 1 – Measure what is most important rather than what is easiest to measure 2 - Be aware of the learning embedded in evaluation 3 – Understand the evaluator’s power 4 – Take care not to reduce the curriculum to only what is evaluated

20  Start early (holidays, sequence, scaffolding)  Determine the number of items and time limitations  Construct the question- make sure that it measures learning and is linked to content objectives/outcomes  Edit the questions for errors in spelling, sentence structure, etc.

21 Guidelines for planning (cont)  Group the questions according to type and topic (make easier ones first)  Write test directions (include marking scheme)  Have the answers “ready” for post test debrief  Review test


23  the content (knowledge and skills being tested)  the timing (give warnings)  the type of evaluation activity being used (multiple choice, short answer, role-play, combination, etc.)  criteria on which their performance will be judged (embedded in the Learning Outcomes)


25 Teacher Debrief Learners Debrief Exercise: In your small groups answer these 2 questions: What could teachers consider after a test? What could teachers do to help their learners after a test? W

26 Teacher Debrief:  Did my learners understand what was asked on the test?  Do the results indicate that the learners were prepared for the activity?  Are the results consistent with other evaluations?  If I use this procedure again, what changes will I make?  What other methods of evaluation might be more appropriate?  Were there questions that the learners missed that were the fault of the teaching? How will I remedy this?  Did the test differentiate between the learners who prepared and those who did not?  Is there evidence of cheating? If so, what can I do about it (this time and in the future?)

27 Learners Debrief:  Quickly go over the test and provide the correct answers to all of the questions.  Discuss the outstanding questions – those that most students answered well, those that some may have got stuck on, etc.  Open the floor for discussions.  After a reasonable time is spent on a class discussion, invite students to make appointments with you to discuss individual concerns.

28 Learning Outcomes Evaluation

29 REFERENCES AND RESOURCES: Andrus, C and Bloor, D (2005) Teaching tools Gross-Davis, B. (2001). Tools for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Fenwick T. and Parsons, J. (2000). The art of evaluation: A handbook for educators and trainers. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing

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