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Conleth Feighery John Jackson Niall Conlon

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1 Conleth Feighery John Jackson Niall Conlon
Clinical immunology Conleth Feighery John Jackson Niall Conlon

2 Case histories Clinical medicine - learning through a series of cases
How knowledge of immunology can help Types of diseases Types of tests

3 Inflammatory diseases
Specialisation - Respiratory - asthma, lung infections Bowel - peptic ulcer, Crohn’s disease Brain - neurology - multiple sclerosis Joints - rheumatology, RA, SLE Allergy - immunology

4 Immune deficiency disorders
Primary immunodeficiency - rare, immunology Secondary - common, e.g. HIV, infectious disease specialty

5 Making a diagnosis! Analysis of patient’s story - “the history”
The clinical findings Which lab tests? Which radiology tests? Where to go from there …….

6 Patient does not wear a label !

7 In-built biases in our thinking about likely diagnosis Jerome Groopman
How doctors think In-built biases in our thinking about likely diagnosis Jerome Groopman

8 A case history 1 Female, 48 years Tiredness, “slowing down”
Weight gain, 5kg Noticing the cold - cold peripheries

9 Case history 1. Questions you would ask ?
On examination - what you might look for in particular ? Tests you might initially perform ?

10 Case history 1. Patients often use non-specific terms
Slowing down = breathlessness Dyspnoea on exertion ? “Systems review” - all the main body systems - respiratory, cardiac etc. Past history ?

11 Specific terms Time to learn these and use them! Impress?? Dyspnoea
Ankle oedema Tachycardia Bradycardia

12 Case history 1. Examination Pale conjunctiva, palmar creases
Mild swelling of ankles - oedema Cold hands, white fingers Pulse 55 beats/min DIAGNOSIS ?

13 Case history 1. Pale conjunctiva - anaemia ?
Oedema - possible cardiac failure Cold hands - vascular disease ? Pulse 55 beats/min - cardiac disease ?? DIAGNOSIS ?

14 Case history 1. Diagnosis - Hypothyroidism
Common disorder ~ 4% pop. affected Need high index of suspicion Test - thyroxine and TSH levels Autoantibody - to “thyroid peroxidase” Previous hyperthyroidism ! Thyroid peroxidase or thyroperoxidase (TPO) is an enzyme mainly expressed in the thyroid that liberates iodine for addition onto tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin for the production of thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine (T3), thyroid hormones.

15 Clinical hypothyroidism
but often the signs are not noticeable …….

16 Hypothyroidism Inflammatory damage to thyroid
Impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis”

17 Hyperthyroidism Common cause - Graves’ disease
Caused by auto-antibody to TSH receptor Antibody can transfer across placenta - neonatal hyperthyroidism Test - anti-TSH receptor antibody Diagnosis - raised T4 (thyroxine) and low TSH level

18 Graves’ disease Autoantibody binds to cell receptor
Excessive thyroid hormones produced

19 Goitre

20 Graves’ disease Auto-immune thyroid disease
Typical eye findings – include the staring appearance caused by prominent eyes “exophthalmos”, eyelid retraction and “lid lag” = slow dropping down of eyelids as patient looks downwards.

21 Patient 1 has anaemia What is the cause ?
Does hypothyroidism cause anaemia ? Chronic disease - some cause anaemia Is it due to deficiency of haematinic ?

22 Anaemia in a 48 yr old female
Possible causes Iron deficiency Folic acid deficiency Vit. B12 deficiency Causes of deficiency ?? Haemolytic anaemia

23 Anaemia in a 48 yr old female
Iron deficiency Blood loss ? From where ? Dietary ? Malabsorbtion ?

24 Anaemia in a 48 yr old female
Folic acid, B12 deficiency ? Causes Malabsorption ! Dietary ? Increased folic acid requirements - pregnancy

25 Case 2 Male, 73 years Numbness, pins and needles in feet Unsteady gait
Breathless on exercise QUESTIONS ? Pins and needle sensation = parasthesiae Unsteady gait = ataxia

26 Case 2 Very pale Red tongue – glossitis
Decreased sensation in lower limbs* Unsteady gait Otherwise appears well * proprioception Symptoms include numbness and/or tingling of the extremities, altered proprioception, impaired sense of smell, loss of appetite (anorexia), disturbed coordination and, if not treated in time, an ataxic gait especially in the dark when there is less visual reference[2]. In extreme cases, B12 deficiency can lead to a syndrome known as subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord.

27 B12 malabsorbtion Pernicious anaemia Auto-immune gastritis
Auto-antibodies to Parietal cells Intrinsic factor Often subtle, sub-clinical presentation Thomas Addison

28 Pernicious anaemia - auto-immune gastritis
Diagnosis – Vitamin B12 level

29 Pernicious anaemia Red cells enlarged = macrocytic
Atypical nuclei = megaloblastic * Raised bilirubin – yellow pigmentation * seen only in bone marrow Atypical nuclei occur in immature red cells (red cell precursors) and also in neutrophils which are said to have “hypersegmented” nuclei.

30 Text books Case studies in Immunology – Fred Rosen, Raif Geha
Essentials of Clinical Immunology – Helen Chapel, Mansel Haeney et al. Concise Clinical Immunology for Healthcare professionals – Mary Keogan, Eleanor Wallace, Paula O’Leary

31 Case 3 Female, 33 years of age flatulence abdominal distension
Alternating diarrhoea, constipation Given diagnosis “irritable bowel synd.”

32 Case 3 More questions ? Examination - what features might you look for ?

33 Case 3 Hgb – 10g/dl MCV – 73 Ferritin – 8ug/L (low)
Folic acid – 3ug/L (low) DIAGNOSIS ?

34 Iron, folic acid deficiency
Malabsorption ! Coeliac disease

35 Iron, folic acid deficiency
Malabsorption ! Coeliac disease

36 Coeliac disease Destruction of villi - “atrophy”

37 Coeliac disease Common ~ 1% of population Subtle symptoms
Often asymptomatic Bowel - dyspepsia, diarrhoea, bloating Deficiency - anaemia, osteoporosis Cause - eating gluten !

38 Gluten - essential for disease

39 Coeliac disease An auto-immune disease ?
Strong association with MHC class II allotypes - HLA-DQ2, HLA-DQ8 MHC genes ~ 40% of genetic component Auto-antibodies - very specific !

40 Essential genetic factors

41 Endomysial auto-antibody
IgA class antibody Highly specific - only found in coeliac disease Very sensitive + in 85% of patients

42 Auto-antibody detection
Immunofluorescence - tissue sections with relevant antigen patient serum aby * subjective, specific

43 Endomysial auto-antibody
Antigen in tissue – enzyme called tissue transglutaminase – tTG Modifies gluten

44 Tissue transglutaminase auto-antibody - ELISA
anti-IgA patient antibody tissue transglutaminase IgA class antibody Tissue transglutaminase is the antigen found in monkey oesophagus

45 Tissue transglutaminase auto-antibody
anti-IgA patient antibody tissue transglutaminase IgA class antibody Very specific - in 95% patient has CD Very sensitive + in 95% of CD patients

46 Tissue transglutaminase
MOLECULAR MECHANISMS UNRAVELLED Tissue transglutaminase Gluten HLA-DQ2/8 T-cells Frits Koning, Leiden 20003

47 PQPQLPYPQP PQPELPYPQP Inflammation Greg Byrne, PhD 2006
Deamidation of gliadin peptides by tTG increases their affinity for DQ2 tTG PQPQLPYPQP PQPELPYPQP Gliadin peptide H2O APC DQ2 T Cell TCR P Q E L Y Inflammation Greg Byrne, PhD 2006

48 Auto-immune diseases Co-associate
Thyroid disease, pernicious anaemia, coeliac disease co-exist Also diabetes mellitus More common in females Auto-antibody - often diagnostic Linked to MHC class II genes

49 Endocrine auto-immunity

50 Case history 4 23 year old female Joint pain, stiffness
Rash on sun exposed areas Cold peripheries Tiredness DIAGNOSIS ?

51 Case history 4 Questions - Swelling of joints ?
Stiffness - when during day, how long ? Rash - permanent, comes and goes ? Cold - Raynaud’s phenomenon ? Tiredness - sleep pattern, concentration?

52 Case history 4 Diagnosis - “Connective tissue disease”
Possibilities include - Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus

53 Case history 4 Investigations - Blood tests FBC Hgb 9 g/l low
WCC 3.2 x 109 /L - low Lymphocytes x 109 /L - low Platelets – 100 x 109 /L - low

54 Case history 4 More tests - ESR - 55mm/hr high
C-reactive protein – 5 mg/L - normal Rheumatoid factor - negative Anti-nuclear antibody - positive, 1280 titre

55 Anti-nuclear antibody positive staining Hep2 cells used
This homogenous pattern of diffuse bright green staining of nuclei seen by immunofluorescence microscopy with a Hep2 cell substrate is called homogenous, and is the most common pattern with autoimmune diseases overall. Anti-nuclear antibody positive staining Hep2 cells used Will stain nucleus in any cell Not specific for systemic lupus !!!

56 SLE Systemic disease - multiple areas of damage possible
Glomerulonephritis may be suspected by presence of red cell casts in urine. Systemic disease - multiple areas of damage possible Red, white cells and platelets often affected

57 Case history 4 Diagnosis
Findings suggestive of systemic lupus erythematosus Additional tests ? Antibody to double stranded DNA ?

58 Anti-dsDNA Crithidia lucilea
Specific finding in systemic lupus erythematosus Crithidia lucilea

59 ds DNA antibodies

60 SLE - synovial inflammation

61 SLE synovial inflammation

62 “butterfly” rash on “malar’” region of face photo-sensitive
This malar (or butterfly) rash over the face of a young girl is a typical rash seen with SLE. The rashes are made worse by UV rays, sunshine “butterfly” rash on “malar’” region of face photo-sensitive


64 SLE - classic butterfly rash

65 Rheumatoid arthritis Commonest form of connective tissue disease
No diagnostic blood test !!

66 Rheumatoid arthritis Joint deformity in established disease

67 Rheumatoid arthritis X-ray findings very helpful in diagnosis
Lytic lesions on X-ray

68 Rheumatoid arthritis

69 Rheumatoid arthritis

70 Rheumatoid arthritis Common - 1-2% of population Female > male
Older age group - 50s + Chronic, destructive arthritis in some pts Reduced life expectancy Anti-TNF drugs beneficial

71 Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid factor positive = “RF”
RF = IgM antibody to IgG NOT specific for RA New antibody test – antibody to “cyclic citrullinated peptide” – more specific for RA anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP)

72 Other connective tissue diseases
Some have features similar to lupus Commonly ANA positive but …… Also have antibodies to other specific antigens These are antibodies to so-called “extractable nuclear antigens” = ENA

73 Sjogren’s syndrome Dry eyes, dry mouth
Inflammation in salivary, lacrimal glands ENA antibodies – anti-Ro, anti-La* Ro and La named after patients

74 Scleroderma Condition in which skin thickening develops
Caused by deposition of collagen in skin and internal organs ENA antibody – anti-Scl-70

75 Tightening of skin in some types of CTD

76 End of lecture 1

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