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Paula Morrison E-Resource Efficiency. What are electronic resources? An electronic resource is any information source that the library provides access.

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Presentation on theme: "Paula Morrison E-Resource Efficiency. What are electronic resources? An electronic resource is any information source that the library provides access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paula Morrison E-Resource Efficiency

2 What are electronic resources? An electronic resource is any information source that the library provides access to in an electronic format. The library has purchased subscriptions to many electronic information resources in order to provide staff and students access to them free of charge. E-resources include electronic journals, online databases and electronic books.

3 Aim, Scope & Objectives of Project Aim –Examine the possibility of replacing the current manual PC log on system with an automated one as a means of freeing up staff time to focus on creating awareness and understanding of e-resources available via the LRC webpages Scope –Research into student and staff awareness and usage of e-resources –Research into options for creating more awareness of e-resources Objectives –Implement automated PC log on system by December 2014 –Increase awareness of e-resources amongst staff and students by June 2015 –Raise the standard of work submitted by SERC students, due to the higher number of students referencing e-resources, to be measured via exam results and external verifiers reports –Enhance the student experience, to be measured via the reduction in negative comments made within the Student Satisfaction Survey 2014/15

4 Electronic library

5 Justification New PC Log on system: queues at enquiry desk due to manual log on system Bring SERC in line with other HE providers and match industry standards Best method of freeing up staff E-resources: Digital Era requirement Lack of awareness of full portfolio of e-resources Low usage statistics therefore small return on investment in e-resources External examiner’s report are requesting it

6 Justification continued.. Requirement by external examiners, the 2014 Foundation Degree in Sport external examiner’s report stated that: ‘there was an explicit requirement for students to present empirical evidence to support their argument, with appropriate source information provided, correctly formatted. Students are somewhat restricted in the availability of online resources (access to journal articles)'.

7 Justification continued… LRC required to provide a ‘high quality and efficient public service’ (Programme for Government 2011-15) Intro of automated system will provide a ‘creative and innovative solution’ to prevent long queues to log onto PCs (College Development Plan, 2014-2017) ‘Flexible approach to learning through the use of technologies’ (FEMB, Feb 2004) both in College and at home The LRC must ‘ensure that there is an appropriate range and quantity of good quality learning resources…which are managed effectively to meet the needs of the learners’ (IQ:RS ‘Improving Quality: Raising Standards Section 3.4) High number of students travelling long distances to College

8 E-resources 24/7

9 Internet Access

10 Almost half of our students are not attending their nearest Campus

11 Research Online Staff Survey - OneDrive Online Student Survey – OneDrive 2013/14 Student Satisfaction Survey GIS Interviews with SERC Head of MILT, Systems Developer Interview with Head of Library Services at QUB Telephone research with Colleges in England and Wales

12 Student Survey

13 Staff Survey

14 Available Options Option 1 Replacement of labour intensive manual PC log on system with fully automated PC log on system in order to free up existing staff to focus on creating awareness of LRC electronic resources Option 2 Employ additional staff (subject librarians) to carry out e-resource information sessions Option 3 Do nothing

15 Why choose Option 1 Implementation of fully automated system will: –Bring services available at SERC’s LRC in line with industry standard –Free up existing staff to focus on creating awareness of e-resources –Minimal cost attached (£4k)

16 Impact of project End to queues at enquiry desk Students will become more self-sufficient Fewer negative comments in the Student Satisfaction Survey Return on annual investment of £20k by LRC in e-resources Higher standard of work submitted by students due to referencing of e-resources Gaps in portfolio of e-resources will be identified Students will save time/money avoiding long journeys into College LRC will mirror College values of being ‘solutions focused, excellence driven, responsive and collaborative

17 Changing role of the LRC Assistant Transition in mindset of staff and students at SERC as to role of LRC Assistant

18 How will LRC staff create awareness of e-resources? Tailored information sessions will commence in January 2015 to HOS and staff delivering FE and HE programmes Information sessions on specific e-resources will begin in January 2015 within LRCs and classrooms Information session topics/days/times will be communicated to staff and students by email, student intranet, text, posters and College plasma screens

19 If project does not go ahead? LRC will not generate a return on 20k investment Staff and students will remain unaware of the portfolio of e-resources LRC will not be fully supportive of the work of the Curriculum We will fall behind industry standards and therefore not contribute to the College’s drive to ‘be recognised as a world class provider of Further Education’ SERC will not address recommendations of external examiners reports Standard of work by College students remains static

20 Recommendations for the future Installation of 4 x self serve kiosks to further free up staff time (£5k per Unit) This will enable students to: Self-sufficiently issue and renew multiple books, pay fines, request books, view account histories.

21 Recommendations for the future Log on system: App for pre-booking PCs & ability by students to see waiting queues so that they are aware when a PC becomes free Decrease in the demand for the printed word will result in less space required to store books, enabling more workstations to be created for students wishing to bring their own devices Improve Wi-Fi within the 4 LRCs to encourage students to bring their own devices Workshops for students who wish to bring in their own devices eg ‘How to download e-books onto your iPad?’

22 Paperless environment – when the stacks disappear?

23 Any Questions?

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