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Technology Changes so fast. Technology Changes so fast No wonder we can’t keep up!

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Changes so fast. Technology Changes so fast No wonder we can’t keep up!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Changes so fast

2 Technology Changes so fast No wonder we can’t keep up!

3 Agenda Childhood memories of technology Technology keeps getting better, faster, smaller In the Home, TV, video, music…. Then came IT – Information Technology Speed of change is accelerating!! How do we keep up? We can and we will and its actually up to us!! 3

4 Childhood Memories of Technology 4

5 More Memories….. 5

6 Technology Advances

7 The Jumbo Jet! 7

8 Information Technology Computers BIG (Mainframe) – Small (PC) – Mobile (Laptop) – Tiny(Smartphone) Hardware & Software Internet – World Wide Web – WWW Searching for stuff – great fun! (for a while) Email – the destroyer of the delivered handwritten letter Online services – news, weather, sport, entertainment.. e-commerce – eBay, Amazon, Apple, Netflix.. + 100K more Social Media – Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, Twitter, + 100’s more!!

9 Information Technology Computers BIG (Mainframe) – Small (PC) – Mobile (Laptop) – Tiny(Smartphone) Hardware & Software Internet – World Wide Web – WWW Searching for stuff – great fun! (for a while) Email – the destroyer of the delivered handwritten letter Online services – news, weather, sport, entertainment.. e-commerce – eBay, Amazon, Apple, Netflix.. + 100K more Social Media – Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, Twitter, + 100’s more!! ~ 1in 4 people globally (2B out of 7B)!!

10 Information Technology Computers BIG (Mainframe) – Small (PC) – Mobile (Laptop) – Tiny(Smartphone) Hardware & Software Internet – World Wide Web – WWW Searching for stuff – great fun! (for a while) Email – the destroyer of the delivered handwritten letter Online services – news, weather, sport, entertainment.. e-commerce – eBay, Amazon, Apple, Netflix.. + 100K more Social Media – Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, Twitter, + 100’s more!! ~ 1in 4 people globally (2B out of 7B)!! What next??

11 What’s coming at us next?? iWatches – body sensors – ambulance arrives before you feel sick! Flexible screens Internet of things – everything is connected! Smart cars Smart cars, driverless cars Drones 3D Printing software apps Explosion of more and better software apps for your smartphone, tablet etc Etc, etc, etc – (if you have time use Google to search for new technologies!!) 11

12 12

13 Take a breather! 13

14 Back down to earth We have a shortage of IT skills in Ireland, and across Europe, and in the US Numbers of young people studying IT and STEM has been falling over several years Lots of people today are IT savvy Lots of people work in IT sector If you are 60+, maybe less likely to be IT savvy There is a Digital Divide in society High unemployment putting many people at risk of poverty Disadvantaged people risk being left behind Digital Divide aligned to the Social Divide Government services are almost all online People who need to access services are least likely to be able to Few small businesses use IT to grow their business 14

15 What needs to be done Government & business strategies & actions to close the Digital Divide NFP/NGO/community/voluntary/charitable agencies/groups committed to IT training in the community Practical training including use of email, search, Skype, e-shopping, access to government services, online banking, Social Media, emergency services, getting the best out of their Smartphone etc.. IT is not only a useful (actually essential) skill today in society & it is in high demand in industry (we currently have a shortage of IT skills) IT training for employment (via 3 rd level colleges, Adult education, VEC’s) is a major path to work (or back to work) e.g. FIT Ltd. A lot of this is well in progress but I still feel there is room for more. More innovative collaboration between all groups government, employers, educators, social agencies, communities, individuals… 15

16 What is happening Irish Network for Digital Inclusion and Engagement Informs government at policy level Solutions to Digital Inclusion & Engagement Platform of collaboration, sharing best practices and resources Promote a unified voice A 16

17 Introducing FIT Ltd. Fast Track to IT NFP organisation operational for 13 years Major government/business driven initiative Engaged in: – IT training for employment – IT training for Digital Inclusion – Government initiatives e.g. Momentum – Champions of new training schemes e.g. Associate Professionals/Apprenticeships – Researchers into new technology driven sectors e.g. Wind Turbines (and their maintenance) – Sharing our skills and experience across Europe 17

18 FIT European Projects/Activity Long history of working on EC funded projects Committed to sharing our experience & expertise across Europe. Plan to propagate the FIT training for employment model across Europe Engage with EC research group JRC on projects relating to measuring impact of work carried out by agencies engaged in social related activities Active member of Telecentre Europe Member of Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Actively seeking funds from EC for projects relating to IT training for employment. Working on pilot project to provide IT support to SME’s through IT-upskilled job seekers. 18

19 19

20 20

21 CompanyLink FIT Telecentre Europe Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Digital Agenda for Europe European Grants Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Useful Links If you want to contact me, please do so Manus Hanratty FIT Ltd. Phone 01 882 5570 Mobile 086 8112136 LinkedIn: 21

22 Thank You 22

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