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What will the Future Internet look like? The Future is no longer what it used to be.

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Presentation on theme: "What will the Future Internet look like? The Future is no longer what it used to be."— Presentation transcript:


2 What will the Future Internet look like?

3 The Future is no longer what it used to be

4 Illustration of the Rate of Progress YouTube an application which emerged in 2005 accounted for 27 Petabytes of Internet traffic in 2006 - about as much traffic as the total Internet traffic in 2000

5 The future is widely misunderstood. Exponential trends did exist one thousand years ago. The future will be far more surprising than most people realise. The rate of change itself is accelerating. R. Kurzweil, The singularity is Near, 2005

6 Lebanon # 1 Arab country in Facebook

7 Trends: Everyone Connected 1 Billion people in Social Networking Websites WorldWide 154 Million people accessing a Social Networking Website every day 8 Billion pages accessed on Social Networking Websites every day

8 Trends: Everyone is a producer Explosion of user generated content, specially video

9 Trends: Everything Digital Recorded outputs of every human language since world began: 5 exabytes; 2006 “ digital production ” : 160 exabytes, fuelled by user generated content, 12 book stacks from earth to sun; 6 fold increase expected by 2010 Within 3 years, 70% of created and archived content expected to come from users Source: IDC consultancy report,”The expanding Digital Universe” March 2007

10 Trends: Everything Connected Our informational universe is progressively becoming networked All social and economic domains will be concerned (health, transportation, education, entertainment, security, energy, logistics, stock market etc) Static and mobile devices by the billions will sense, capture, transmit and actuate

11 One third of the Lebanese are under 21 years old

12 It’s the first net generation Online from age 12 Nearly 25% began using internet at age 10 or younger. 86% use email every day 56% read the news online at least weekly 43% read blogs weekly 78% of the 18-24 year olds surveyed have a personal web site, web page, or blog 52% have a MySpace profile. *Source: US research from Greenberg Quinlan Rosner/Polimetrix

13 “If I had broadband, I would…” Panel Discussion “If I had broadband, I would…” Panel Discussion

14 What are the main barriers/constraints that you are facing due to the lack of real broadband in Lebanon? How can the market transform these constraints into new business opportunities? Main questions

15 What would I be able to do if I had real broadband? Increase productivity Lower costs Increase revenues Sales and Marketing channels Main questions

16 Panel Discussion Dr. Nadim Cortas Gabriel Deek Robert Madi Fadi Sabbagha Dr. Michel Sfeir

17 PRODUCT PROMOTION PLACE PRICE User participation Openness Personalization Broadband - Anytime - Anywhere - Any device Unbeatable prices for software, hardware and connectivity. The snowball effect – contamination through expanding nets, best practices sharing and experimentation How to create a market snowball?

18 People tend to overestimate what can be done in one year and to underestimate what can be done in 5 or 10 years J.C.R Licklider, 1965

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