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Published byHester Young Modified over 9 years ago
Training Department Class of 2016 Winter Intersessional Brief
Character Development & Training Division LT Emmett Kearney – 2/C Training Officer / LT Kyle Jones – 1/C Training Officer / Give quick intro and Bio
Division Task Organization
Director, Character Development & Training Division (CD&T) CAPT Vassilakis CDR Frantzen (Deputy) Honor Department Character Department Training Department CDR Dantone Honor Education Honor Remediation CMEO ADEO Protocol 1/C Training Officer: LT Jones 2/C Training Officer: LT Kearney 3/C Training Officer: LT McNeer 4/C Training Officer: Capt Crespin Logistics Officer: LT Coleman Budget Officer: LT Gossard Programs: Midshipman Training, Summer Training MIDN Honor Staff MIDN Character Development Staff Training Office is responsible for Summer Training and Academic Year Programs: provides guidance/instruction and structure for how Ac training plan is laid out but it is primarily midshipmen led. Brigade Training Officer for this semester is MIDN Andrew Flegge/20th Co. Brigade Training Sergeant is MIDN Michael Sappio/10th Co. MIDN Training Staff
MQS and PCA Fall Brigade MQS Progress 2/C PCA 1/C: 100% completed
Primary 11Mar / Make-up 25Mar Re-Take 6Apr 50 multiple choice 38 MQS 10 Academic 2 SAPR Part of MOOM Passing = 70% 2x Failures = D in Aptitude COMDTMIDNNOTE 1610 The COMDTMIDNNOTE 1610 on the intranet has the details on the PCA to include the academic question composition by course.
Summer Training 2015 4
Objectives Familiarization with operational naval forces
Professional development Hands on leadership experience Regional and cultural awareness Reinforce academic year programs Commander’s Intent Fleet exposure to prepare you for service assignment Leadership development to prepare you for commissioning The training objectives listed here are the same for every event during every summer (except Plebe Summer of course). They are stated in both the USNAINST and the COMDTMIDNNOTE These are the two governing instructions for the Summer Training Program These objectives align with the Commander’s Intent which is to prepare you for service assignment and commissioning. Is summer training fun. Absolutely. Is it interesting. We hope so. But your focus should be on preparing yourself for service assignment and commissioning. 5
Roles and Responsibilities
Company Officers and Senior Enlisted Leaders Counsel midshipmen on summer training priorities Review and approve MIDN preferences Class Training Officers “Detailers” Ensure MIDN are assigned to appropriate/required training Central coordinators for Summer Training events Others PTE Program Managers Academics NAAA Medical The Fleet Commercial Travel Office COs and SELs represent your best interest to the Class Training Officers. They are your primary point of contact with regarding to summer training assignment. They’re like your CO and XO in the fleet, working with BUPERS to mesh your desires with the needs or limitations of the service. Class Training Officers are your Summer Training Detailers. Similar to detailers at BUPERS, they know what the fleet and program managers have to offer, they know who has requested you by name, and they know the training requirements you must fulfill. They’ll work with your COs and SELs to meet your desires to the best of their ability. There are many others that have a hand in the summer training assignment process: Program Managers, Internship Sponsors, Athletic Department, Academic Department, Brigade Medical just to name a few. The Class Training Officers in the Training Department work with all of them behind the scenes. 6
Timeline 05-19 Jan – Midshipmen enter preferences in MIDS
20Jan-10Feb – CO/SEL review and approve preferences 1Mar – All MIDN have Tourist Passport in-hand or application submitted 13Mar – Class Training Officers complete initial assignments 24Mar-03Apr – Brigade Medical Officer conducts medical screenings 06-29Apr – All 3/C and designated 2/C complete Aviation Physiology 15Apr – All MIDN submit Independent Travel preferences NLT 09-22May – Block 0 (non-standard) 26May-19Jun – Block 1 22Jun-17Jul – Block 2 20Jul-14Aug – Block 3 Aviation physical for all aviation cruises will be held at NAS Patuxent River, MD. Assignments will be finalized in the 2 weeks prior to each block start. Continually check MIDS and your throughout the summer to ensure you have up-to-date information your training events. I’ll discuss the Summer Training assignment process in more detail later in brief. 7
1/C Fleet Cruise Focus on Junior Officer leadership
Aviation ~85 billets Marine Corps Leatherneck ~400 billets (Blocks 1 & 2 only) Surface ~265 billets Submarine Sub Cruise ~50 billets SUBTRAMID ~25 billets SEAL – 75 billets EOD – 30 billets Restricted Line/Staff Corps (NPQ and limited # of IDC PQ)
1/C PTE 3 4 1 5 2 Mandatory Summer School
Plebe Detail NAPS Detail Weapons Detail NASS Detail STEM Detail SHAPE/GUIDE (1/2 credit) AT/FP *Powered Flight Program *Atlantic Professional Afloat Training and YP-Ocean *Offshore Sail Training Squadron (OSTS) *Varsity Offshore Sailing Team (VOST) *MAGTF *Navy EOD UKISP/SISL LREC – includes LSAP, CLS, NL360, FOREX Tier 1 Internships (NSA, NRO, ONI – Funded) Tier 2 Internships (STEM, Policy, ELD – Funded) *Mountain Warfare Training Course (1/2 credit) *Air Assault (1/2 credit) *Army Mountain Warfare (1/2 credit) *Airborne *USMA Cadet Leadership Dev. Training *USMA Cadet Field Training *USCGC Eagle Tier 3 Internships (DoD and Inter-agency – Unfunded) National Outdoor Leadership School Philmont Scout Camp Northern Tier High Adventure Bases Rocky Mountain High (1/2 credit) Saint Benedict’s Sister’s Academy Ron Burton Training Village Tier 4 Internships (Non-federal – Unfunded) 3 4 1 5 For further information on all of these PTEs, Information Sheets are posted on the Training Department>Summer Training website. 2 Key CORE PTEs *Funded by Summer Training (AG) Numbers define PTE Groups
Mandatory Summer School
MSS fulfills the PTE requirement Voluntary Summer School (VSS) does not and shall be done in lieu of leave 10
New PTEs NAPS United Kingdom/International Scholarship Program (UKISP)
50 billets for 1/C Blocks 2 & 3 Report date in Block 2 (13Jul) United Kingdom/International Scholarship Program (UKISP) 10 billets for 1/C Scholarship preparation 11
Internships All internships must be: USNA faculty sponsored, and
Approved by the Superintendent’s Review Panel The above guidance applies even if the internship will be done in lieu of leave and/or at a midshipman's expense. Midshipmen may not arrange their own internships nor make commitments to a potential internship host. Anything other than R&R during leave must be approved by USNA. See for approved list. Most opportunities are for rising 2/C and 1/C and U.S. citizens. Internships at federal and state legislative offices and foreign embassies are NOT permitted. All midshipmen are subject to UCMJ regulations while on leave, and must meet military and ethical standards of conduct regarding outside employment and participation in activities. There are only a handful of 3/C Internships. 12
Medical Screening and Aviation Physiology
Medical Screening Required During the two weeks after Spring Break
Aviation Fleet Cruise Submarine Fleet Cruise NOLS During the two weeks after Spring Break Organized by battalion Medical will provide detailed information via Group appointments Must be completed during the scheduled appointment time Don’t make your own appointment Medical screening with the Flight Surgeon/Medical Staff during set medical screening dates for two weeks following Spring Break. Don’t attempt to set up your own appointment, you must get the screening done during allotted group appointment time.
Aviation Physiology Required for PROTRAMID & Aviation Fleet Cruises
06-29Apr – Training at NAS Patuxent River, MD Prior to attending training at Pax River, you must: Complete the classroom pre-training at USNA (Dates TBD) Receive a SIGNED “Up-Chit” from Medical Sign up for a date via MIDS Not medicate in the 24 hours prior to training (includes prescription and OTC) Details/direction to follow from the Training Department -Can’t fly without an Up Chit and Certificate of Completion for AvPhys. Will be obtained at the Medical Screening just discussed. -NKO initial password set up take over 24 hours (don’t wait until the night before) -If you want/plan on flying this summer, PRK surgery in the spring will prohibit you from completing the up-chit process and therefore the AvPhys --will sign up via MIDS Detailed information on the Aviation Physiology will be passed via . Completed requirements in that order. Make a few copies of your up-chit. You will take the signed up chit with you to Pax River. Make copies of AvPhys completion paperwork. Take signed up-chit and AvPhys paperwork with you on Aviation cruise.
Summer Training Assignments
MIDS Preference Module
Every preference and comment is reviewed Clear and concise comments Fleet Cruises: block/platform/location PTEs: block/event/location Add 4th, 5th and 6th PTE preferences to comments section Compelling leave requests: dates/reason/location NAAA: you can give us a heads up, but we’ll receive actual blockers from NAAA MSS: same, but we’ll receive actual assignments from Academics VSS: let us know if you want to do this Manage your expectations MIDS Summer Training Preference module opening 06Jan-13Jan. 29
Good Comments Preferences:
Block 1: Leave / Maid of Honor sister’s wedding / 18-19Jun / San Diego Block 3: Aviation Cruise / F-18F preferred / if not available then F-18G Block 2: YP – LANTPAT I did not complete a 3/C cruise. Request a West Coast surface cruise or a CG/DDG assignment anywhere. Highest priority is Block 1 leave for sister’s wedding 18-19Jun in San Diego 29
Poor Comments I will be participating in a computer science internship near my parents’ house from 30 May – 20 June. All internships must be USNA approved I have already paid for a beach vacation from 22 June – 08 July. Training will consider leave requests, but paying for a trip without approved leave is not recommended Always buy refundable tickets, rooms, etc. Because I have leave planned for Hawaii during Block 2, I must do a DDG cruise out of Hawaii during Block 3. Be realistic and flexible. 29
Assignment Rounds NAAA Blockers and MSS
Hard schedule requests from Program Managers Screeners Interviews Demonstrated initiative/interest Long lead admin (Official Passports and faculty led preparation) MIDN Preferences / Overall Order of Merit Fleet Cruise, 1st PTE, and Leave for all MIDN, then 2nd and 3rd PTEs We do our best to get every MIDN their #1 choice. 22
Key Business Rules Standard Summer Training = One funded Fleet Cruise and one funded PTE 3rd and 4th events shall be done in lieu of leave and may be funded Fleet Cruises and PROTRAMID are high priority events At least one Fleet Cruise is required for graduation At least one CORE PTE is highly desired prior to graduation Repetition of a PTE is not desired (some exceptions) Min 14 days of leave / Max 35 days Utilize your Chain of Command Special request chits may be submitted for compelling reasons 21
Summer Training Planning/Execution
Travel All MIDN shall obtain/maintain a Tourist Passport (update MIDS info) Training Department has provided directions Contact your Company Training Officer if you have questions OCONUS requires completion of Official Travel Checklist All MIDN complete AT/FP Level I (annual), Combatting Trafficking in Persons (annual), and SERE 100A training (triennial) now Details/direction to follow from the Training Department Standard Travel: Government provided to AND from training Independent Travel: Self arranged to OR from We will request your preferences for common training locations You will provide your input by 15Apr We will use your input when making travel arrangements You will only be reimbursed for COMAIR or mileage up to the government rate to/from DC/MD and the training location 23
Travel Vouchers Establishment of the Summer Training Travel Office (Travel Orders and Vouchers) All MIDN returning to the local area via Standard Travel shall return to USNA and complete a travel voucher prior to next event or leave All MIDN on OCONUS Cruises shall use Standard Travel Independent Travel Shall be authorized for MIDN going to or returning from Western US training events (West of the Mississippi River) Shall be restricted for Eastern US training events (more specific guidance to follow) MIDN on Independent Travel shall complete a travel voucher upon next return to USNA We must pay our credit card bill during the summer if we want to continue to use it to fund your training. 24
Communication DO NOT contact the Training Department without first contacting your CoC CO/SEL will Answer your question Contact the Training Department Present exceptional cases Timeliness and full disclosure are best practices Always have up-to-date contact info in MIDS Fleet unit schedule and tasking can change which means your training dates and travel can change
Contingencies Medical Status Changes Emergency Leave
You must notify Brigade Medical and the Training Department The Medical Excusal Recommendation form is on the Summer Training intranet site Requires Brigade Medical Officer, CO/SEL, and Summer Training Duty Officer signatures Emergency Leave Deaths / Funerals / AMCROSS Family Brigade Family Special Request Chits If you think you have a compelling reason to request an exception to policy, submit a special request chit.
Summer Training Intranet Site One stop shop This brief Key dates Current Instructions, Notices, and Manuals Summer Training Preference Module guidance Packing Lists Travel guidance Medical forms
Site Navigation
Questions? Complete MQS and excel on the PCA
Get smart on Summer Training opportunities and identify critical family events this summer Submit your preferences w/ good comments Don’t set up your own training event Utilize your chain of command (MIDN, SEL, CO) before contacting the Training Dept Complete OCONUS NKO training Get a tourist passport Update contact and passport info in MIDS Schedule and go to your medical screening and Av/Phys Complete your personal preps in April 29
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