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STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Initial New Hire – Flight Crew

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Presentation on theme: "STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Initial New Hire – Flight Crew"— Presentation transcript:

1 STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Initial New Hire – Flight Crew
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Approved Training Manual’s Lesson Plans And Courseware Initial New Hire – Flight Crew Part I – Basic Indoctrination Section 1 – Operator Specific C. Content of the Certificate and Operating Specifications

2 Before We Start Complete Class Roster Cell Phones OFF
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Before We Start Complete Class Roster Cell Phones OFF 10 Minutes Break every hour 1.0 Hour Class

3 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications OBJECTIVES: To provide comprehensive training to crewmembers to ensure they are adequately informed on the subjects general to the job and their certificate. COMPLETION STANDARDS: The attendees will through class participation and discussion show that they have an adequate understanding of the lesson content EXAMINATION: Oral Quiz; Written examination required Class Duration: 1.0 Hour Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specification

4 I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications
Training Materials Current copy of the General Operations Manual and Operations Specifications

5 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Regulatory basis in Part 135 Definitions, descriptions, and organization of Operations Specifications Limitations and Authorizations of Ops Specs Description of Certificate Description of FAA Certificate Holding District Office and responsibilities of FAA principal inspectors Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

6 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Regulatory basis in Part 135 § Manual Requirements (a) Each certificate holder, other than one who uses only one pilot in the certificate holder's operations, shall prepare and keep current a manual setting forth the certificate holder's procedures and policies acceptable to the Administrator. This manual must be used by the certificate holder's flight, ground, and maintenance personnel in conducting its operations. However, the Administrator may authorize a deviation from this paragraph if the Administrator finds that, because of the limited size of the operation, all or part of the manual is not necessary for guidance of flight, ground, or maintenance personnel. § Manual Contents Each manual shall have the date of the last revision on each revised page. The manual must include— §135.23(c) Copies of the certificate holder's operations specifications or appropriate extracted information, including area of operations authorized, category and class of aircraft authorized, crew complements, and types of operations authorized; Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

7 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Definitions, descriptions, and organization of Operations Specifications Part A A001 Issuance and Applicability A003 Definitions and Abbreviations A004 Aircraft Authorization A006 Management Personnel A007 Other Designated Personnel A008 Operational Control A009 Airport Aeronautical Data A010 Aviation Weather Information A015 Autopilot in Lieu of Required Second-in-Command A055 Carriage of Hazmat A096 Actual Weight Program for All Aircraft A447 Emergency Airworthiness Directives Notification Requirements A449 Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

8 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Definitions, descriptions, and organization of Operations Specifications – cont’d Part B B031 Areas of En route Operations B032 En Route Limitations and Provisions B034 IFR Class I En Route Navigation Using Area Navigation Systems B050 Authorized Areas of En Route Operations Limitations, and Provisions B450 Sensitive International Areas Part C C051 Terminal Instrument Procedures C052 Straight-in Non-Precision, APV, and Category I Precision Approach and Landing Minima – All Airports C055 Alternate Airport IFR Weather Minimums C057 IFR Takeoff Minimums, 14 CFR Part 135 Airplane Operations - All Airports Next -- Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

9 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Definitions, descriptions, and organization of Operations Specifications – cont’d Part C – cont’d C064 Terminal Area IFR Operations in Class G Airspace and at Airports Without an Operating Control Tower- Nonscheduled Passenger and All-Cargo Operations C070 Airports Authorized for Scheduled Operations C075 Category I IFR Landing Minimums - Circle-to-Land Approach Maneuver Part D D072 Aircraft Maintenance – Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) Authorization D085 Aircraft Listing D089 Maintenance Time Limitations D095 Minimum Equipment List (MEL) Authorization D485 Aging Airplane Inspection and Records Review Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

10 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Definitions, descriptions, and organization of Operations Specifications – cont’d Part E E096 Weight and Balance Control Procedures Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

11 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Limitations and Authorizations of the Operation Specifications Part A004 – Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations The certificate holder, in accordance with the reference paragraphs, is authorized to: Use an autopilot in lieu of a second-in-command. A015 Accept, handle, and carry materials regulated as Hazardous Materials (HazMat). A055 Use only actual passenger and baggage weights (no combinations of average and actual weights) for all its aircraft A096 Conduct IFR en route operations. B032 Conduct Class I navigation using an area navigation system. B034 Operate into/out of or overfly sensitive international area(s) as identified in B450 in accordance with the authorizations, conditions, and limitations of B050. B450 Conduct terminal instrument operations using specific procedures and landing minima for airplanes. C051 Conduct operations using basic instrument approach procedures for airplanes. C052 Next -- Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

12 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Limitations and Authorizations of the Operation Specifications – cont’d Part A004 – Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations (cont’d) The certificate holder, in accordance with the reference paragraphs, is authorized to: (cont’d) Derive alternate airport weather minimums from the standard table for airplanes. C055 Use IFR takeoff minimums, 14 CFR Part 135 airplane operations - all airports. C057 Conduct nonscheduled passenger and/or all-cargo, special terminal area IFR airplane operations in Class G airspace and at airports without an operating control tower. C064 Conduct scheduled operations at authorized airports C070 Conduct airplane IFR circle-to-land approach maneuvers. C075 Conduct CAMPS D072 Use maintenance time limitations for operators without a reliability program D089 Use an FAA-approved Minimum Equipment List (MEL). D095 Use weight and balance control procedures. E096 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

13 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Description of Certificate Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

14 Basic Indoctrination Training:
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Description of FAA Certificate Holding District Office and responsibilities of FAA principal inspectors Description of Certificate Honolulu Flight Standards District Office 135 Nakolo Place Honolulu. HI 96819 POI: Donald Andera PMI: Timothy Cislo PAI: Lurenzia Robinson Transition to WEBOPSS Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 1 - Operator Specific C. Content of the certificate and Operating Specifications

15 Written examination required
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Examination Written examination required

16 Completion of Paperwork
I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications Completion of Paperwork Student Fill-out Student Feedback Form Sign Training Record (if applicable) Instructor Sign Class Roster Fill-out Instructor Feedback Form

17 I-1-C Operator Specific - Content of the Certificate and Operatins Specifications

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