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Real Estate Workshop May 19 – 21, 2014 Office of Program Management Mamie Smith-Fisher.

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Presentation on theme: "Real Estate Workshop May 19 – 21, 2014 Office of Program Management Mamie Smith-Fisher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Estate Workshop May 19 – 21, 2014 Office of Program Management Mamie Smith-Fisher

2 2 MAP-21 Topics Relocation Streamlining Demonstration (FHWA ONLY) Uniform Act Amendments Effective Dates Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) (Timeline)

3 3 Relocation Streamlining FHWA ONLY Section 1301 “Establishing a demonstration program to streamline the relocation process by permitting a lump-sum payment for acquisition and relocation if elected by the displaced occupant”.

4 4 Sec. 1521 - Uniform Act Amendments Increased Statutory Limits Moving and Related Expenses –Business Reestablishment payment $10,000 to $25,000 –Fixed Payment in Lieu of actual moving and reestablishment $20,000 to $40,000

5 5 Sec. 1521 Uniform Act Amendments Replacement Housing for Homeowners –Reduced 180 days to 90 Day occupancy requirement –90 day homeowner - $22,500 to $31,000 Replacement Housing for Tenants –90 day tenants - $5,250 to $7,200

6 6 Map 21 Effective Dates Sec.3 Effective one year from the date of enactment, October 1, 2013 – Duties of the Lead Agency – Adjustment of Payments –Uniform Act Statutory Limits – Effective two years from the date of enactment – October 1, 2014

7 7 42 U. S. C. 4633 Sec. 213 (d) Duties of the Lead Agency –Annual Summary Report by Agencies subject to URA –Enhanced Reporting requirements –URA activities conducted by the Federal Agency –Real Estate Acquisition under the Uniform Act –Relocation Assistance

8 8 42 U. S. C. 4633 Sec. 213 (d) Adjustment of Payments –Legislation added this section –Allows the Lead Agency to adjust statutory benefits levels by regulation for RHP, in Lieu and Reestablishment payments –Changes can be due to cost of living, inflation or other factors

9 9 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM Update)

10 10 NPRM Working Group Working Groups Other Federal Agencies and FHWA Division Offices provided input and discussed issues related to all of the Subparts to 49 CFR Part 24 ( December 2012-April 2013) Proposed changes were narrowed down from 80 to 50 during seven conference calls

11 11 NPRM Timeline FHWA Office of Real Estate Services drafted the NPRM and to submit to FHWA Office of Chief Counsel Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) – mandatory review 30 days Office of Management and Budget (OMB) – mandatory review of 90 days NPRM published in Federal Register Winter, 2014

12 12 NPRM Timeline 60-day Comment period FHWA will respond to comments Draft Final Rule to FHWA Chief Counsel OST – second review 30 days OMB – second review 90 days Final Rule is published in late 2015 Effective 30 days after publication

13 13 Thank You Questions? Mamie Smith-Fisher 202-366-8063

14 14 Map-21 Uniform Act Amendments

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