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Presentation on theme: "PHENCYCLIDINE (PCP) “ANGEL DUST” Krystle Norteye."— Presentation transcript:


2 PHENCYCLIDINE(PCP)  Phencyclidine is classed as an hallucinogen that can mimic several aspects of the schizophrenic symptomatology ; Deterioration in thinking, disintegration of personality,  Recreational use;  Induce the illusion of euphoria, omnipotence, superhuman strength, and social and sexual prowess  Administration; inhalation, insufflations, trans- dermal absorption, oral, rectal, and vaginal absorption.

3 Pharmacology of Phencyclidine (PCP) in the central nervous system  Opposes glutamate transmission  Inhibits the ion flux at the NMDA glutamate receptor  PCP binds to the ion channel and blocks the flow of ions which results in the alteration of electrochemical gradient of the cell of neurons therefore changing neurotransmission  Increases glutamate transmission at non-NMDA receptors (G-protein mediated response)

4 Drug Toxicity ControlDrug Degenerating neurons

5 Metabolism & Excretion  PCP is extensively metabolized to several main hydroxylated derivatives, PCHP, PPC, PCAA  The metabolites are difficult to clear, but are eventually eliminated in the urine and faeces, where they can be detected up to 28 days after drug use.  PCP appears to be able to affect CYP expression in animals,  PPC and PCHP are cleared by CYP3A4,

6 Law & Social impact  Law  According to the Medicines Act and the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, phencyclidine is an illegal substance.  No medical application in the UK  Up to 7 years in prison, along with fines.  Social impact  Extreme violence  Behavioural and emotional changes – social withdrawal  Impair cognitive rationalization  Children suffer; learning disability, emotional instability.

7 Method of detection  Test Samples; Serum, Urine, Hair,  Screen test: performed by Enzyme Multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT)  “The Emit® II Plus Phencyclidine Assay”  Confirmation test: performed by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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