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Tobacco, Alcohol, Other Drugs

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1 Tobacco, Alcohol, Other Drugs

2 Welcome!  This WebQuest is designed for students to research current teen health issues involving drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The students will use the information they gather to put together an informational piece to be shared with other students. The students will combine current teen issues with factual research for their final informational piece.  Keywords: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drug use, alcohol use, tobacco use, teen health issues, teen drug use, teen alcohol use, teen tobacco use, current health issues 

3 Introduction You are a reporter, and your current assignment is to write an informational piece for middle school students.  You need to gather information about a current health topic for teens involving any of the following:  smoking, smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco), alcohol, drinking, drugs, or drug use.  Once you have gathered the information, you will put together an informational piece to be shared with your classmates.

4 Task As a reporter, your task is to put together an interesting piece that 9th grade students will want to pick up and read!  Keep in mind what 9th grade students find interesting so that your piece is something they will read!  Also, remember that not all students enjoy reading, so you might want to put together something that is a bit different. Your final informational piece will be your choice!  You will be given some suggestions for projects in the PROCESS section.

5 Process Step One You will be assigned a partner for this task.
You and your partner will each be given jobs to do. You and your partner must first pick your topic.  You must pick from one of the following:  cigarettes/smoking smokeless tobacco/chewing drinking alcohol drugs/drug use  (If you pick drugs/drug use, you must pick a particular drug to research.  Your choices are: cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, meth, heroin, LSD, inhalants, PCP, hallucinogens, or steroids.)

6 Both reporters will work together for the final piece.
Process Things to look for and try to include in your final informational piece: 1: Definition 2-5: Effects on physical, mental, emotional, and social health 6: Why do people choose to drink/smoke/do drugs (or why do they choose not to do these things)? 7: How does tobacco/alcohol/drugs travel through the body? 8-10: How does tobacco/alcohol/drugs effect the brain? your body? school work? 11: What are the long-term effects of using tobacco/alcohol/drugs on your body? 12: Why do people continue to smoke/drink/do drugs when they know they have a problem? 13: Myths surrounding tobacco/alcohol/drugs 14: How does tobacco use/alcohol use/drug use affect families? 15: Support groups for tobacco/alcohol/drug use 16: Ways/reasons to say no 17: Picture or illustration involving tobacco/alcohol/drugs Reporter #1 will be responsible for researching your topic within current teen health topics, while Reporter #2 will be responsible for researching facts and statistics about your topic.   Both sets of research will be included in the final product (the informational piece).  Both reporters will work together for the final piece. 

7 Process Step Two Reporter #1 will use the following websites to gather research about current teen health topics.

8 Process Step 2 Reporter #2 will use the following websites to gather facts and statistics about your topic. Sites for drugs/drug use Sites for smoking/tobacco use

9 Process Step 2 Sites for alcohol/drinking

10 Process Step 3 Step Three
Once both reporters have done their research, it is time to put together the final informational piece.  Remember that you are trying to keep other students from drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. You will create a poster to share the information that you gathered through your research.

11 Evaluation Rubric I will be giving you a hard copy of the rubric during the class today.

12 Conclusion Well, now your reporting days are coming to an end.  During the course of your research, I hope you were able to learn a little bit about drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (whichever topic you chose).  Do you feel like your final product will be interesting to your fellow students?  Do you think they will learn something from it?  I want to leave you with a couple of questions to think about - Now that you know more about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, what will you say if any of these are offered to you?  Do you have enough knowledge to say no?  Will you be able to help a friend say no?

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