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2008-2009 Training.  We are obligated to provide research- and evidence-based instruction.  We need to be able to articulate what those interventions.

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Presentation on theme: "2008-2009 Training.  We are obligated to provide research- and evidence-based instruction.  We need to be able to articulate what those interventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008-2009 Training

2  We are obligated to provide research- and evidence-based instruction.  We need to be able to articulate what those interventions may be  We need to be able to explain to parents how our instruction is research-based  We need to know the difference between research and individual reports.

3  No Child Left Behind  Research- & Evidence-based interventions to be used for all students  Response to Intervention – RtI  New Texas Commissioner Rules  Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder  Addressed in the IEP

4 To employ scientifically based research (SBR to determine teaching methods used in public schools.  Empirical methods  Reliable & valid data  Experimental or quasi-experimental designs  Replicability  Peer-review

5  Get in your group  Read and analyze your assigned item  Discuss in your group how is this different from the previous rules – the Autism Supplement  Discuss and write on chart paper how you as teachers must address this item at the ARD and in the classroom

6 And, How Do You Know?

7 Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins



10  I t may come in a pretty package  It may come from a “reputable” source  It may come with:  “research”  “testimonials”  “money-back guarantee” Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

11  Consumption is known today at TB  The “new discovery” was a mixture of chloroform and morphine  Chloroform stops the cough reflex, which is necessary to clear the lungs.  Morphine (opium) makes you happy! Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

12 Patent medicine charlatans made the following suggestions: 1. If the patient’s condition is worsening – he needs the remedy 2. If he continues to worsen – he needs more of the remedy 3. If he has a natural remission – it is because of the remedy 4. If he dies – the remedy was not started in time! Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

13  Define a fad.  A procedure, method, or therapy that is adopted rapidly in the presence of little validating research, gains wide use or recognition, and then fades from use – usually in the face of disconfirming research, but often due to the adoption of a new fad. J. W. Jacobson, 2001

14  Lack of promises by available therapies  The best available treatment is distasteful to the parent  A group we accept as a professional authority supports a specific therapy. Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

15  Television “news” shows  Facilitated Communication  One preliminary study in a peer-reviewed publication – no more  CBS, ABC, CNN  “cure,” “breakthrough,” “groundbreaking,” “revolutionary strategy”  Why does it appear successful?  Dependent on one particular person  Ideologically based Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

16  When the underlying theory is baseless or requires you to accept it on the basis of ideology  No evidence other than first person accounts  The underlying research does not meet conventional standards  There may be other reasons responsible for effect Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

17  Autism is lifelong and impacts all facets of child and family functioning  Lack of knowledge  Accept recommendations from systems we trust  Need for a “magic bullet.” Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins


19 10. Cure! Breakthrough! 9. New terms, new catch phrases 8. Jargon instead of scientific vocabulary 7. Conspiracy theories 6. Non-objectively stated goals 5. Vague, immeasurable benefits 4. Denigrate science & the establishment 3. In place of goal attainment, it makes you “feel good” 2. Vague, immeasurable benefits 1. $$$ Promoted by those making a profit $$$ Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins


21  Secretin  Hormone  Given to a boy with ASD  Parents reported improvements in sleeping & language  Global treatment for autism?  Only 2 studies showed any difference between Secretin & placebo  Not a global treatment Presented at CCBD Conference in Dallas, October 2007 by Robyn Christensen, Betsy Botts - University of West Florida; Patricia Hershfeldt - Johns Hopkins

22  Candida albicans - common species of yeast-causing disease found in humans  Treatments  Pharmacological  Dietary  Rimland (1988) extreme cases may result in schizophrenia and autism  Anecdotal reports ASD appeared in children whose mothers had chronic yeast infections

23  Gluten-Casein Intolerance  Some have a chronic reaction to gluten proteins – develop celiac disease  Treatments  Anti-opioid drug – Naltrexone  Gluten- & casein-free diet  On diet – up to 3 mos. to see positive results  Must stay on diet to continue or maintain progress

24  Auditory Integration Training  Controversial  Costly  Purportedly remediates deficits in sound sensitivity & auditory processing  Guy Berard invented in 1960s  Rimland collaborated with Berard

25  In your group assign one person as scribe and one as reporter  On chart paper, list the interventions or treatments you use in your classrooms

26  Attempting to limit & treat one aspect of autism in order to allow more competent functioning in a range of activities  Treating sensory issues to improve communication  Little evidence to support these links  Especially when carried out in different context from targeted behavior

27  Therapies  Pet/Animal  Play  Floor Time  Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)  Art  Music


29  Rooted in behavior theory  Instruction in functional skills  Ongoing assessment and evaluation  Discrete trial teaching  Prompting  Fading  Shaping

30  Errorless learning  Extinction  Punishment  Reliance on data-based decision-making

31  Grounded in behavioral learning theory  A trial – a single teaching unit  Teacher instruction  Student response  Consequence  Break down lessons – task analysis  Eliminate ambiguity  Eliminate extraneous language  Clear, concise instructions

32  Augmentative communication program  Six Phases  Use of highly motivating reinforcers  Data collections  Uses principles of ABA

33  Modifying the environment  Physical organization  Visual schedules  Work systems  Task organization  Predictability decreases stress  Works on building independence  Decrease teacher prompting  Changes as student needs change

34  Used in conjunction with a variety of research-based interventions  A form of visual structure  Generalizes across settings  Used to highlight relevant information

35  Applied Behavior Analysis  Discrete Trial Teaching  Pivotal Response Training

36  Assistive Technology  Augmentative Alternative Communication  Incidental Teaching  Picture Exchange Communication System  Structured Teaching

37  Fast ForWord  Van Dijk Curricular Approach

38  Facilitated Communication


40  Holding Therapy  Gentle Teaching  Son-Rise Program  Floor Time  Play-Oriented Strategies  Pet/Animal Therapy  Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)


42  Play-Oriented Strategies

43  Gentle Teaching  Option Method (Son-Rise Program)  Floor Time  Pet/Animal Therapy  Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

44  Holding Therapy


46  Cognitive Scripts  Social Stories ©  Power Cards  Cartooning

47  LEAP – Learning Experiences: An Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents

48  Cartooning  Cognitive Scripts  Power Cards


50  None

51  Pharmacology  Sensory Integration (SI)

52  Auditory Integration Training  Megavitamin Therapy  Irlen Lenses

53  Art Therapy  Candida: Autism Connection  Feingold Diet  Gluten-Casein Intolerance  Mercury: Vaccinations & Autism  Music Therapy

54  Each group will be assigned an intervention  Use the information you are given and answer the following questions on chart paper.  Be prepared to report out to group  What is the intervention? Briefly describe.  How can this intervention be used in the autism classroom?  How would you document the response to this intervention?

55  When asked by a parent or hearing officer to explain how research- and evidence-based interventions are used in you classroom, what will you say?  How will you provide proof?

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