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Autism Kids on the Move Newbies Training. Pervasive Developmental Disorders  Under the PDD Umbrella  Autism  Asperger Syndrome  Rett’s Syndrome 

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1 Autism Kids on the Move Newbies Training

2 Pervasive Developmental Disorders  Under the PDD Umbrella  Autism  Asperger Syndrome  Rett’s Syndrome  Childhood Disintegrative Disorder  PDD-NOS (Not Otherwise Specified)

3 Identification and Diagnosis (DSM-IV) A.Behavioral Characteristics (minimum 6) A.Social Interaction (minimum 2) B.Communication (minimum 1) C.Repetitive/Stereotyped Behaviors (minimum 1) B.Delays of Abnormal Functioning (by age 3) A.Social Interaction, or Social Language, or Symbolic or Imaginative Play C.Not better accounted for by Rett’s Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

4 Qualitative Impairment in Social Interaction  Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors  Failure to develop appropriate peer relationships  Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with others  Lack of social or emotional reciprocity

5 Qualitative Impairment in Communication  Delay or lack of development of spoken language  Marked impairment in ability to initiate or sustain a conversation  Stereotyped and repetitive use of language (echolalia)  Lack of varied, spontaneous make- believe play or social imitative play

6 Restricted, Repetitive/Stereotyped Behaviors, Interests, Activities  Preoccupation with restricted patterns of interest, with abnormal intensity or focus  Apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals  Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms

7 Delays of Abnormal Functioning  Delays or abnormal functioning, with onset prior to age 3 years, in:  Social interaction, or  Language as used in social communication, or  Symbolic or imaginative play

8 Sensory Processing Difficulties  Not specified in DSM IV  Unusual reactions to physical sensations  Touch  Pain  Sight  Hearing  Smell  Taste  Movement  Vestibular

9  Poor sensory regulation  Differentiation between and among the senses  Focusing  Attending  Processing  Integration  Sensory overloads, shutdown, and/or meltdowns

10 Autism is a Spectrum Disorder  Similarities among those who share a common disorder  Broad variability in how core characteristics are manifested (in number and severity)  Measure intellectual ability  Social-emotional development  Expressive and receptive communication  Behavioral repertoires  Fine and gross motor skills  Sensory processing

11 A child with ASD might:  Not respond to their name by 12 months  Not point at objects to show interest (point at an airplane flying over) by 14 months  Not play "pretend" games (pretend to "feed" a doll) by 18 months  Avoid eye contact and want to be alone  Have trouble understanding other people's feelings or talking about their own feelings  Have delayed speech and language skills  Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)  Give unrelated answers to questions  Get upset by minor changes  Have obsessive interests  Flap their hands, rock their body, or spin in circles  Have unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel

12 Prevalence of Autism  1:110 (as of Dec. 2009)  3-4 times more common in boys than girls  Genetic link: risk of siblings developing autism

13 Possible Causes of Autism  There is not single specific cause  Genetic vulnerability is strong  Evidence support neurobiological causation  Onset may occur after viruses or neurological insults, co-occurrence with neurological disorders  May be present at/before birth

14  Autism is a brain disorder and current research suggests:  There may be a chemical imbalance in the brain  There is a genetic component effecting multiple genes  Empirical research is inconclusive regarding the relationship between autism and the psychological environment  Viral infections during pregnancy and birth  Environmental factors  Allergies/food sensitivities  Vaccines (thimerasol, MMR)

15 Having the “A” Talk  “Has anyone ever mentioned autism?”  Autism Packet  M-CHAT online  Where to Get a Diagnosis  Autism Treatment Methods  Treatment Methods Resource List  Fast Start Checklist  100 Day Kit from

16 Some Educational Treatments  Applied Behavior Analysis (video)  A-B-C model, prompt if necessary to ensure success  TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children)  Floor Time  RDI (Relationship Developmental Intervention) (video)  PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)  Biomedical DAN! Doctors

17 Services at KOTM  Floor Time 1 Laurie  PECS SLP  Learning Box Angie & Aubrey  Specialists (as needed)  Autism Support Group Karen-meets monthly  Structured Playgroups  Autism handouts

18 Learning Box  What is our role after the initial 3 visit training?  What if its not working?  Too challenging? Too easy?  How is the reinforcement?  Varied? Motivating?  Skills that can be taught:  body parts, animal sounds, symbolic play, receptive object labeling, expressive object labeling, etc.

19 Services in the Community- typically accessed AFTER graduating from KOTM  ABA  Redwood Learning Center  Scott Pryor Consulting  Giant Steps Preschool  Floor Time  Megan Heath  Clear Horizons Academy  Autism Journeys Eclectic approach (center based)  RDI Scott Pryor or Tara Dean  Alpine School District Spec. Ed Preschools  New KOTM Autism Program Preschool/playgroup & eclectic in home consulting services

20 Resources  Autism DVD Autism Speaks  Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism ed. By Catherine Maurice  Relationship Development Intervention for Young Children with Autism by Steven Gutstein & Rachelle Sheely  Engaging Autism by Stanley Greenspan  Changing the Course of Autism By Bryan Jepson  Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller  Louder Than Words by Jenny McCarthy  A Child’s Journey Out of Autism by Leeann Whiffen  


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