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HAMPSHIRE AUTISTIC SOCIETY Autism Awareness TRUE or FALSE Presented by Karen Templeton- Mepstead Project & Outreach Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "HAMPSHIRE AUTISTIC SOCIETY Autism Awareness TRUE or FALSE Presented by Karen Templeton- Mepstead Project & Outreach Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAMPSHIRE AUTISTIC SOCIETY Autism Awareness TRUE or FALSE Presented by Karen Templeton- Mepstead Project & Outreach Manager

2 History Not until the middle of the twentieth century was there a name for the condition we now know as autism. Autism is the generic term for the spectrum Asperger is the high functioning end

3 True or False A person with autism has traits which are part of their condition in the following statements please use your signs to indicate True or False?

4 True or False 1:1000 people have autism? True or False?

5 True or False Autism only affects males ? True or False?

6 True or False People with autism always have a learning disability? True or False?

7 True or False May become anxious because of social demand or situation? True or False?

8 True or False Find changes in routine distressing? True or False?

9 True or False Take instructions literally? True or False?

10 True or False May be able to understand implied meaning? True or False?

11 True or False Are always aware of other peoples feelings? True or False?

12 True or False May not be aware of sounds, tastes, smells and touch? True or False?

13 True or False Look you in the eye? True or False?

14 True Don’t underestimate a person with Autism, try to understand”. Joell.(2008) www.quotesabout-autism-and-everything-that-includeswww.quotesabout-autism-and-everything-that-includes “Someone with Asperger’s is really like you and me, just more extreme.” Dr. Winnie Dunn.(2008) www.quotesabout-autism-and-everything- that-includeswww.quotesabout-autism-and-everything- that-includes

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