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Presented by Dr. Carol Ann Heath Assistant State Superintendent Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Dr. Carol Ann Heath Assistant State Superintendent Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Dr. Carol Ann Heath Assistant State Superintendent Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services This presentation was developed by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services, April 20, 2010

2 2 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

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5 *American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 5 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

6 6 Data Source: MSDE 2008- 2009 Fact Book, A Statistical Handbook

7 *Includes Office of the Principal and Instructional Supervision. **Includes Student Personnel and Health Services, Adult Education, Community Services, Net Food Service, and current equipment. Data Source: MSDE 2008- 2009 Fact Book, A Statistical Handbook 7 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

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10 10 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

11 Part CPart B 619Part B Medically Fragile Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Maryland Public Television High School Assessment (HSA) MMSR/ECASTransition Port Discovery Alternate Maryland School Assessment (Alt-MSA) Kennedy Krieger Autism Training/Consultation Kennedy Krieger Autism Training/Consultation Kennedy Krieger Autism Training/Consultation Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) State Performance Plan (SPP) Emotional Disturbance 11 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

12 12 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

13 Note: Local Government information not reported to MSDE. State funds not applicable. 13 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

14 Bridge to Excellence - Spec Ed Instructional Resource Center MD School for the Blind (MSB) MSB - Enhancement MD School for the Deaf (MSD) MSD - Enhancement Nonpublic Tuition Assistance DHMHTransportatio n - Disabled 2005$157,232,658$14,205,405$1,455,929$22,028,316$1,388,160$105,610,194$2,993,182$19,040,700 2006$190,028,300$15,427,759$1,748,816$23,695,501$1,523,350$102,712,292$2,944,147$21,274,845 2007$232,001,294$16,430,055$2,097,997$24,960,691$1,518,900$110,402,952$3,325,931$22,665,600 2008280, 988,789$150,000$17,882,218$2,295,237$27,459,467$1,476,388$109,895,211$3,113,677$24,599,667 2009$272,742,094$100,000$17,882,219$2,387,046$27,528,165$1,535,443$127,604,164$2,774,663$24,597,000 2010 Est.$272,742,094$150,000$17,847,830$2,482,528$27,440,000$1,596,861$110,568,033$3,106,393$24,640,000 14 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

15 15 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

16  Over $226 million: Projected FY 2010 costs for the 4,321 students currently in nonpublic placements 16 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10  $40,630,042: Total LSS and MSDE Nonpublic Tuition Assistance Program expenditures for student placement tuition and services

17 YearNumber of Student Placements State FundsLocal FundsTotal 20085306 $101,298,354$127,082,391$228,380,745 20095330 $111,401,985$129,231,057$240,633,042 17 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

18  903: number of students with Autism (Code 14) in non-public placements  34: number of students with Developmental Delay (code 15) 18 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

19 Fiscal Year LSSLLA Nonpublic Schools MSBTOTAL 2007 $41,329,576.00$745,048.00$2,833,516.00$101,056.00$45,009,196.00 2008 $30,591,068.00$680,795.00$2,184,201.00$125,964.00$33,582,028.00 2009 $42,897,930.00$779,945.00$3,145,392.00$184,001.00$47,007,268.00 NOTE: 1.2008 is lower due to federal regulations prohibiting billing for service coordination. Regulations were rescinded in 2009. 2.Infants and Toddlers does not include Service Coordination 19 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

20 20 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10  Administered by DHMH and MSDE  $10,817,928 in State funds ◦ This amount has remained the same for three consecutive fiscal years  Serves 900 children and youth  $12,019.92 allocated for services per child

21 Please contact: Marjorie Shulbank Karla Saval, M.Ed. Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services 200 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410-767-0858 21 Produced by the Maryland State Department of Education 4/20/10

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